226 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Reductive Elimination of Methyl Iodide from a Novel Gold(III)−Monomethyl Complex

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    Oxidation of (Idipp)AuMe (Idipp = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene) with I_2 gives a monomethyl Au(III) complex, (Idipp)AuI_2Me, which decomposes cleanly to MeI and (Idipp)AuI. Kinetics experiments show that this transformation occurs primarily via three-coordinate, cationic [(Idipp)AuIMe]^+, which undergoes intramolecular reductive elimination rather than nucleophilic attack by external I^−

    Homogeneous CO Hydrogenation: Ligand Effects on the Lewis Acid-Assisted Reductive Coupling of Carbon Monoxide

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    Structure-function studies on the role of pendent Lewis acids in the reductive coupling of CO are reported. Cationic rhenium carbonyl complexes containing zero, one, or two phosphinoborane ligands (Ph_2P(CH_2)_nB(C_8H_(14)), n=1-3) react with the nucleophilic hydride [HPt(dmpe)_2]^+ to reduce [M-CO]^+ to M-CHO; this step is relatively insensitive to the Lewis acid, as both pendent (internal) and external boranes of appropriate acid strength can be used. In contrast, whether a second hydride transfer and C-C bond forming steps occur depends strongly on the number of carbon atoms between P and B in the phosphinoborane ligands, as well as the number of pendent acids in the complex: shorter linker chain lengths favor such reductive coupling, whereas longer chains and external boranes are ineffective. A number of different species containing partially reduced CO groups, whose exact structures vary considerably with the nature and number of phosphinoborane ligands, have been crystallographically characterized. The reaction of [(Ph -2P(CH_2)_2B(C_8H_(14)))_2Re(CO)4]^+ with [HPt(dmpe)_2]^+ takes place via a “hydride shuttle” mechanism, in which hydride is transferred from Pt to a pendent borane and thence to CO, rather than by direct hydride attack at CO. Addition of a second hydride in C_6D_5Cl at -40 ÂșC affords an unusual anionic bis(carbene) complex, which converts to a C-C bonded product on warming. These results support a working model for Lewis acid-assisted reductive coupling of CO, in which B (pendent or external) shuttles hydride from Pt to coordinated CO, followed by formation of an intramolecular B-O bond, which facilitates reductive coupling

    Trialkylborane-Assisted CO_2 Reduction by Late Transition Metal Hydrides

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    Trialkylborane additives promote reduction of CO_2 to formate by bis(diphosphine) Ni(II) and Rh(III) hydride complexes. The late transition metal hydrides, which can be formed from dihydrogen, transfer hydride to CO_2 to give a formateborane adduct. The borane must be of appropriate Lewis acidity: weaker acids do not show significant hydride transfer enhancement, while stronger acids abstract hydride without CO_2 reduction. The mechanism likely involves a pre-equilibrium hydride transfer followed by formation of a stabilizing formateborane adduct

    Homogeneous CO Hydrogenation: Dihydrogen Activation Involves a Frustrated Lewis Pair Instead of a Platinum Complex

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    During a search for conditions appropriate for Pt-catalyzed CO reduction using dihydrogen directly, metal-free conditions were discovered instead. A bulky, strong phosphazene base forms a “frustrated” Lewis pair (FLP) with a trialkylborane in the secondary coordination sphere of a rhenium carbonyl. Treatment of the FLP with dihydrogen cleanly affords multiple hydride transfers and C−C bond formation

    Competitive Activation of a Methyl C−H Bond of Dimethylformamide at an Iridium Center

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    During the synthesis of [AsPh_4][Ir(CO)_2I_3Me] by refluxing IrCl_3·3H_2O in DMF (DMF = dimethylformamide) in the presence of aqueous HCl, followed by sequential treatment with [AsPh_4]Cl, NaI, and methyl iodide and finally recrystallization from methylene chloride/pentane, three crystalline byproducts were obtained: [AsPh4]_2[Ir(CO)I_5], [AsPh_4]_2[trans-Ir(CO)I_4Cl], and [AsPh_4][Ir(CO)(Îș^2O,C-CH_2NMeCHO)Cl_2I]. The last of these, whose structure (along with the others) was determined by X-ray diffraction, results from activation of a methyl C−H bond of dimethylformamide, rather than the normally much more reactive aldehydic C−H bond

    Thermodynamic Studies of [H_(2)Rh(diphosphine)_2]^+ and [HRh(diphosphine)_(2)(CH_(3)CN)]^(2+) Complexes in Acetonitrile

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    Thermodynamic studies of a series of [H_(2)Rh(PP)_2]^+ and [HRh(PP)_(2)(CH_(3)CN)]^(2+) complexes have been carried out in acetonitrile. Seven different diphosphine (PP) ligands were selected to allow variation of the electronic properties of the ligand substituents, the cone angles, and the natural bite angles (NBAs). Oxidative addition of H_2 to [Rh(PP)_2]^+ complexes is favored by diphosphine ligands with large NBAs, small cone angles, and electron donating substituents, with the NBA being the dominant factor. Large pK_a values for [HRh(PP)_(2)(CH_(3)CN)]^(2+) complexes are favored by small ligand cone angles, small NBAs, and electron donating substituents with the cone angles playing a major role. The hydride donor abilities of [H_(2)Rh(PP)_2]^+ complexes increase as the NBAs decrease, the cone angles decrease, and the electron donor abilities of the substituents increase. These results indicate that if solvent coordination is involved in hydride transfer or proton transfer reactions, the observed trends can be understood in terms of a combination of two different steric effects, NBAs and cone angles, and electron-donor effects of the ligand substituents

