50 research outputs found

    Monitoring and managing microbes in aquaculture - Towards a sustainable industry

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    Microorganisms are of great importance to aquaculture where they occur naturally, and can be added artificially, fulfilling different roles. They recycle nutrients, degrade organic matter and, occasionally, they infect and kill the fish, their larvae or the live feed. Also, some microorganisms may protect fish and larvae against disease. Hence, monitoring and manipulating the microbial communities in aquaculture environments hold great potential; both in terms of assessing and improving water quality, but also in terms of controlling the development of microbial infections. Using microbial communities to monitor water quality and to efficiently carry out ecosystem services within the aquaculture systems may only be a few years away. Initially, however, we need to thoroughly understand the microbiomes of both healthy and diseased aquaculture systems, and we need to determine how to successfully manipulate and engineer these microbiomes. Similarly, we can reduce the need to apply antibiotics in aquaculture through manipulation of the microbiome, i.e. by the use of probiotic bacteria. Recent studies have demonstrated that fish pathogenic bacteria in live feed can be controlled by probiotics and that mortality of infected fish larvae can be reduced significantly by probiotic bacteria. However, the successful management of the aquaculture microbiota is currently hampered by our lack of knowledge of relevant microbial interactions and the overall ecology of these systems

    Draft genome sequence of <i>Hoeflea</i> sp. strain BAL378, a potential producer of bioactive compounds

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    Some phytoplankton-associated marine bacteria produce bioactive compounds. Members of the genus Hoeflea may be examples of such bacteria; however, data describing their metabolisms are scarce. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of Hoeflea sp. strain BAL378, a putative producer of bacteriocins, polyketides, and auxins, as demonstrated by genome mining

    Effects of gelling agent and extracellular signaling molecules on the culturability of marine bacteria

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    ABSTRACT Only 1% of marine bacteria are currently culturable using standard laboratory procedures, and this is a major obstacle for our understanding of the biology of marine microorganisms and for the discovery of novel microbial natural products. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate if improved cultivation conditions, including the use of an alternative gelling agent and supplementation with signaling molecules, improve the culturability of bacteria from seawater. Replacing agar with gellan gum improved viable counts 3- to 40-fold, depending on medium composition and incubation conditions, with a maximum of 6.6% culturability relative to direct cell counts. Through V4 amplicon sequencing we found that culturable diversity was also affected by a change in gelling agent, facilitating the growth of orders not culturable on agar-based substrates. Community analyses showed that communities grown on gellan gum substrates were significantly different from communities grown on agar and that they covered a larger fraction of the seawater community. Other factors, such as incubation temperature and time, had less obvious effects on viable counts and culturable diversity. Supplementation with acylated homoserine lactones (AHLs) did not have a positive effect on total viable counts or a strong effect on culturable diversity. However, low concentrations of AHLs increased the relative abundance of sphingobacteria. Hence, with alternative growth substrates, it is possible to significantly increase the number and diversity of cultured marine bacteria. IMPORTANCE Serious challenges to human health, such as the occurrence and spread of antibiotic resistance and an aging human population in need of bioactive pharmaceuticals, have revitalized the search for natural microbial products. The marine environment, representing the largest ecosystem in the biosphere, harbors an immense and virtually untapped microbial diversity producing unique bioactive compounds. However, we are currently able to cultivate only a minute fraction of this diversity. The lack of cultivated microbes is hampering not only bioprospecting efforts but also our general understanding of marine microbes. In this study, we present a means to increase the number and diversity of cultured bacteria from seawater, showing that relatively simple changes to medium components may facilitate the isolation and growth of hitherto unknown bacterial orders. </jats:p

    Coupling bacterioplankton populations and environment to community function in coastal temperate waters

