22 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research is to compare the benefits received of tofu before and after the increase in soybean prices in the payment system: payment system prior to production and after to production. This research was conducted in June to November 2016. The data used are primary data obtained through interviews of 10 (ten) respondents and secondary data obtained from the Malalayang Sub-district Office and the office of Service Industry at the Manado City. Analysis of the data used is the analysis of business advantage. The research result indicate that the increase in soybean prices resulted in a decrease of 14.28 percent profit amounted to -9.46 percent tofu for a businessman who uses a payment system prior to production and craftsmen who use the payment system after production decreased to -22.04 percent, the difference between the profit decline of tofu businessman that using a payment system before production and after production amounted to 12.58 percent. *jnkd*


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    This study aims to analyze the contribution of potato farming to family income in Manembo Village, Passi Timur District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency. This research was conducted from January to March 2020. The main data used were primary data obtained through interviews with 30 (thirty) respondents of selected potato farmers using a simple random sampling method. The analytical method used in this research uses quantitative descriptive analysis and is presented in tabular form. The data analyzed included: income analysis and contribution analysis. The results showed that the amount of income received by potato farmers in Manembo Village, East Passi District was IDR 5,105,256.48, with a contribution of 84.70% to family income. This shows that potato farming on the total income of farmer families is in the high category, which indicates that potato farming is the main source of income for most of the farmer families in Manembo Village, or in other words farmers are very dependent on potato farming as the main livelihood for meet all the necessities of family life

    Analisis Sub Sektor Perkebunan Pala di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the nutmeg plantation sub sector in North Sulawesi Province. These research ongoing 3 month begun from August 2015 until October 2015, starting from the pre-preparation until the preparation of research results. The examination took place in the Province of North Sulawesi. The data using in this research i.e. secondary data. Secondary data gained from the land of North Sulawesi province, to observe the production of Nutmeg in North Sulawesi province and sampling in two locations as largest nutmeg producing in North Sulawesi province knowing as Sitaro Islands Regency and North Minahasa Regency. Data examination in research using analysis of LQ (Location Quotion) and analysis of Shift Share.The results of research showing that LQ nutmeg commodity in the North Minahasa Regency in 2010-2014 > LQ value is 1, the value of Proportional Shift and Differential Shift Nutmeg commodity in North Minahasa Regency is located in Group II (Proportional Shift negative and Differential Shift positive) group that is growing (developing). nutmeg LQ of Sitaro Islands Regency in 2010-2014 LQ value nutmeg Commodity has a value > 1. Based on the value of Proportional Shift and Differential Shift Nutmeg commodity in the North Minahasa Regency is a group II (Proportional Shift negative and Differential Shift positive) group that is growing (developing)

    Analisis Break Even Point Budidaya Bunga Potong Krisan Di Kelurahan Kakaskasen 1 Kota Tomohon (Studi Kasus Kelompok Tani KIBERTA)

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    The objective of this research is to calculate the Break Even Point (BEP), which is an approach to analyze production volume planning and increasing business prospect. This research was carried out from June to July 2016. Data used in this research was primary data that obtained from interview and secondary data obtained from related agencies and journals to support this research. Data analysis used Break Even Point analysis, which is to analyze the business’s break even point in both rupiah and unit. KIBERTA farmer group has a directly Marketing channel with the buyers that directly come to KIBERTA’s greenhouse. Chrysanthemum stalk flower cultivation in this farmers carried out in one greenhouse per period in turns, by order with 6 weeks gap in planting between greenhouses and farmers harvesting once in three weeks with four total of greenhouses which is in size 10 x 25 m2, 20 x 25 m2, 8 x 14 m2, and 8 x 15 m2. This farmers sell Rp. 3000, - per stalk in all type and colors. The research result shows that from 100% which is planted only 70% were able to be harvest / within selling requirement and based on analysis results from table and graphs found out that KIBERTA farmers’ chrysanthemum stalk flower cultivation from revenue (Rupiah) and production (unit), exceed the Break Even Point and able to gain profits in all greenhouses *jnkd*

    Modal Sosial Petani Dan Produktivitas Kelapa Di Desa Sea Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This study aims to examine the social capital of farmers and coconut productivity in Sea Village, Pineleng District, Minahasa Regency. This research was conducted from July 2021 to April 2022. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through interviews, based on a questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained from the Sea Village office in the form of geographical conditions and socio-economic conditions of the community. The sample of this study were 30 farmers from a total population of 60 coconut farmers who were taken using purposive sampling method. The results showed that the social capital of coconut farmers in Sea Village, Pineleng District, Minahasa Regency was relatively high, based on the results of the study with an index of 75.86% and the tendency of productivity variables in the medium category with a percentage of 43.33% or as many as 13 coconut farmers


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    The objective of this research is to assess the economic development disparities among districts and cities in North Maluku in 2010 - 2015 period. This research is motivated by the diversity of natural resources and demographic conditions, differences in income per capita and economic growth contained in each regency and town in North Maluku. As a result of these differences, the ability to increase economic development is different from one region to the other region. The data collected for two months from February to March 2017. The data used are PDRB per capita data, population data and economic growth data obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics of North Maluku Province. Analysis of data in the form of descriptive analysis presented in tabular form using Williamson Index analysis tool. The results showed that the economic development district and cities in the province of North Maluku during the period 2010 - 2015 continues to inequality, where the data is used proved that there are significant differences among the districts and cities in North Maluku. Results proficiency level could be seen clearly when analyzed by Williamson Index which indicates that the rate of economic development was still classified inequality on inequality of economic development. This was due to the diversity of potential and natural resources among districts and cities that led to per capita income and economic growth becomes different resulting imbalance of economic development


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    This study aims to analyze the inventory of coconut raw materials on funiture industry and materals building in BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon. This research was conducted for three months, from June until Agugust 2017. The data used in this research is primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews to company managers, while secondary data was obtained from data that has been compiled in the from of documents from the company, literature and internet. The data is processed using EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. Result showed that the control policy of raw material inventory in BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon has not been efficient, it is indicated by the company’s inventory cost is bigger than the result of EOQ analysis method.*lrr


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    The objective of this research is to measure the level of customer satisfaction of restaurant Lumbung Kawanua Manado viewed from the aspect of product, price, place, promotion and service. This research was conducted from September to October 2020, using primary and secondary data with sampling technique of accidental sampling method and respondents were 40 people. The method of analysis used is descriptive data analysis depicting Level of Consumer Satisfaction at Restaurant Lumbung Kawanua Manado. To measure the Level of Consumer Satisfaction at Restaurant Lumbung Kawanua Manado, use the Likert Scale. The result of the research showed that the perception index of customer satisfaction to Restaurant Lumbung Kawanua Manado was 85.6% and classified as very satisfied (SP). Keywords: Analicis, Satisfaction L