314 research outputs found

    3D statistical facial reconstruction

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    The aim of craniofacial reconstruction is to produce a likeness of a face from the skull. Few works in computerized assisted facial reconstruction have been done in the past, due to poor machine performances and data availability, and major works are manually reconstructions. In this paper, we present an approach to build 3D statistical models of the skull and the face with soft tissues from the skull of one individual. Results on real data are presented and seem promising

    Statistical skull models from 3D X-ray images

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    We present 2 statistical models of the skull and mandible built upon an elastic registration method of 3D meshes. The aim of this work is to relate degrees of freedom of skull anatomy, as static relations are of main interest for anthropology and legal medicine. Statistical models can effectively provide reconstructions together with statistical precision. In our applications, patient-specific meshes of the skull and the mandible are high-density meshes, extracted from 3D CT scans. All our patient-specific meshes are registrated in a subject-shared reference system using our 3D-to-3D elastic matching algorithm. Registration is based upon the minimization of a distance between the high density mesh and a shared low density mesh, defined on the vertexes, in a multi resolution approach. A Principal Component analysis is performed on the normalised registrated data to build a statistical linear model of the skull and mandible shape variation. The accuracy of the reconstruction is under the millimetre in the shape space (after rigid registration). Reconstruction errors for Scan data of tests individuals are below registration noise. To take in count the articulated aspect of the skull in our model, Kernel Principal Component Analysis is applied, extracting a non-linear parameter associated with mandible position, therefore building a statistical articulated 3D model of the skull.Comment: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Reconstruction of Soft Facial Parts RSFP'200

    BETHSY 9.1b test calculation with TRACE using 3D vessel component

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    Recently, several advanced multidimensional computational tools for simulating reactor system behavior during real and hypothetical transient scenarios were developed. One of such advanced, best-estimate reactor systems codes is TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine (TRACE), developed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The advanced TRACE comes with a graphical user interface called SNAP (Symbolic Nuclear Analysis Package). It is intended for pre- and post-processing, running codes, RELAP5 to TRACE input deck conversion, input deck database generation etc. The TRACE code is still not fully development and it will have all the capabilities of RELAP5. The purpose of the present study was therefore to assess the 3D capability of the TRACE on BETHSY 9.1b test. The TRACE input deck was semi-converted (using SNAP and manual corrections) from the RELAP5 input deck. The 3D fluid dynamics within reactor vessel was modeled and compared to 1D fluid dynamics. The TRACE 3D calculation was compared both to TRACE 1D calculation and RELAP5 calculation. Namely, the geometry used in TRACE is basically the same, what gives very good basis for the comparison of the codes. The only exception is 3D reactor vessel model in case of TRACE 3D calculation. The TRACE V5.0 Patch 1 and RELAP5/MOD3.3 Patch 4 were used for calculations. The BETHSY 9.1b test (International Standard Problem no. 27 or ISP-27) was 5.08 cm equivalent diameter cold leg break without high pressure safety injection and with delayed ultimate procedure. BETHSY facility was a 3-loop replica of a 900 MWe FRAMATOME pressurized water reactor. In general, all presented code calculations were in good agreement with the BETHSY 9.1b test. The TRACE 1D calculation results are comparable to RELAP5 calculated results. For some parameters they are better, this is mostly due to better tuning of the break flow, what influences timing of the transient. When comparing TRACE 1D and TRACE 3D calculation, the latter is slightly better. One reason for comparable results is already good agreement of 1D calculations and there was not much space to further improve the results. The other reason may be that in the facility the phenomena were mostly one dimensional (for example, external downcomer was used for reactor vessel modeling). However, when 3D behavior of the heater rod temperatures was investigated, the advantage of three dimensional treatment was clearly demonstrated

    Studies concerning the yield/M2 of some paprika pepper varieties cultivated in solarium

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    History of pepper culture begins with 3000 – 4000 years ago, in Peru, in the ancient Inca Empire. The fruits of bell/chilli pepper are consumed at technical or physiological maturity, fresh or processed. Some varieties with small, sharp and erect fruits are used as ornamental plants. In Europe, the main producing countries are Spain, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. In Romania, pepper was cultivated from the 19th century. The first fruits were set up around Timisoara (Cenadul Mare, Tomnatic, Lovrin), around year 1923. The experiment developed during the year 2011, at the Didactic and Research Base of the Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry, from B.U.A.S.V.M. Timisoara. The biological material used in the trials was represented by 5 cultivars (hybrids and lines): DĂ©libĂĄb F1, SlĂĄger F1, Bolero F1, SJD 5 and SJN 5. The experience was set up according to the monofactorial method with randomised blocks and four replicates. Hybrid DĂ©libĂĄb obtained the highest yield for the planting scheme 80/40x20 cm, with yield increases between 18% from Bolero and 38% from SJN 5. The yield/m2, registered a gradual decrease by reducing the plant density per row from 20 to 30, 40, 50 cm, to all five genotypes