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    Bacterioplankton play a key role in marine waters facilitating processes important for carbon cycling. However, the influence of specific bacterial populations and environmental conditions on bacterioplankton community performance remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to identify drivers of bacterioplankton community functions, taking into account the variability in community composition and environmental conditions over seasons, in two contrasting coastal systems. A Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) analysis of the biological and chemical data obtained from surface waters over a full year indicated that specific bacterial populations were linked to measured functions. Namely, Synechococcus (Cyanobacteria) was strongly correlated with protease activity. Furthermore, seasons exerted a profound effect on the substrate utilization capacity and composition of the communities. However, the pattern of substrate utilization capacity could not be directly linked to the community dynamics. The overall importance of dissolved organic matter (DOM) parameters in the LASSO models indicate that bacterioplankton respond to the present substrate landscape, with a particular importance of nitrogenous DOM. The analyses exemplifies that high taxonomic resolution can reveal links between individual populations and bulk bacterioplankton functions, and that for some taxa rRNA analyses are a necessary descriptor when attempting to correlate functions with communities. The reconciliation of patterns from two different systems indicates that the identified drivers of bacterioplankton community functions may be of broader relevance in coastal temperate waters

    Design and Synthesis of a Quintessential Self-Transmissible IncX1 Plasmid, pX1.0

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    DNA exchange in bacteria via conjugative plasmids is believed to be among the most important contributing factors to the rapid evolution- and diversification rates observed in bacterial species. The IncX1 plasmids are particularly interesting in relation to enteric bacteria, and typically carry genetic loads like antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors. So far, however, a “pure” version of these molecular parasites, without genetic loads, has yet to be isolated from the environment. Here we report the construction of pX1.0, a fully synthesized IncX1 plasmid capable of horizontal transfer between different enteric bacteria. The designed pX1.0 sequence was derived from the consensus gene content of five IncX1 plasmids and three other, more divergent, members of the same phylogenetic group. The pX1.0 plasmid was shown to replicate stably in E. coli with a plasmid DNA per total DNA ratio corresponding to approximately 3–9 plasmids per chromosome depending on the growth phase of the host. Through conjugation, pX1.0 was able to self-transfer horizontally into an isogenic strain of E. coli as well as into two additional species belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Our results demonstrate the immediate applicability of recent advances made within the field of synthetic biology for designing and constructing DNA systems, previously existing only in silica

    Global Oceanic Diazotroph Database Version 2 and Elevated Estimate of Global N\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Fixation

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    Marine diazotrophs convert dinitrogen (N2) gas into bioavailable nitrogen (N), supporting life in the global ocean. In 2012, the first version of the global oceanic diazotroph database (version 1) was published. Here, we present an updated version of the database (version 2), significantly increasing the number of in situ diazotrophic measurements from 13 565 to 55 286. Data points for N2 fixation rates, diazotrophic cell abundance, and nifH gene copy abundance have increased by 184 %, 86 %, and 809 %, respectively. Version 2 includes two new data sheets for the nifH gene copy abundance of non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs and cell-specific N2 fixation rates. The measurements of N2 fixation rates approximately follow a log-normal distribution in both version 1 and version 2. However, version 2 considerably extends both the left and right tails of the distribution. Consequently, when estimating global oceanic N2 fixation rates using the geometric means of different ocean basins, version 1 and version 2 yield similar rates (43–57 versus 45–63 Tg N yr−1; ranges based on one geometric standard error). In contrast, when using arithmetic means, version 2 suggests a significantly higher rate of 223±30 Tg N yr−1 (mean ± standard error; same hereafter) compared to version 1 (74±7 Tg N yr−1). Specifically, substantial rate increases are estimated for the South Pacific Ocean (88±23 versus 20±2 Tg N yr−1), primarily driven by measurements in the southwestern subtropics, and for the North Atlantic Ocean (40±9 versus 10±2 Tg N yr−1). Moreover, version 2 estimates the N2 fixation rate in the Indian Ocean to be 35±14 Tg N yr−1, which could not be estimated using version 1 due to limited data availability. Furthermore, a comparison of N2 fixation rates obtained through different measurement methods at the same months, locations, and depths reveals that the conventional 15N2 bubble method yields lower rates in 69 % cases compared to the new 15N2 dissolution method. This updated version of the database can facilitate future studies in marine ecology and biogeochemistry. The database is stored at the Figshare repository (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21677687; Shao et al., 2022)