31 research outputs found

    Food supply chain consequences of new responses to livestock epidemics

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    This article studies supply chain consequences from applying the new-more socially acceptable -strategy of emergency vaccination instead of the large-scale killing of healthy animals for controlling livestock epidemics. We consider an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in a densely populated livestock area of the Netherlands. From an epidemiological perspective, simulation results show that emergency vaccination significantly reduces the size of an epidemic, both in terms of the length of an outbreak and in the number of animals killed. However, in a worst-case situation, not destroying the vaccinated animals after the end of the epidemic leads to additional consequential losses for food supply chains involved of about Euro 200 million. A business case illustrates that the exact size of these losses depends on specific supply volumes and marketing strategies. Calculations provide a basis for addressing cost sharing issues and loss reducing opportunities of new responses to livestock epidemics.livestock epidemics, financial impact, consumer acceptance, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    A Bayesian Belief Network to Infer Incentive Mechanisms to Reduce Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production

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    Efficient policy intervention to reduce antibiotic use in livestock production requires knowledge about the rationale underlying antibiotic usage. Animal health status and management quality are considered the two most important factors that influence farmers’ decision-making concerning antibiotic use. Information on these two factors is therefore crucial in designing incentive mechanisms. In this paper, a Bayesian belief network (BBN) is built to represent the knowledge on how these factors can directly and indirectly determine antibiotic use and the possible impact on economic incentives. Since both factors are not directly observable (i.e. latent), they are inferred from measurable variables (i.e. manifest variables) which are influenced by these factors. Using farm accounting data and registration data on antibiotic use and veterinary services in specialized finisher pig production farms, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to construct these factors. The BBN is then parameterized through regression analysis on the constructed factors and manifest variables. Using the BBN, possible incentive mechanisms through prices and management training are discussed.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Assessing Food Safety Concepts on the Dairy Farm: The Case of Chemical Hazards

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    Adaptive conjoint analysis was used to elicit farmers' and experts' preferences for attributes of improving food safety with respect to chemical hazards on the dairy farm. Groups of respondents were determined by cluster analysis based on similar farmers' and experts' perceptions of food safety improvement. Results show differences in priority of the more important attributes. However, respondents in all groups valued "identification of treated cows" as one of the most important attributes. The results provide the processing industry and extension service with a better understanding of aspects that may form farmers' perceptions of improving food safety, and thus help to define the message for targeting different farmer groups.food safety, dairy farm, conjoint analysis, cluster analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Beleidsevaluatie Diergezondheidsfonds

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    Het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit heeft Wageningen Economic Research gevraagd om een beleidsdoorlichting van het Diergezondheidsfonds (DGF) uit te voeren. Dit is een syntheseonderzoek naar zowel de doeltreffendheid als de doelmatigheid van het DGF in de periode 2000-2017. De bijdrage van het bedrijfsleven aan de financiering van het DGF gebeurt conform de afspraken gemaakt in het Convenant financiering besmettelijke dierziekten. Aanbevolen wordt om de huidige structuur en opzet van de financiering van het DGF te handhaven

    Risicobeheerinstrumenten in het GLB : bouwstenen voor de Nederlandse positie

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    Dit rapport analyseert op hoofdlijnen de belangrijkste bestaande en nieuwe risicobeheerinstrumenten in het GLB op eventuele toepassing in Nederland. Voor het risicobeheer zijn allerlei opties beschikbaar die vallen onder instrumenten in de eerste pijler of tweede pijler van het GLB dan wel als overige instrumenten zijn benoemd. De verordeningen van het GLB zijn slechts voor een paar instrumenten een knelpunt voor wat betreft vergroten draagvlak dan wel ontwikkelen van instrumenten. Overige knelpunten vloeien voort uit een te gering draagvlak in de lidstaat. Met name om gevolgschade via onderlinge fondsen te regelen, uitgevoerd door bijvoorbeeld Producentenorganisaties, is bereidheid van de sector en overheid noodzakelijk. Ervaringen in het verleden hebben aangetoond dat dergelijke onderlinge fondsen alleen toekomst hebben indien ze algemeen verbindend worden verklaard, dan wel wettelijk worden geregel

    Maatschappelijke opgaven voor de agrosector : perspectief op de ontwikkeling van de agrosector tot 2030

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    Dit rapport schetst de verwachte ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse agrosector en de onderliggendesubsectoren, uitgaande van bestaand beleid en bestaande beleidsvoornemens. Op basis van ditreferentiebeeld, maakt het rapport inzichtelijk of doelen op gebied van milieu en dierenwelzijn wordengehaald, of dat aanvullende maatregelen nodig zijn.---This report gives an overview of the expected developments of the Dutch agricultural sector and itsconstituent subsectors, based on existing policy and policy proposals. This overview clarifies whetherthe environmental and animal welfare policy goals will be achieved or whether extra measures arerequired

    Mogelijke inkomenseffecten van de oorlog in Oekraïne voor bedrijven in de land- en tuinbouw : Een eerste verkenning

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    The war in Ukraine and related sanctions are affecting the cost of agricultural production and the yield prices of agricultural products. There is a need for government and industry to estimate the effects of this on the incomes of entrepreneurs in the agricultural sectors. This study provides a first preliminary inventory of the possible income effects in the short term

    Knelpuntenanalyse conflict Oekraïne : analyse knelpunten korte termijn voor de agrarische ketens

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    The war in Ukraine has led to various bottlenecks in the agricultural chains in the Netherlands. This memorandum contains a first analysis of these bottlenecks, based on an inventory by the business community and expert knowledge

    Een beknopte analyse van de gevolgen van de oorlog in Oekraïne voor de voedselzekerheid

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    This paper gives a first analysis of the possible consequences of the war in Ukraine for food security in the short term. We do this by reviewing the different factors that influence the food situation. At the time of writing (March 2022) the war is still going on and the outcome is still unclear. The analysis should therefore be seen as preliminary

    A brief analysis of the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security

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    This paper gives a first analysis of the possible consequences of the war in Ukraine for food security in the short term. We do this by reviewing the different factors that influence the food situation. At the time of writing (March 2022) the war is still going on and the outcome is still unclear. The analysis should therefore be seen as preliminary