160 research outputs found

    Management of feline hyperthyroidism and the need to prevent oxidative stress: What can we learn from human research?

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    Feline hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome related to an excessive production of thyroid hormones, and it is considered as a spontaneous animal model for human thyrotoxicosis. Many shared features between the feline and the human disease have been identified so far, including pathogenesis, clinical signs, and treatment options. Although methimazole is considered the first-choice drug in both species, several side effects have been described. Furthermore, methimazole could interfere with the oxidative status, already perturbated by the disease. It has been reported in humans that dietary management, mainly through antioxidant supplementation, could mitigate this oxidative burden. The purpose of the review is to describe current therapeutic options in the course of feline hyperthyroidism and to summarize the state of the art relationship between dietary antioxidants administration and the reduction of methimazole side-effects in humans to support the use of this approach also in cats

    Diseño y simulación de una estructura para instalación solar piloto.

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    El proyecto llevado a cabo en base al PID UTN: 3993 tiene en sus objetivos el estudio, diseño, simulación y optimización de una estructura que fue desarrollada para soportar los paneles solares fotovoltaicos en una instalación piloto dentro de la UTN-FR San Francisco. Lo que pretendemos llevar a cabo es corroborar el dimensionamiento de los materiales utilizados; no solo en condiciones estáticas considerando el peso de los paneles y la estructura propiamente dicha, sino también teniendo en cuenta las cargas que pueden llegar a generar las condiciones climáticas predominantes en la zona, adoptando los mismos parámetros y consideraciones que se utilizan en el estudio de postes y tendidos eléctricos según la norma E.T. 1003 de EPEC en sobrecarga por viento en condiciones de viento máximo. Para el estudio de la estructura se realizaron distintos cursos de SolidWorks para aprender a manejar correctamente el software en estudio por elementos finitos y se fueron realizando ejercicios de manera progresiva hasta llegar al estudio en cuestión. Se realizaron distintos informes proporcionados por el programa y se los analizaron en conjunto con los conocimientos adquiridos en distintas materias para el análisis de estructuras para corroborar su correcto funcionamiento. Se concluye que todos estos estudios y simulaciones aportan positivamente a brindar la información necesaria en la construcción de diversas estructuras sin la necesidad de recurrir a ensayos destructivos y facilitando el trabajo de los cálculos matemáticos, implementando el software y los estudios realizados por el método de elementos finitos. Solo debemos prestar especial atención a los resultados que el mismo nos da y realizar la correcta evaluación con los fundamentos teóricos que corresponden y sean necesarios para una verídica conclusión del estado final de resistencia. En cuanto a la estructura portante de los paneles se llegó a la conclusión de que utilizando los materiales sugeridos y su diseño, la misma se encuentra en buenas condiciones de resistencia ante las cargas provenientes de vientos, es decir fue corroborado positivamente.UTN Facultad Regional Villa MaríaFil: UTN Regional San Francisco, Av. de la Universidad 501, (2400) San Francisco, Córdoba, Argentina.Peer Reviewe

    Comparison of in vivo and in vitro digestibility in donkeys

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    We compared in vivo and in vitro dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility in donkeys using feces as microbial inoculum. Four donkeys were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. The animals were fed two types of hay, with or without flaked barley. For the in vivo procedure, total feces were collected for 6 days from each donkey; digestibility was calculated as the difference between ingested and excreted DM and NDF. For the in vitro procedure, donkey feces were buffered and used as microbial inoculum in an Ankom DaisyII Incubator; digestibility was estimated after 60 h of incubation. In vivo results showed that the addition of barley to hays did not change the digestibility values. In vivo estimates were higher than in vitro ones. The equations used to predict in vivo estimates from in vitro data were not reliable (R2 = 0.47 and 0.21; P = 0.003 and 0.078 for NDF and DM digestibility, respectively). Further studies need to evaluate different sample size and digestion times

    Effects of competition on acute phase proteins and lymphocyte subpopulations - oxidative stress markers in eventing horses

