14 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Unsafe Behavior among Construction Workers in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

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    Background: Earlier studies have shown that about 90% of accidents in the work settings occur because of unsafe behavior and human errors. If workers do not have the right knowledge, favorable attitude, and proper behavior toward safety measures in a safe workplace, all efforts for an accident-free workplace will be in vain. This study aimed to determine factors associated with unsafe occupational behavior among construction workers in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. A sample of 200 construction workers were selected at random for this study. The endogenous variables were perceive benefit, favorable attitude, and unsafe occupational behavior. The exogenous was good knowledge. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a path analysis model. Results: Good knowledge increased perceived benefit (b= 0.25; 95% CI= 0.06 to 0.56; p= 0.038). Perceived benefit increased favorable attitude (b= 0.56; 95% CI= 0.25 to 0.86; p<0.001). Favorable attitude decreased unsafe occupational behavior (b= -0.56; 95% CI= -0.32 to -0.80; p<0.001). Conclusion: Good knowledge, perceived benefit, and favorable attitude, respectively, decrease unsafe behavior among the construction workers in the work settings. Keywords: good knowledge, perceived benefit, favorable attitude, respectively, unsafe behavior, construction workers

    Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada Petugas Kesehatan di RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johanes Kupang

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    A good occupational health safety at hospital can reduce the incidence of work accidents and increase the productivity of each officer. This study was to analyze the factors related to knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of health workers with occupational safety and health behavior. The study design was a cross sectional study. The population was 709 people with a simple random sampling technique of 97 people. The inclusion criteria are all health workers who have been selected by all hospital medical personnel who have contact with patients compared to hospital personnel in the field of management, where their presence has a greater risk of experiencing occupational diseases or occupational accidents (doctors, specialists, nurses, midwives and health analysis) and willing to be research subjects by signing the informed consent. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria were respondents who were not willing to be the subject of research and medical officers who were on leave/sickness/ permission when collecting data. the instrument used was a questionnaire. The results of statistical tests showed p &lt; 0.05, that is, there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes and K3 RS behavior, while the statistical results of the perception level with behavior were p &gt; 0.005. Health and safety behavior of health workers is an action or activity in an effort to prevent occupational diseases and accidents. Therefore, it is hoped that the K3 Hospital can promote health and safety at the hospital regularly with various themes tailored to the needs of the workers

    Analysis of Factors Associated with Work Stress on Teachers of the Asuhan Kasih Special School and the State Special School of Pembina Kupang

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    . Job stress is a form of a person's response both physically and mentally to a change in his environment that is felt to be disturbing and causes him to be threatened or uncomfortable. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with work stress on teachers of the Asuhan Kasih Special School and the Pembina Kupang State Special School. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with a sample of 47 subjects. The analysis in this study uses the Chi-Square test and Fisher Probability Exact Test as an alternative test. The results showed that there was a relationship between tenure (pvalue = 0.007), personality type (p-value = 0.002), and workload (p-value = 0.003) with work stress and there was no relationship between gender (p-value = 1000) and age (p-value). = 1000). = 0.379) with work stress on teachers of the Asuhan Kasih Special School and the Pembina State Special School of Kupang. Schools should conduct training in accordance with the responsibilities of each teacher and divide the number of students handled according to applicable regulations

    Gambaran Faktor Risiko Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Pengrajin Tenun Motif Sumba di Desa Rindi, Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    Musculoskeletal disorders are complaints related to the muscle tissue system caused by certain types of work activities and body postures. Weavers may likely experience the disorders due to the weaving-related activities such as unnatural posture, length of work, and individual characteristic factors. Musculoskeletal complaints can be the initial cause of disability. The purpose of this study was to describe the risk factors for musculoskeletal complaints in weavers in Rindi Village, East Sumba Regency. This type of research is descriptive with an observational research design. A total of 60 female weavers were selected as the research sample. The study showed that the weavers who often experienced serious complaints of MSDs were in the age group ≥ 30 years, with work period more than 4 years, and work duration reached ≥ 8 hours per day. Weavers should adjust the duration of weaving and reduce repetitive movements. Weavers are recommended to take a rest for 30-60 minutes and to work in an ergonomic posture without putting excessive loads on certain parts of the body

    Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada Petugas Kesehatan di RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johanes Kupang

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    A good occupational health safety at hospital can reduce the incidence of work accidents and increase the productivity of each officer. This study was to analyze the factors related to knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of health workers with occupational safety and health behavior. The study design was a cross sectional study. The population was 709 people with a simple random sampling technique of 97 people. The inclusion criteria are all health workers who have been selected by all hospital medical personnel who have contact with patients compared to hospital personnel in the field of management, where their presence has a greater risk of experiencing occupational diseases or occupational accidents (doctors, specialists, nurses, midwives and health analysis) and willing to be research subjects by signing the informed consent. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria were respondents who were not willing to be the subject of research and medical officers who were on leave/sickness/ permission when collecting data. the instrument used was a questionnaire. The results of statistical tests showed p &lt; 0.05, that is, there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes and K3 RS behavior, while the statistical results of the perception level with behavior were p &gt; 0.005. Health and safety behavior of health workers is an action or activity in an effort to prevent occupational diseases and accidents. Therefore, it is hoped that the K3 Hospital can promote health and safety at the hospital regularly with various themes tailored to the needs of the workers

    Hubungan Masa Kerja, Jenis Kelamin dan Sikap Kerja dengan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Operator SPBU di Kota Kupang

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    Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) is a disorder in workers. This work-related disease has a high prevalence globally. MSDs occurs in work environment that exposes workers to non-ergonomic posture. The disorder triggers fatigue and indirectly adds to the workload among workers. This study aims to analyze the relationship between work tenure, sex and work attitudes with musculoskeletal complaints in general refueling station operators in Kupang City. The research was an analytical survey with a cross-sectional design. The research were conducted at 15 General Refueling Stations in Kupang from October to November 2019. A sample of 69 people were selected from the population of 222 operators. Data were analyzed by using chi-square (X2) with p-value = 0,05. The results showed that there was a relationship between musculoskeletal complaints and length of work (ρ-value= 0,004), gender (ρ-value 0,007) and work attitude (ρ-value= 0,001)