1,398 research outputs found

    Food economic report 2017 of the Netherlands : Summary

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    This booklet offers an English summary of the Voedsel-Economisch Bericht 2017 and Duurzaamheid en inkomens in de land- en tuinbouw (www.agrofoodportal.com). It presents a survey of the economic state of Dutch agribusiness. Attention is paid to the development of the Agricultural complex, the food industry, the retail chain and the consumption of food. The booklet then proceeds to describe the production structure in the primary agricultural sector, profitability and income formation as well as the environmental performance of the agricultural sector

    In perspectief : over de toekomst van de Nederlandse agrosector

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    Managementsamenvatting van de studie naar de toekomst van de Nederlandse agrosector. De studie biedt inzicht in de voedsel- en sierteeltproductie in Nederland in 2025

    'Voedselproductie is ook een maatschappelijke waarde'

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    Het is vooral te danken aan bestemmings- en streekplannen dat je nog verschil ervaart tussen stad en land. Maar als de landbouwproductie teveel wordt overgelaten aan het spel van de vrije markt, en het in standhouden van landschappelijke karakteristieken als slootjes, houtwallen en losse bomen op boerenland niet wordt beloond, dan dreigt een eenvormig landscha

    Food economic report 2018 of the Netherlands : Summary

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    This booklet offers an English summary of the Voedsel-Economisch Bericht 2018 and Duurzaamheid en inkomens in de land- en tuinbouw (www.agrofoodportal.com). It presents a survey of the economic state of Dutch agribusiness. Attention is paid to the development of the agricultural complex, the food industry, the retail chain, and the consumption of food. The booklet then proceeds to describe the production structure in the primary agricultural sector, profitability, and income formation as well as the environmental performance of the agricultural sector

    Evolution of the bursting-layer wave during a Type 1 X-ray burst

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    In a popular scenario due to Heyl, quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) which are seen during type 1 X-ray bursts are produced by giant travelling waves in neutron-star oceans. Piro and Bildsten have proposed that during the burst cooling the wave in the bursting layer may convert into a deep crustal interface wave, which would cut off the visible QPOs. This cut-off would help explain the magnitude of the QPO frequency drift, which is otherwise overpredicted by a factor of several in Heyl's scenario. In this paper, we study the coupling between the bursting layer and the deep ocean. The coupling turns out to be weak and only a small fraction of the surface-wave energy gets transferred to that of the crustal-interface wave during the burst. Thus the crustal-interface wave plays no dynamical role during the burst, and no early QPO cut-off should occur.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to MNRA
