164 research outputs found

    Lipschitz stability for the electrical impedance tomography problem: the complex case

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    In this paper we investigate the boundary value problem {div(\gamma\nabla u)=0 in \Omega, u=f on \partial\Omega where γ\gamma is a complex valued LL^\infty coefficient, satisfying a strong ellipticity condition. In Electrical Impedance Tomography, γ\gamma represents the admittance of a conducting body. An interesting issue is the one of determining γ\gamma uniquely and in a stable way from the knowledge of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map Λγ\Lambda_\gamma. Under the above general assumptions this problem is an open issue. In this paper we prove that, if we assume a priori that γ\gamma is piecewise constant with a bounded known number of unknown values, then Lipschitz continuity of γ\gamma from Λγ\Lambda_\gamma holds

    Uniqueness and Lipschitz stability for the identification of Lam\'e parameters from boundary measurements

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    In this paper we consider the problem of determining an unknown pair λ\lambda, μ\mu of piecewise constant Lam\'{e} parameters inside a three dimensional body from the Dirichlet to Neumann map. We prove uniqueness and Lipschitz continuous dependence of λ\lambda and μ\mu from the Dirichlet to Neumann map

    A transmission problem on a polygonal partition: regularity and shape differentiability

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    We consider a transmission problem on a polygonal partition for the two-dimensional conductivity equation. For suitable classes of partitions we establish the exact behaviour of the gradient of solutions in a neighbourhood of the vertexes of the partition. This allows to prove shape differentiability of solutions and to establish an explicit formula for the shape derivative

    An asymptotic formula for the displacement field in the presence of thin elastic inhomogeneities

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    We consider a plane isotropic homogeneous elastic body with thin elastic inhomogeneities in the form of small neighborhoods of simple smooth curves. We derive a rigorous asymptotic expansion of the boundary displacement field as the thickness of the neighborhoods goes to zero. © 2006 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

    Stable determination of polyhedral interfaces from boundary data for the Helmholtz equation

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    We study an inverse boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation using the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map as the data. We consider piecewise constant wavespeeds on an unknown tetrahedral partition and prove a Lipschitz stability estimate in terms of the Hausdorff distance between partitions

    Size estimates for the EIT problem with one measurement: the complex case

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    In this paper we estimate the size of a measurable inclusion in terms of power measurements for a single applied boundary current. This problem arises in medical imaging for the screening of organs. For this kind of problem one has to deal mathematically with the complex conductivity (admittivity) equation. In this case we are able to establish, for certain classes of admittivities, lower and upper bounds of the measure of the inclusion in terms of the power measurements. A novelty of our result is that we are able to estimate also the volume of inclusions having part of its boundary in common with the reference body. Our analysis is based on the derivation of energy bounds and of fine quantitative estimates of unique continuation for solutions to elliptic equations