3,758 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic analysis of DA white dwarfs from the McCook & Sion catalog

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    For some years now, we have been gathering optical spectra of DA white dwarfs in an effort to study and define the empirical ZZ Ceti instability strip. However, we have recently expanded this survey to include all the DA white dwarfs in the McCook & Sion catalog down to a limiting visual magnitude of V=17.5. We present here a spectroscopic analysis of over 1000 DA white dwarfs from this ongoing survey. We have several specific areas of interest most notably the hot DAO white dwarfs, the ZZ Ceti instability strip, and the DA+dM binary systems. Furthermore, we present a comparison of the ensemble properties of our sample with those of other large surveys of DA white dwarfs, paying particular attention to the distribution of mass as a function of effective temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    On the Connection Between Metal Absorbers and Quasar Nebulae

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    We establish a simple model for the distribution of cold gas around L* galaxies using a large set of observational constraints on the properties of strong MgII absorber systems. Our analysis suggests that the halos of L* galaxies are filled with cool gaseous clouds having sizes of order 1kpc and densities of ~10^{-2} cm^{-3}. We then investigate the physical effects of cloud irradiation by a quasar and study the resulting spectral signatures. We show that quasar activity gives rise to (i) extended narrow-line emission on ~100kpc scales and (ii) an anisotropy in the properties of the absorbing gas arising from the geometry of the quasar radiation field. Provided that quasars reside in halos several times more massive than those of L* galaxies, our model predictions appear to be in agreement with observations of narrow emission-line nebulae around quasars and the recent detections of ~100kpc cold gaseous envelopes around those objects, suggesting a common origin for these phenomena. We discuss the implications of our results for understanding absorption systems, probing quasar environments at high redshifts, and testing the quasar unification scheme.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures (ApJ submitted

    QSO Absorption Line Constraints on Intragroup High-Velocity Clouds

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    We show that the number statistics of moderate redshift MgII and Lyman limit absorbers may rule out the hypothesis that high velocity clouds are infalling intragroup material.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters; revised version, more general and includes more about Braun and Burton CHVC

    Binary Adaptive Semi-Global Matching Based on Image Edges

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    Image-based modeling and rendering is currently one of the most challenging topics in Computer Vision and Photogrammetry. The key issue here is building a set of dense correspondence points between two images, namely dense matching or stereo matching. Among all dense matching algorithms, Semi-Global Matching (SGM) is arguably one of the most promising algorithms for real-time stereo vision. Compared with global matching algorithms, SGM aggregates matching cost from several (eight or sixteen) directions rather than only the epipolar line using Dynamic Programming (DP). Thus, SGM eliminates the classical “streaking problem” and greatly improves its accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we aim at further improvement of SGM accuracy without increasing the computational cost. We propose setting the penalty parameters adaptively according to image edges extracted by edge detectors. We have carried out experiments on the standard Middlebury stereo dataset and evaluated the performance of our modified method with the ground truth. The results have shown a noticeable accuracy improvement compared with the results using fixed penalty parameters while the runtime computational cost was not increased

    Physical Conditions in the Inner Narrow-Line Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1068

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    The physical conditions in the inner narrow line region (NLR) of the Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 1068, are examined using ultraviolet and optical spectra and photoionization models. The spectra are Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Harchive data obtained with the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS). We selected spectra of four regions, taken through the 0.3" FOS aperture, covering the full FOS 1200A to 6800A waveband. Each region is approximately 20 pc in extent, and all are within 100 pc of the apparent nucleus of NGC 1068. The spectra show similar emission-line ratios from wide range of ionization states for the most abundant elements. After extensive photoionization modeling, we interpret this result as an indication that each region includes a range of gas densities, which we included in the models as separate components. Supersolar abundances were required for several elements to fit the observed emission line ratios. Dust was included in the models but apparently dust to gas fraction varies within these regions. The low ionization lines in these spectra can be best explained as arising in gas that is partially shielded from the ionizing continuum. Although the predicted line ratios from the photoionization models provide a good fit to the observed ratios, it is apparent that the model predictions of electron temperatures in the ionized gas are too low. We interpret this as an indication of additional collisional heating due to shocks and/or energetic particles associated with the radio jet that traverses the NLR of NGC 1068. The density structure within each region may also be the result of compression by the jet.Comment: 38 pages, Latex, includes 5 figures (postscript), to appear in Ap

