28 research outputs found


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    Democracy is explained by giving the power to the government, with the consent of citizens, expressing their will, directly or indirectly through voting. Promoting and respecting individual and collective rights and freedoms is the foundation of democracy. Citizen participation is remarkable on two levels in the European government: one, as a citizen of European Union member state, in which exercises the rights and freedoms, the second as a European citizen (in agreement with the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993) which has claimed rights and freedoms recognized by law. Citizens of EU Member States elect, directly or indirectly, representatives (national) in the Community institutions to represent their interests.democracy, individual liberties, individual rights, European governance, fundamentals rights, European Constitution, European Citizen


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    European civil service law has emerged as an independent law branch relatively recently. At the EU level there were three categories of rules that regulate the public employees’ activity, according tothe treaty type that established one of the top three communities (ECSC, EEC, EURATOM). Following legislative changes that occurred in 1968, it was made a unification of these provisions, resulting in acommon law text for all the officials, known as The Status. Statutory provisions within the field recognize the law principles common to the entire Community law, such as the principle of subsidiarity, but also a number of new principles, based on this area of research, such as officials business efficiency principle, function stability principle etc. Romanian legislation, although relatively new comparing the laws of other states, has taken over many of theseprinciples, being aligned with union provisions in this field.community law, public service, regulation, legal framework, democracy, law principle


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    Work discipline is essential for the proper conduct of business within an organization with implications for productivity and efficiency. Disciplinary liability arises as a direct result of breach of service obligations and rules of behaviour. At EU level, disciplinary responsibility of community public servant is governed by the provisions of the Statute of the European Community published in the Official Journal of the European Community no. L 56 March 4, 1968 and amended on numerous occasions. This paper proposes an analysis of concrete conditions which require disciplinary liability of the European public servant, disciplinary sanctions and procedures for implementing them.public servant, disciplinary sanctions, liability, authority, administrative crime

    Romanians Civil Servants between New Public Management and Neo Weberian Principles. Some perspectives

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    This paper aims to outline the contents of thespecial issue on Romanian civil servants, making a comparative analyze of theprinciples applicable: can we discuss about New Public Management (NPM)approaches or, taking into consideration the Romanian civil service reform, wehave a Neo Weberian model? The article provides reviews of the scientificliteratures in this special issue. The argument is that the work performance ofcivil servants are based on a set of goals determined by the citizens-clientsneeds and the market movements, but, in the mean time, it is about the qualityof work in terms of citizens satisfaction and the innovative solutions for theadministrative problems. The special issue, of which this article provides anoverview, make an incursion in the literature providing analyze on the Romanianscivil servants based on the steps of actual reform and putting on the questionsthe managerial and bureaucratic principles. Research limitations include thewidth of the phenomenon under discussion. We state that the work and performancemeans not only NPM principles, but have instead chosen to adopt the neoWeberian approach

    Strategic Decision Making In Public Sector: Evidence and Implications

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    For public sector making the decision is crucial to respond at the needs of people, to offer good public services that call for a public response. Examine the decisions in public and private sector it can be note the differences (Rodriguez and Hickson; 1995). These differences are attributing to the specific role of the sectors in the society. The research responds at three questions: What are the differences in making decisions between public and private sector? Which are the practices used by managers from public sector to respond to efficiency, rationality and social responsibility? How can be increasing the capacity of managers from public sector to adopt the best decisions

    Labor Relations: Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management

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    In this chapter, we examine the labor relations through the role of trade unions, collective bargaining, wages and benefits across the European Union. We conclude that labor relations have a direct influence on the labor market, designing the lines for taking decisions in organizations, but also, by governments. Our argumentation explains the relationship between employers and employees through legal rights (established by the law), negotiation process, collective bargaining, ‘actors’ in this process, wage and benefits, social and security protection

    Transformation of wage bargaining systems in European Union. Some approaches

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    Abstract: In a global world, the industrial relations have become the strategical tool for economic development of the states. Our paper aim to emphasise the increasing role of wage bargaining systems in the industrial relations in European Union, going from the presumption that the labour market is changing every day and the European authorities must take the decisions with a high economic and social impact. Going from an extended literature review and using the data provided by Eurostat and Eurofound, reflecting the new European regulations concerning the employment relations, the findings of our paper reflect a dynamic transformation of wage bargaining systems at institutional level, labour market and collective bargaining. The results reflect the direct implications of wage bargaining systems on the labour productivity, on the political decisions considering the minimum wage and the real and nominal wage. Our findings are valuable for the academicians and practitioners interested in industrial relations and wage bargaining systems.&nbsp


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    In the condition of a dynamic environment where the citizens needs and requirements are constantly changing, a particular importance in ensuring a competitive advantage, it assumes strategic approach of the public organization, where marketing becomes a source, a management model necessary for increasing efficiency of the organization. Marketing fulfils four functions in public organization, which reflects a circuit in a continuous movement, aimed to investigate the market, identify community needs, to meet the needs of citizen, therefore lead to increase economic efficiency and permanently connecting the public organization to dynamic environment, this in turn can be achieved by a thorough and efficient market research for the Community that addresses. Therefore the marketing strategy in public organization is a new concept, a new way of thinking, a new orientation which is designed to meet the needs of citizens and to improve the image of public organizations. This paper proposes a comprehensive approach to community development strategies through public marketing. The structure of the paper is represented by introduction, specialized literature review and content. Our research highlights the importance and the need of implementing a marketing strategy in the public organization for local development and beyond

    An Explorative Study on Cooperation among Municipal Corporations

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    The literature on local government management seldom relates to the issue of collaboration between municipal corporations.This article seeks to contribute to this subject, while projecting the existing knowledge of management of organizations in general to the local municipal sphere in particular. The main aim of the article is to evaluate the preparatory activities required as a preliminary stage for the initiation and promotion of collaboration between municipal corporations. The methodology used is based on quantitative analyze and qualitative ones (Likert scale). We focused on the perceptions of the senior managers of these municipal corporations and found out that defining the managers' resources (time, authority, money, personnel, equipment, ego, and information, skills), ensuring the support of municipality's top management, undergoing early activities of openness to change have positive influence on the managers' perceptions of the importance of collaboration and their willingness to promote it

    Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri

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    Volumul ”Sustenabilitatea educației doctorale în economie și afaceri” valorifică ideile și cercetările doctoranzilor de la Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, școala doctorală de economie și administrarea afacerilor. Lucrările au fost prezentate, prin postere sau în plen, în conferința finală a proiectului SESYR, finanțat prin programul european Jean Monnet. Structurarea volumului în patru subcapitole generice are ca scop valorificarea domeniilor considerate prin filosofia proiectului:managementul proiectelor, antreprenoriat si angajabilitate pentru tinerii cercetători. O colecție de 24 de articole având 35 de autori, oferă un mediu de dezbatere științifică provocatoare pentru publicul cititor din domeniul economic. Focalizarea subiectelor din articolele prezente pe motivațiile de cercetare ale doctoranzilor și postdoctoranzilor face ca acest volum să reprezinte un debut publicistic pentru unii autori iar pentru alții, o consolidare a vocației. Diseminarea pasiunilor în astfel de contexte consolidează colaborarea și deschiderea spre noi subiecte investigative. Volumul este destinat studenților, cercetătorilor și profesorilor și îl propunem ca reper bibliografic pentru dezvoltarea altor idei de cercetare și inovare în arealul nostru tematic