11 research outputs found


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    The EU-Service-Directive will lead to big challenges for public administrations. The administrations have to offer a point of single contact supporting the customer. This point of single contacts needs an overview of the administrational processes to perform his task. As processes from different organizations and organizational units are relevant for the EU-Service-Directive they can only be captured by using a distributed approach. The contribution of this paper is to present a domain specific distributed modeling method which allows a fast, efficient, and consistent capturing of the information needed for the point of single contact.

    On Measures of Behavioral Distance between Business Processes

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    The desire to compute similarities or distances between business processes arises in numerous situations such as when comparing business processes with reference models or when integrating business processes. The objective of this paper is to develop an approach for measuring the distance between Business Processes Models (BPM) based on the behavior of the business process only while abstracting from any structural aspects of the actual model. Furthermore, the measure allows for assigning more weight to parts of a process which are executed more frequently and can thus be considered as more important. This is achieved by defining a probability distribution on the behavior allowing the computation of distance metrics from the field of statistics


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    Business Process Management (BPM) is a topic with growing relevance for businesses as well as public organisations. Until today, the analysis part of a BPM cycle is mostly done manually. Process modelling methods are not designed to allow for automated analysis. Our aim is to show that meaningful weakness patterns that support semi-automatic analysis of business process diagrams (BPD) can be defined when a semantically enhanced modelling method is used. We derive exemplary weakness patterns by analysing literature and interviews from a business process redesign project. These are applied to a set of process models, in which occurrences of these weaknesses are being searched automatically. A comparison of achieved and expected results indicates that our approach helps to identify weaknesses within the processes and therefore supports business process analysis endeavours

    Modeling and Checking Business Process Compliance Rules in the Financial Sector

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    Assuring compliance of business processes with legal and internal regulations is crucial for financial institutions, as non-compliance may lead to severe financial and juridical penalties. To ensure business process compliance, process models have been established as a widely accepted basis for the design, documentation and control of the implementation of business process rules. Accordingly, in this paper, we introduce a semi-automatic business process compliance checking approach based on process models and related models. It relies on graph-based pattern matching, which makes it possible in contrast to existing approaches to define and check any possible type of business rule in any possible type of business process model or even other type of model. The approach is embedded in a design science research methodology

    Social Inclusiveness of Electronic Public Service Delivery in Germany - A Quantitative Analysis

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    Digital divide is, despite all efforts in research and practice, a matter of fact in most societies. In search for specific strategies to promote digital inclusion, one has to ask for what are the specific reasons and factors behind the problem. Here, the field of E-Government features several particular characteristics, including high privacy and security demands or high complexity of administrative processes, which might hinder the societal inclusiveness of such electronic public service delivery. Addressing the question of what could be possible explanations for a lack of inclusiveness in E-Government, we develop an E-Government-inclusion-gap-model and conduct a quantitative analysis of statistical data on E-Government usage in Germany, taking into account specific social digital divide groups, such as senior citizens, people with low education or people without employment. Here, we contrast E-Government usage with E-Commerce and internet usage. Specific inclusion gaps in E-Government and their underlying issues are analysed and specific recommendations given

    Business Process Model-Based Evaluation of ICT Investments in Public Administrations

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    This paper presents an approach to asses ICT investments in public administrations. The public sector bears great potential for business process optimization through ICT. However, these possibilities remain largely unexploited since the effects of ICT on the processes are not clear to decisions makers. To asses this impact all processes of a public administration, the process landscape, have to be taken into account. The PICTURE modeling method has been proposed as a way to efficiently model the whole process landscape. Based on the knowledge captured with those process models, the impact of certain ICT functionalities on the processes can be analyzed. ICT investment decisions become more transparent towards the political leadership. This paper has two research objectives: First, an architecture for an automated evaluation of ICT investment decisions is introduced. Second, the practical feasibility of the architecture is shown based on an investment decision for a document management system

    Supporting Business Process Compliance in Financial Institutions – A Model-Driven Approach

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    Recently, several approaches have been developed to check process models for compliance with laws and regulations. In this paper a contribution is made with respect to reducing the com-plexity of compliance checking by partially automating business process compliance (BPC) checking. We present a model check-ing approach that is able to check process models for BPC. In particular, we apply a generic pattern matching approach to the Semantic Business Process Modeling Language (SBPML) allow-ing for extended model checking not being restricted to predeces-sor-successor relationships. Finally, we apply the BPC checking approach to the example of a credit approval process from a real-world bank scenario using a demonstrator modeling software

    IT-Risiken: Ursachen, Methoden, Forschungsperspektiven

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    Die vorliegenden Beiträge sind im Rahmen des Bachelor-Vertiefungsmoduls 'Rechtsinformatik/Informationsrecht' entstanden, das im Sommersemester 2010 am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität stattfand und sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, in diesem Spannungsfeld von IT und Rechtsfragen zu arbeiten. Die Ergebnisse des Seminars wurden von den teilnehmenden Studierenden auf der Fachtagung MEMO2010 - Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Verwaltungsmodernisierung präsentiert und mit Mitarbeitern und Experten aus dem öffentlichen Verwaltungsumfeld diskutiert

    Towards Interactive IS Research Papers to Play With - A Process Mining Showcase

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    The paper explores how reading experience of scientific publications can be improved through interactive web content. Constructivist learning theories advertise active involvement of learners as a key requirement for successful teaching. Analogously, we argue that active involvement of readers can facilitate the process of conveying scientific research to other scholars. Today’s web technologies provide plenty of opportunities to generate interactive content. However, almost no attempts to explore these opportunities have been undertaken so far. Step by step, we discuss learning theory to demonstrate the importance of actively involving the reader. Then, we show how interactive web technology and visual media can be used to realize this involvement. By subsequently showcasing an original research result from the area of business process mining in an interactive fashion, we invite the reader to experience himself what an interactive research papers can look like. Furthermore, brief sketches of technical realization are included