    XMM observations of the narrow-line QSO PHL 1092: Detection of a high and variable soft component

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    We present results based on an XMM-Newton observation of the high luminosity narrow-line QSO PHL 1092 performed in 2003 January. The 0.3 - 10 keV spectrum is well described by a model which includes a power-law (Gamma ~ 2.1) and two blackbody components (kT ~ 130 eV and kT ~ 50 eV). The soft X-ray excess emission is featureless and contributes ~ 80% to the total X-ray emission in the 0.3 - 10 keV band. The most remarkable feature of the present observation is the detection of X-ray variability at very short time scale: the X-ray emission varied by 35% in about 5000 s. We find that this variability can be explained by assuming that only the overall normalization varied during the observation. There was no evidence for any short term spectral variability and the spectral shape was similar even during the ASCA observation carried out in 1997. Considering the high intrinsic luminosity (~ 2x10^45 erg/s) and the large inferred mass of the putative black hole (~ 1.6x10^8 M_sun), the observed time scale of variability indicates emission at close to Eddington luminosity arising from very close to the black hole. We suggest that PHL 1092 in particular (and narrow line Seyfert galaxies in general) is a fast rotating black hole emitting close to its Eddington luminosity and the X-ray emission corresponds to the high-soft state seen in Galactic black hole sources.Comment: 7 figures, 8 pages, emulateapj style, ApJ in pres

    Discovery of Damped Lyman-Alpha Systems at Redshifts Less Than 1.65 and Results on their Incidence and Cosmological Mass Density

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    We report results on the incidence and cosmological mass density of damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems at redshifts less that 1.65. We used HST and an efficient non-traditional (but unbiased) survey technique to discover DLA systems at redshifts z<1.65, where we observe the Lyman-alpha line in known MgII absorption-line systems. We uncovered 14 DLA lines including 2 serendipitously. We find that (1) The DLA absorbers are drawn almost exclusively from the population of MgII absorbers which have rest equivalent widths W(2796)>0.6A. (2) The incidence of DLA systems per unit redshift, n(DLA), is observed to decrease with decreasing redshift. (3) On the other hand, the cosmological mass density of neutral gas in low-redshift DLA absorbers, Omega(DLA), is observed to be comparable to that observed at high redshift. (4) The low-redshift DLA absorbers exhibit a significantly larger fraction of very high column density systems in comparison to determinations at both high redshift and locally.Comment: 47 pages in LaTeX - emulateapj style with included tables and encapsulated postscript figures. Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplements. Results unchanged, text revise

    Precise Atmospheric Parameters for the Shortest Period Binary White Dwarfs: Gravitational Waves, Metals, and Pulsations

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    We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 61 low mass white dwarfs and provide precise atmospheric parameters, masses, and updated binary system parameters based on our new model atmosphere grids and the most recent evolutionary model calculations. For the first time, we measure systematic abundances of He, Ca and Mg for metal-rich extremely low mass white dwarfs and examine the distribution of these abundances as a function of effective temperature and mass. Based on our preliminary results, we discuss the possibility that shell flashes may be responsible for the presence of the observed He and metals. We compare stellar radii derived from our spectroscopic analysis to model-independent measurements and find good agreement except for those white dwarfs with Teff < 10,000 K. We also calculate the expected gravitational wave strain for each system and discuss their significance to the eLISA space-borne gravitational wave observatory. Finally, we provide an update on the instability strip of extremely low mass white dwarf pulsators.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap
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