5 research outputs found

    The biomechanics of tree frogs climbing curved surfaces: a gripping problem

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    The adhesive mechanisms of climbing animals have become an important research topic because of their biomimetic implications. We examined the climbing abilities of hylid tree frogs on vertical cylinders of differing diameter and surface roughness to investigate the relative roles of adduction forces (gripping) and adhesion. Tree frogs adhere using their toe pads and subarticular tubercles, the adhesive joint being fluid-filled. Our hypothesis was that, on an effectively flat surface (adduction forces on the largest 120 mm diameter cylinder were insufficient to allow climbing), adhesion would effectively be the only means by which tree frogs could climb, but on the two smaller diameter cylinders (44 mm and 13 mm), frogs could additionally utilise adduction forces by gripping the cylinder either with their limbs outstretched or by grasping around the cylinder with their digits, respectively. The frogs' performance would also depend on whether the surfaces were smooth (easy to adhere to) or rough (relatively non-adhesive). Our findings showed that climbing performance was highest on the narrowest smooth cylinder. Frogs climbed faster, frequently using a 'walking trot' gait rather than the 'lateral sequence walk' used on other cylinders. Using an optical technique to visualize substrate contact during climbing on smooth surfaces, we also observed an increasing engagement of the subarticular tubercles on the narrower cylinders. Finally, on the rough substrate, frogs were unable to climb the largest diameter cylinder, but were able to climb the narrowest one slowly. These results support our hypotheses and have relevance for the design of climbing robots

    Transport of intense ion beams in plasmas: collimation and energy-loss reduction

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    We compare the transport properties of a well-characterized hydrogen plasma for low and high current ion beams. The energy-loss of low current beams can be well understood, within the framework of current stopping power models. However, for high current proton beams, significant energy-loss reduction and collimation is observed in the experiment. We have developed a new particle-in-cell code, which includes both collective electromagnetic effects and collisional interactions. Our simulations indicate that resistive magnetic fields, induced by the transport of an intense proton beam, act to collimate the proton beam and simultaneously deplete the local plasma density along the beam path. This in turn causes the energy-loss reduction detected in the experiment

    Anomalous stopping of laser-accelerated intense proton beam in dense ionized matter

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    Ultrahigh-intensity lasers (1018^{18}-1022^{22}W/cm2^{2}) have opened up new perspectives in many fields of research and application [1-5]. By irradiating a thin foil, an ultrahigh accelerating field (1012^{12} V/m) can be formed and multi-MeV ions with unprecedentedly high intensity (1010^{10}A/cm2^2) in short time scale (\simps) are produced [6-14]. Such beams provide new options in radiography [15], high-yield neutron sources [16], high-energy-density-matter generation [17], and ion fast ignition [18,19]. An accurate understanding of the nonlinear behavior of beam transport in matter is crucial for all these applications. We report here the first experimental evidence of anomalous stopping of a laser-generated high-current proton beam in well-characterized dense ionized matter. The observed stopping power is one order of magnitude higher than single-particle slowing-down theory predictions. We attribute this phenomenon to collective effects where the intense beam drives an decelerating electric field approaching 1GV/m in the dense ionized matter. This finding will have considerable impact on the future path to inertial fusion energy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure


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