4,190 research outputs found


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    Contains reports on one research project.Bell Telephone Laboratories, IncorporatedNational Institutes of HealthTeagle Foundation, IncorporatedU. S. Air Force under WADD Contract AF33(616)-778

    Intermittent permeation of cylindrical nanopores by water

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    Molecular Dynamics simulations of water molecules in nanometre sized cylindrical channels connecting two reservoirs show that the permeation of water is very sensitive to the channel radius and to electric polarization of the embedding material. At threshold, the permeation is {\emph{intermittent}} on a nanosecond timescale, and strongly enhanced by the presence of an ion inside the channel, providing a possible mechanism for gating. Confined water remains surprisingly fluid and bulk-like. Its behaviour differs strikingly from that of a reference Lennard-Jones fluid, which tends to contract into a highly layered structure inside the channel.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Protein mechanical unfolding: importance of non-native interactions

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    Mechanical unfolding of the fourth domain of Distyostelium discoideum filamin (DDFLN4) was studied by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, using the GROMOS96 force field 43a1 and the simple point charge explicit water solvent. Our study reveals an important role of non-native interactions in the unfolding process. Namely, the existence of a peak centered at the end-to-end extension 22 nm in the force-extension curve, is associated with breaking of non-native hydrogen bonds. Such a peak has been observed in experiments but not in Go models, where non-native interactions are neglected. We predict that an additional peak occurs at 2 nm using not only GROMOS96 force field 43a1 but also Amber 94 and OPLS force fields. This result would stimulate further experimental studies on elastic properties of DDFLN4.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figure

    On the "generalized Generalized Langevin Equation"

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    In molecular dynamics simulations and single molecule experiments, observables are usually measured along dynamic trajectories and then averaged over an ensemble ("bundle") of trajectories. Under stationary conditions, the time-evolution of such averages is described by the generalized Langevin equation. In contrast, if the dynamics is not stationary, it is not a priori clear which form the equation of motion for an averaged observable has. We employ the formalism of time-dependent projection operator techniques to derive the equation of motion for a non-equilibrium trajectory-averaged observable as well as for its non-stationary auto-correlation function. The equation is similar in structure to the generalized Langevin equation, but exhibits a time-dependent memory kernel as well as a fluctuating force that implicitly depends on the initial conditions of the process. We also derive a relation between this memory kernel and the autocorrelation function of the fluctuating force that has a structure similar to a fluctuation-dissipation relation. In addition, we show how the choice of the projection operator allows to relate the Taylor expansion of the memory kernel to data that is accessible in MD simulations and experiments, thus allowing to construct the equation of motion. As a numerical example, the procedure is applied to Brownian motion initialized in non-equilibrium conditions, and is shown to be consistent with direct measurements from simulations

    Wetting and contact-line effects for spherical and cylindrical droplets on graphene layers: A comparative molecular-dynamics investigation

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    In Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, interactions between water molecules and graphitic surfaces are often modeled as a simple Lennard-Jones potential between oxygen and carbon atoms. A possible method for tuning this parameter consists of simulating a water nanodroplet on a flat graphitic surface, measuring the equilibrium contact angle, extrapolating it to the limit of a macroscopic droplet and finally matching this quantity to experimental results. Considering recent evidence demonstrating that the contact angle of water on a graphitic plane is much higher than what was previously reported, we estimate the oxygen-carbon interaction for the recent SPC/Fwwater model. Results indicate a value of about 0.2 kJ/mol, much lower than previous estimations. We then perform simulations of cylindrical water filaments on graphitic surfaces, in order to compare and correlate contact angles resulting from these two different systems. Results suggest that modified Young's equation does not describe the relation between contact angle and drop size in the case of extremely small systems and that contributions different from the one deriving from contact line tension should be taken into account.Comment: To be published on Physical Review E (http://pre.aps.org/

    Assessment of the validity of intermolecular potential models used in molecular dynamics simulations by extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy:A case study of Sr2+ in methanol solution

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out for Sr2+ in methanol using different Sr2+ Lennard-Jones parameters and methanol models. X-ray absorption fine structure. (EXAFS) spectroscopy has been employed to assess the reliability of the ion-ion and ion-methanol potential functions used in the simulations. Radial distribution functions of Sr2+ in methanol have been. calculated for each simulation and compared with the EXAFS experimental data. This procedure has allowed the determinations of reliable Sr2+-methanol models which have been used in longer simulations providing an accurate description of the dynamic and structural properties of this system

    Polarization forces in water deduced from single molecule data

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    Intermolecular polarization interactions in water are determined using a minimal atomic multipole model constructed with distributed polarizabilities. Hydrogen bonding and other properties of water-water interactions are reproduced to fine detail by only three multipoles μH\mu_H, μO\mu_O, and θO\theta_O and two polarizabilities αO\alpha_O and αH\alpha_H, which characterize a single water molecule and are deduced from single molecule data.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 3 embedded color PS figure

    Perspective: How good is DFT for water?

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    Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) has become established as an indispensable tool for investigating aqueous systems of all kinds, including those important in chemistry, surface science, biology and the earth sciences. Nevertheless, many widely used approximations for the exchange-correlation (XC) functional describe the properties of pure water systems with an accuracy that is not fully satisfactory. The explicit inclusion of dispersion interactions generally improves the description, but there remain large disagreements between the predictions of different dispersion-inclusive methods. We present here a review of DFT work on water clusters, ice structures and liquid water, with the aim of elucidating how the strengths and weaknesses of different XC approximations manifest themselves across this variety of water systems. Our review highlights the crucial role of dispersion in describing the delicate balance between compact and extended structures of many different water systems, including the liquid. By referring to a wide range of published work, we argue that the correct description of exchange-overlap interactions is also extremely important, so that the choice of semi-local or hybrid functional employed in dispersion-inclusive methods is crucial. The origins and consequences of beyond-2-body errors of approximate XC functionals are noted, and we also discuss the substantial differences between different representations of dispersion. We propose a simple numerical scoring system that rates the performance of different XC functionals in describing water systems, and we suggest possible future developments

    Free energy of hydrophobic hydration:A molecular dynamics study of noble gases in water

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    The potential utility and limitations of two methods to determine free energy differences from molecular dynamics simulations (MD) are studied. The computation of the free energy of hydration of the inert gases serves as a simple but illustrative example. Good results are obtained for the inert gases from a perturbation treatment, using a reference ensemble obtained from a MD simulation of a cavity in water, if these atoms are comparable in size to the cavity and the calculated free energy differences are small. This limits the applicability of the perturbation treatment of a small number of cases. Larger free energy differences can be obtained with reasonable accuracy from MD simulations with continuously changing interaction parameters. This integration method is more generally applicable, but makes an additional simulation necessary

    Cooling rate, heating rate and aging effects in glassy water

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    We report a molecular dynamics simulation study of the properties of the potential energy landscape sampled by a system of water molecules during the process of generating a glass by cooling, and during the process of regenerating the equilibrium liquid by heating the glass. We study the dependence of these processes on the cooling/heating rates as well as on the role of aging (the time elapsed in the glass state). We compare the properties of the potential energy landscape sampled during these processes with the corresponding properties sampled in the liquid equilibrium state to elucidate under which conditions glass configurations can be associated with equilibrium liquid configurations.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. E (rapid comunication
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