18 research outputs found

    Stability of avocado oil during heating: comparative study to olive oil

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    The stability of the saponifiable and unsaponifiable fractions of avocado oil, under a drastic heating treatment, was studied and compared to that of olive oil. Avocado and olive oil were characterised and compared at time 0 h and after different times of heating process (180 °C). PUFA/SFA (0.61 at t = 0) and ω-6/ω-3 (14.05 at t = 0) were higher in avocado oil than in olive oil during the whole experiment. Avocado oil was richer than olive oil in total phytosterols at time 0 h (339.64; 228.27 mg/100 g) and at 9 h (270.44; 210.30 mg/100 g) of heating. TBARs was higher in olive oil after 3 h, reaching the maximum values in both oils at 6 h of heating treatment. Vitamin E was higher in olive oil (35.52 vs. 24.5 mg/100 g) and it disappeared earlier in avocado oil (at 4 vs. 5 h). The stability of avocado oil was similar to that of olive oil

    Reduction of sodium and increment of calcium and ω-3 PUFA in dry fermented sausages: effects on the mineral content, lipid profile and sensory quality

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    BACKGROUND: A combined technological approach was applied in the development of healthier dry fermented sausages: a partial substitution of the pork back fat by pre-emulsified linseed oil and a partial replacement of sodium chloride with calcium ascorbate at two different levels, leading to low amounts of salt (14gSalt and 10gSalt, with 14 g and 10 g NaCl per kg of mixture, respectively). RESULTS: The developed products (14gSalt and 10gSalt) showed adequate results for a(w) (0.85 and 0.87) and pH (4.98 and 5.21), and low lipid oxidation values (1.4 × 10(-4) and 1.5 × 10(-5) g malondialdehyde (MDA) kg(-1) ). The lipid modification led to a significantly higher supply of ω-3 (23.3 g kg(-1) ) compared to the control (3.2 g kg(-1) ). Simultaneously, reductions of 38% and 50% in sodium content and a calcium supply of 4 and 5.2 g kg(-1) were achieved in the 14gSalt and 10gSalt formulations, respectively, compared to the control products (26 g salt and 0.87 g kg(-1) Ca). Instrumental analysis of colour and texture and sensory studies demonstrated that the organoleptic quality of the new formulations was similar to that of traditional products. CONCLUSIONS: The developed dry fermented sausages showed healthier properties than traditional ones owing to their reduced sodium and higher calcium content and a significant supply of ω-3 fatty acid

    Optimization of a gelled emulsion intended to supply ω-3 fatty acids into meat products by means of response surface methodology

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    The optimization of a gelled oil-in-water emulsion was performed for use as fat replacer in the formulation of ω-3 PUFA-enriched cooked meat products. The linseed oil content, carrageenan concentration and surfactant–oil ratio were properly combined in a surface response design for maximizing the hardness and minimizing the syneresis of the PUFA delivery system. The optimal formulation resulted in a gelled emulsion containing 40% of oil and 1.5% of carrageenan, keeping a surfactant–oil ratio of 0.003. The gel was applied as a partial fat replacer in a Bologna-type sausage and compared to the use of an O/W emulsion also enriched in ω-3. Both experimental sausages contributed with higher ω-3 PUFA content than the control. No sensory differences were found among formulations. The selected optimized gelled oil-in-water emulsion was demonstrated to be a suitable lipophilic delivery system for ω-3 PUFA compounds and applicable in food formulations as fat replacer

    The inclusion of functional foods enriched in fibre, calcium, iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and n-3 fatty acids in a conventional diet improves the nutrient profile according to the Spanish reference intake

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    Objective The growing interest in maintaining good health status through optimal nutrition has boosted the launch of a number of functional foods on the market. The objective of the present study was to theoretically evaluate the nutritional relevance of incorporating selected enriched foods in the diet. Design A 28 d dietary plan, designed to be balanced under the recommended macronutrients criteria, was used as a basal diet. Some conventional foods were exchanged with foods enriched in fibre, calcium, iodine, vitamins A, D, E or n-3 fatty acids. Setting Nutritional composition of basal and modified diets was derived and compared to the Spanish recommended intakes (RI). Results The basal diet covered the recommendations for fibre and calcium with mean intake of 28 g and 1241 mg, respectively. The current intake of salt, if iodized, or bread elaborated with this salt, allowed reaching the daily intake of iodine every day, with a mean supply of 216 μg/d and 278 μg/d, respectively. The deficient supply of vitamin E in the basal diet (mean = 8 mg/d) was covered by including enriched margarine and dairy products (mean = 15 mg/d). The low n-3 fatty acids intake in the basal diet (1·1 g/d) increased up to 1·9 g/d after the use of enriched margarine, butter and biscuits and soya drink instead of milk. Conclusions In order to improve the accomplishment of the RI iodine, vitamin E and n-3 fatty acids, interesting strategies dealing with the incorporation of enriched foods in the diet were successfully initiated