    The role of alkane coordination in C–H bond cleavage at a Pt(II) center

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    The rates of CFormula H bond activation for various alkanes by [(N–N)Pt(Me)(TFEd3)]+ (N Formula N = ArFormula NFormula C(Me)Formula C(Me)Formula NFormula Ar; Ar = 3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl; TFE-d3 = CF3CD2OD) were studied. Both linear and cyclic alkanes give the corresponding alkene-hydride cation [(N–N)Pt(H)(alkene)]+ via (i) rate determining alkane coordination to form a CFormula H {sigma} complex, (ii) oxidative cleavage of the coordinated CFormula H bond to give a platinum(IV) alkyl-methyl-hydride intermediate, (iii) reductive coupling to generate a methane {sigma} complex, (iv) dissociation of methane, and (v) beta-H elimination to form the observed product. Second-order rate constants for cycloalkane activation (CnH2n), are proportional to the size of the ring (k ~ n). For cyclohexane, the deuterium kinetic isotope effect (kH/kD) of 1.28 (5) is consistent with the proposed rate determining alkane coordination to form a CFormula H {sigma} complex. Statistical scrambling of the five hydrogens of the Pt-methyl and the coordinated methylene unit, via rapid, reversible steps ii and iii, and interchange of geminal CFormula H bonds of the methane and cyclohexane CFormula H {sigma} adducts, is observed before loss of methane

    Catalyst Site Epimerization during the Kinetic Resolution of Chiral α-Olefins by Polymerization

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    A new enantiopure C1-symmetric olefin polymerization precatalyst, (1,2-SiMe_2)_2{η^5-C_5H_2-4-((S)-CHEtCMe_3)}{η^5-C_5H-3,5-(CHMe_2)_2}ZrCl_2, (S)-2, was synthesized, and its use for the kinetic resolution of 3-methyl-substituted racemic α-olefins was investigated. Upon activation with methyl aluminoxane (MAO), selectivity factors for most olefins were greater when (S)-2 was used as the catalyst as compared to its previously reported methylneopentyl analogue, (1,2-SiMe_2)_2{η^5-C_5H_2-4-((S)-CHMeCCMe_3)}{η^5-C_5H-3,5-(CHMe_2)_2}ZrCl_2, (S)-1. Pentad analysis of polypropylene produced by the two catalysts at various propylene concentrations indicates that (S)-2 undergoes more efficient site epimerization (polymeryl chain swinging prior to subsequent monomer enchainment) at intermediate propylene concentrations compared to (S)-1. At high and low propylene concentrations, however, the two catalysts behave similarly. On the other hand, polymerization of 3,5,5-trimethyl-1-hexene at different olefin concentrations and temperatures illustrated that selectivity differences between the two catalysts are likely not a consequence of inefficient site epimerization for (S)-1

    Mechanistic Studies of the Ethylene Trimerization Reaction with Chromium−Diphosphine Catalysts: Experimental Evidence for a Mechanism Involving Metallacyclic Intermediates

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    A system for catalytic trimerization of ethylene utilizing CrCl_3(THF)_3 and a diphosphine ligand PNP^(OMe) [= (o-MeO-C_6H_4)_2PN(Me)P(o-MeO-C_6H_4)_2] has been investigated. The coordination chemistry of chromium with PNP^(OMe) has been explored, and (PNP^(OMe))CrCl_3 and (PNP^(OMe))CrPh_3 (3) have been synthesized by ether displacement from chromium(III) precursors. Salt metathesis of (PNP^(OMe))CrCl_3 with o,o‘-biphenyldiyl Grignard affords (PNP^(OMe))Cr(o,o‘-biphenyldiyl)Br (4). Activation of 3 with H(Et_2O)_2B[C_6H_3(CF_3)_2]_4 or 4 with NaB[C_6H_3(CF_3)_2]_4 generates a catalytic system and trimerizes a 1:1 mixture of C_2D_4 and C_2H_4 to give isotopomers of 1-hexene without H/D scrambling (C_6D_(12), C_6D_8H_4, C_6D_4H_8, and C_6H_(12) in a 1:3:3:1 ratio). The lack of crossover supports a mechanism involving metallacyclic intermediates. The mechanism of the ethylene trimerization reaction has also been studied by the reaction of trans-, cis-, and gem-ethylene-d_2 with 4 upon activation with NaB[C_6H_3(CF_3)_2]_4

    Alkyl Rearrangement Processes in Organozirconium Complexes. Observation of Internal Alkyl Complexes during Hydrozirconation

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    Isotopically labeled alkyl zirconocene complexes of the form (CpR_n)_2Zr(CH_2CDR‘_2)(X) (CpR_n = alkyl-substituted cyclopentadienyl; R‘ = H, alkyl group; X = H, D, Me) undergo isomerization of the alkyl ligand as well as exchange with free olefin in solution under ambient conditions. Increasing the substitution on the Cp ring results in slower isomerization reactions, but these steric effects are small. In contrast, changing X has a very large effect on the rate of isomerization. Pure σ-bonding ligands such as methyl and hydride promote rapid isomerization, whereas π-donor ligands inhibit ÎČ-H elimination and hence alkyl isomerization. For (η^5-C_5H_5)2Zr(R)(Cl), internal alkyl complexes have been observed for the first time. The rate of isomerization depends on the length of the alkyl group:  longer alkyl chains (heptyl, hexyl) isomerize faster than shorter chains (butyl). The transient intermediate species have been identified by a combination of isotopic labeling and ^1H, ^2H, and ^(13)C NMR experiments. The solid-state structure of the zirconocene cyclopentyl chloride complex, Cp_2Zr(cyclo-C_5H_9)(Cl), has been determined by X-ray diffraction
