4 research outputs found

    Networking networkers: An initial exploration of the patterns of collaboration among the members of a new community in political science

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    A number of indicators signal a growing interest in the study of political phenomena from a network perspective in the United States, such as the growing number of published articles with a network focus in the discipline's top-tier journals and the creation of a new Political Networks section of the APSA in 2008. Yet another notable indicator is the organization of a new annual conference financially supported by the National Science Foundation - the Political Networks conference. The meeting not only brings together scholars who study networks in political science, but also fosters collaboration across disciplines by encouraging participation of non - political scientists with the goal of achieving more comprehensive answers to questions that cannot be properly answered within the confines of individual disciplines. © Copyright American Political Science Association 2011.Fil: Berardo, Alfredo Ramiro. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Redes Políticas y Solución de Dilemas de Acción Colectiva: Estudio de la gestión de recursos hídricos compartidos en dos cuencas lacustres de la provincia de Córdoba

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    El objetivo general de este proyecto es examinar cómo las estructuras de las redes políticas que se forman para gestionar recursos hídricos compartidos en la provincia de Córdoba disponen las actitudes cooperativas de los actores que participan en dichas redes. Dado el deterioro de los recursos hídricos en el país este proyecto cobra importancia, debido a que trabaja desde el supuesto que las actitudes cooperativas facilitan –aunque no de manera lineal- el logro de políticas que protejan efectivamente dichos recursos. Los objetivos específicos para el primer año del proyecto son: 1. Identificar los actores gubernamentales y no gubernamentales activos en los últimos cinco años en los procesos de gestión de recursos hídricos en las cuencas de los lagos San Roque, y Los Molinos (ambos ubicados en la provincia de Córdoba), 2. Identificar las demandas de coordinación y cooperación por parte de dichos actores, 3. Describir las características estructurales de las redes de gestión de los recursos hídricos y su relación con la percepción de los actores acerca de los problemas a enfrentar en las cuencas. El estudio de las redes de gestión en las dos cuencas lacustres seleccionadas es relevante desde el punto de vista de la generación de conocimiento aplicado sobre estos cuerpos de agua que constituyen un ejemplo típico de “recursos compartidos” (common-pool resource) donde la falta de actividades de cooperación y/o coordinación entre los usuarios del recurso se traducen en dilemas de acción colectiva.Fil: Berardo, Alfredo Ramiro. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin

    Self-organizing policy networks: Risk, partner selection, and cooperation in estuaries

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    Policy actors seek network contacts to improve individual payoffs in the institutional collective action dilemmas endemic to fragmented policy arenas. The risk hypothesis argues that actors seek bridging relationships (well-connected, popular partners that maximize their access to information) when cooperation involves low risks, but seek bonding relationships (transitive, reciprocal relationships that maximize credibility) when risks of defection increase. We test this hypothesis in newly developing policy arenas expected to favor relationships that resolve low-risk dilemmas. A stochastic actor-based model for network evolution estimated with survey data from 1999 and 2001 in 10 U.S. estuaries finds that actors do tend to select popular actors as partners, which presumably creates a centralized bridging structure capable of efficient information transmission for coordinating policies even without any government mandate. Actors also seek reciprocal bonding relationships supportive of small joint projects and quickly learn whether or not to trust their partners.Fil: Berardo, Alfredo Ramiro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Scholz, John T.. Florida State University; Estados Unido

    Conflict and cooperation along international rivers: Crafting a model of Institutional effectiveness

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    The management of international rivers is increasingly marked by a heightened attention to and growth in institutions at the river-basin level to promote cooperation and resolve conflicts between states in a basin. Yet, little theoretical and empirical research exists to understand when these institutions are most effective. Here we draw from diverse literatures, including on social and ecological systems, international institutions, common pool resources, and international waters, to capture and integrate the design elements associated with effective collaborative management along an international river. We apply and test the validity of our model in a plausibility probe through the analysis of the conflict between Argentina and Uruguay over the construction of pulp mills along the Uruguay River, and the role of the established and functioning river basin organization—the Administrative Commission of the Uruguay River (CARU)—in this conflict. We re-examine our model based on our case findings to highlight the challenge and role of public input and representation in institutional effectiveness along international rivers.Fil: Berardo, Alfredo Ramiro. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Relaciones Internacionales; ArgentinaFil: Gerlak, Andrea K.. University of Arizona; Estados Unido