    Healthy reduced-fat bologna sausages enriched in ALA and DHA and stabilized with Melissa officinalis extract

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    Reduced-energy and reduced-fat Bologna products enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were formulated by replacing the pork back-fat by an oil-in-water emulsion containing a mixture of linseed-algae oil stabilized with a lyophilized Melissa officinalis extract. Healthier composition and lipid profile was obtained: 85 kcal/100 g, 3.6% fat, 0.6 g ALA and 0.44 g DHA per 100 g of product and ω-6/ω-3 ratio of 0.4. Technological and sensory problems were not detected in the new formulations. Besides, reformulation did not cause oxidation problems during 32 days of storage under refrigeration. The results suggest that it is possible to obtain reduced-fat Bolognatype sausages rich in ALA and DHA and stabilized with natural antioxidants, applying the appropriate technology without significant effects over the sensory quality, obtaining interesting products from a nutritional point of view

    “High in omega-3 fatty acids” Bologna type sausages stabilized with an aqueous-ethanol extract of Melissa officinalis.

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    A new formulation of bologna-type sausage enriched in ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (8.75% linseed oil) was developed, using a lyophilized aqueous-ethanolic extract of Melissa officinalis. A comparison with the effectiveness of butylhydroxy anisole (BHA) synthetic antioxidant to decrease the oxidation of PUFAs was performed. The formulation increased the ω-3 PUFAs content, especially α-linolenic acid, decreasing significantly the ω-6/ω-3 ratio from 17.3 to 1.9, and also the Atherogenic Index and Thrombogenic Index (0.38–0.31 and 1.03–0.54, respectively). Modified sausages with BHA and Melissa extract showed significantly lower peroxides value (2.62 and 6.11 meqO2/kg) and thiobarbituric acid value (0.26 and 0.27 mg malondialdehyde/kg) and higher antioxidant capacity (hydrophilic fraction ABTS: 0.45 and 0.74 meq Trolox/g product; lipofilic fraction ABTS: 0.44 and 0.37 meq Trolox/g product) than those without these ingredients (16.49 meq O2/kg, 2.08 mg malondialdehyde /kg, 0.26 and 0.27 meq Trolox/g product, respectively). Sensorial tests showed that acceptability of the new formulations was similar to control products

    Anti-proliferative effect of melissa officinalis on human colon cancer cell line

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    Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) is consumed as a traditional herbal tea in the Mediterranean region. The cytotoxic effect of the 50% ethanolic and aqueous extract, determined by the MTT and NR assays, was evaluated in vitro on Human Colon Cancer Cell Line (HCT-116), using Triton 10% as positive control. The 50 % ethanolic extract showed significant differences after 72 hours of treatment, reducing cell proliferation to values close to 40%, even the lowest dose tested (5 μg/ml). In the MTT assay, the same extract caused the lowest cell viability with 13% at a concentration of 1000 μg/ml after 72 h of treatment, being a value lower than triton 10%. The antioxidant activity was also confirmed evaluating the capacity of the extracts to scavenge ABTS and DPPH radicals, and IC50 values were highly correlated with the total phenolic and flavonoid content. Bioassay guided fractionation led to the isolation of an anti-proliferative compound, rosmarinic acid. Its structural elucidation was performed by HPLC/DAD/ESI/MS analysis. High dose of rosmarinic acid (1000 μg/ml) was clearly cytotoxic against HCT-116 cells, with a significant decrease in cell number since the earliest time point (24 h)