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate markers of the acute phase response (APR) in eventing horses by measuring acute phase proteins (APP) (haptoglobin, Hp, and serum amyloid A, SAA), lysozyme, protein adducts such as pentosidine‐like adducts (PENT), malondialdehyde adducts (MDA), hydroxynonenal adducts (HNE) and total advanced glycation/glycoxidation end products (AGEs), complete blood count and lymphocyte subpopulations (CD4+, CD8+ and CD21+) both at rest and at the end of an eventing competition. Blood samples were collected from eight Warmblood horses (medium age 10 ± 3) during an official national 2‐day event competition at rest (R) and 10 min after the arrival of the cross‐country test on the second day. Exercise caused a significant increase in red blood cell number, haemoglobin, packed cell volume, neutrophils, white blood cell and lymphocyte number; however, these values remained within the normal range. The CD4+ and CD8+ cells significantly increased, whereas the CD21+ lymphocytes decreased; a significant increase in serum SAA, lysozyme and protein carbonyl derivates was also observed. Two‐day event causes significant changes in APR markers such as lysozyme, protein carbonyl derivates (HNE, AGEs, PENT) and lymphocyte subpopulations. The data support the hypothesis that 2‐day event may alter significantly APR markers. Limitations of the study were the relatively small sample size and sampling time conditioned by the official regulations of the event. Therefore, further studies are needed to investigate the time required for recovery to basal values in order to define the possible effects on the immune function of the athlete horse

    A Fibre- vs. cereal grain-based diet: Which is better for horse welfare? Effects on intestinal permeability, muscle characteristics and oxidative status in horses reared for meat production

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    Horses reared for meat production are fed high amounts of cereal grains in comparison with horses raised for other purposes. Such feeding practice may lead to risk of poor welfare consequences. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two feeding practices on selected metabolic parameters and production aspects. Nineteen Bardigiano horses, 14.3 ± 0.7 months of age, were randomly assigned to two groups—one fed with high amounts of cereal grains (HCG; n = 9; 43% hay plus 57% cereal grain-based pelleted feed) vs. one fed with high amounts of fibre (HFG; n = 10; 70% hay plus 30% pelleted fibrous feed)—for 129 days. At slaught on abattoir, biological and tissue samples were collected to evaluate the microbiological contamination of mesenteric lymph nodes and liver; selected meat quality traits (chemical composition and fatty acid profile of the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle); and the oxidative status of the horse. A linear mixed model was used: dietary treatment and sex were fixed effects and their interaction analysed on production and metabolic parameters as dependent variables. Results showed an increased intestinal permeability in the horses fed HCG compared to HFG, according to the significant increased total mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts in mesenteric lymph nodes (p = 0.04) and liver samples (p = 0.05). Horses in HCG showed increased muscle pH (p = 0.02), lighter muscle colour (L) (p = 0.01), increased intramuscular fat concentrations (p = 0.03), increased muscle glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities (p = 0.01 and p = 0.03, respectively). Moreover, horses in HCG had lower muscle water holding capacity at interaction with sex (p = 0.03, lower in female), lower muscle protein content (p = 0.01), lower concentration of muscle PUFAs (p = 0.05) and lower plasma catalase activities (p = 0.05). Our results showed that feeding a high cereal grains diet can have global effects on horse physiology, and thus represents a threat for their welfare

    X Linkage of AP3A, a Homolog of the Y-Linked MADS-Box Gene AP3Y in Silene latifolia and S. dioica

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    Background: The duplication of autosomal genes onto the Y chromosome may be an important element in the evolution of sexual dimorphism.A previous cytological study reported on a putative example of such a duplication event in a dioecious tribe of Silene (Caryophyllaceae): it was inferred that the Y-linked MADS-box gene AP3Y originated from a duplication of the reportedly autosomal orthologAP3A. However, a recent study, also using cytological methods, indicated that AP3A is X-linked in Silenelatifolia. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we hybridized S. latifolia and S. dioicato investigate whether the pattern of X linkage is consistent among distinct populations, occurs in both species, and is robust to genetic methods. We found inheritance patterns indicative of X linkage of AP3A in widely distributed populations of both species. Conclusions/Significance: X linkage ofAP3A and Y linkage of AP3Yin both species indicates that the genes ’ ancestral progenitor resided on the autosomes that gave rise to the sex chromosomesand that neither gene has moved between chromosomes since species divergence.Consequently, our results do not support the contention that inter-chromosomal gene transfer occurred in the evolution of SlAP3Y from SlAP3A