    Reduced fat bologna sausages with improved lipid fraction

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    BACKGROUND: This applied research was done in order to obtain cooked products (bologna sausages) with significantly lower amount of energy, total fat and saturated fat and higher amount of ω-3 fatty acids than conventional ones. Two subsequent experiments were performed. RESULTS: Experiment 1 aimed a pork back-fat reduction and allowed to obtain sausages with 84 g kg-1 of fat and 1334 kcal kg-1, without significant negative effects on sensory quality. Carrageenan was used as fat replacer. Experiment 2 aimed improving the lipid profile of the “energy-reduced” sausages previously developed, by a partial substitution of the pork back-fat with a linseed oil-in water emulsion (substitution levels: 25% to 100%). Using the 100% substitution level gave rise to products with 27 g kg-1 α-linolenic acid, and low saturated fat content (13.5 g kg-1), showing good sensory results regarding taste, smell and texture. The use of antioxidant maintained low TBARs values in all formulations. CONCLUSION: It is possible to obtain cooked meat products (bologna sausages) with low energy, low saturated fat and high amount of ω-3 fatty acids simultaneously, applying a combination of use of carrageenan, linseed oil emulsion and increment of water, without significant effects over the sensory quality. Functional products, interesting from a nutritional standpoint, were achieved

    Parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral: estudio de la calidad vocal después del tratamiento logopédico

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    Fundamento. Describir los factores sociodemográficos de pacientes con parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral (PCVU) a los que se aplica un tratamiento logopédico y analiza el impacto en la calidad vocal tras la terapia. Metodología. Se incluyeron 47 pacientes con PCVU diagnosticada mediante vídeo-laringoscopia. Todos recibieron intervención logopédica repartida en 15 sesiones y estructurada en tres etapas progresivas. Se instruyó al paciente en técnicas vocales, coordinación fono-respiratoria, control del soplo, tonificación glótica e impostación vocal. Los parámetros incluidos en el estudio antes y después de la terapia fueron: cierre glótico, Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) para medir la autopercepción de calidad vocal y escala GRABS para la calidad vocal. Resultados. La edad media fue 51 años (rango 20-80), 60% mujeres. La causa quirúrgica fue la más frecuente (72%). El 40% desempeñaban una profesión relacionada con la voz. El tiempo medio desde el diagnóstico hasta el inicio del tratamiento fue 5 meses (2-12). El cierre glótico completo aumentó de 34 a 80% (p<0,001), la puntuación en VHI-10 descendió de 24,24 a 16,09 puntos (p<0,001) y los valores de GRABS mejoraron en todas las cualidades de la voz (p<0,001). Solo un 8,5% requirió cirugía post-tratamiento. Conclusiones. La terapia de reeducación vocal es eficaz como primera indicación terapéutica en pacientes con PCVU, reservando la medialización con material no reabsorbible o cirugía de tiroplastia a aquéllos con mala evolución. No obstante, es necesario reducir el tiempo que se demora el paciente en llegar a la Unidad de Voz tras el diagnóstico laringoscópico.Background

    A lyophilized water extract of melissa officinalis L. as an effective natural antioxidant during the storage of dry fermented sausages high in alpha-linolenic acid and DHA

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    Abstract: A pre-emulsified mixture of linseed and algae oils (15/10) and stabilized with 686 ppm of a lyophilized water extract of Melissa officinalis, was successfully applied in dry fermented sausages to increase the ω-3 PUFA content. The objective of this work was to evaluate the stability of this modified formulation during the storage and to compare it to that of a traditional formulation. Traditional and modified products were stored during 90 days at 4 ºC in aerobic conditions. Fatty acid profiles, TBARS and volatile compounds derived from oxidation were analyzed at 0, 30 and 90 days of storage. The fatty acid profiles did not significantly change along the storage period. The stabilizing effect of the natural antioxidants of M. officinalis could contribute to detect no losses of ω-3 PUFA in Modified (30 days: 2.13 g/100 g of product, 90 days: 2.33 g/100 g of product), whereas in Control products a slightly significant reduction was detected (30 days: 0.34 g/100 g of product, 90 days: 0.29 g/100 g of product). After 90 days, the increases of TBARS and hexanal content were much higher in Control than in Modified (Control: 1.41 mg MDA/kg & 17,915 ng dodecane/kg of dry matter; Modified: 0.48 mg MDA/kg & 2,496 ng dodecane/kg of dry matter). In conclusion, the lyophilized water extract of M. officinalis protected high ω-3 PUFA of dry fermented sausages from oxidation along the storage time, guaranteeing the nutritional improvements achieved with the modified formulation