26 research outputs found


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    Despite the increased prominence of research on the influence of study habits and learning styles on students’ academic performance in recent years, there are still controversies and debates in literature on whether learning style strengthens the effect of study habits on academic performance. Therefore, this study utilized Bakare (1977) study habits theory and the VAK learning styles theory postulated by Fernald and Keller (1920) as theoretical lenses to examine the influence of study habits on academic performance among students in public Junior High Schools in the Ekumfi District, while controlling for the possible effect of learning styles. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used to collect quantitative data through a questionnaire and checklist from 475 students using proportionate stratified sampling techniques. After meeting validity and reliability requirements, inferential statistical tools such as Pearson Product Moment Correlation and hierarchical multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The study revealed that overall, study habits attained a strong and statistically significant positive relationship with students’ overall academic performance. Besides, the study revealed that learning styles exclusively contributed significantly to academic performance. It was further revealed that learning styles did not impede the effect of study habits on academic performance. Instead, learning styles reinforced the link between study habits and academic performance among the students. Specifically, it was established that auditory learning style, visual learning style, kinesthetic learning style, reading and note-taking and time management made a unique and significant contribution to academic performance, however, the individual contributions of examination, homework and assignments, and concentration did not reach statistical significance. Therefore, it is recommended that strategies aimed at the improvement of study habits should run concurrently with approaches to enhancing the learning styles of the students for better academic performance.  Article visualizations


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    Although school climate is known to exert a potent sway on teachers’ overall effectiveness, little is known about it influence on teacher job performance in educational institutions in Ghana albeit no evidence from Shama District. In view of this lacuna in literature, this study employed Halpin and Croft’s (1963) dimensions of organizational climate as a theoretical lens to understand the influence of school climate on teacher job performance. The study utilized sequential explanatory mixed method design within the context of pragmatist paradigm. Census, proportionate stratified random and convenience sampling techniques was used to sample 585 respondents. Structured questionnaire and semi-structure interview were used to collect data which were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics whereas thematic approach was employed in analyzing the qualitative data. The study revealed that open climate was dominant, followed by the autonomous, controlled, familiar, paternal and closed climates, and that generally job performance of teachers was rated as very good. Besides, the study indicated that school climate was a good predictor of teacher job performance. However, the study revealed that in order of magnitude, it was familiar climate that contributed most to teachers’ job performance, followed by open and controlled climates while the contribution of autonomous, paternal and closed climates were not significant. It was, therefore, recommended that headteachers and teachers should be conscious of the kind of interpersonal relationships that exist among them and be guided to strengthen the climate in their schools, especially the familiar, open and controlled climate traits since they contribute significantly to teacher job performance so as to realize educational goals and objectives.  Article visualizations

    Explaining Technology Adoption with Financial Motivation

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    Several theories and their variant extensions have been posited to explain or to suggest factors that influence technology adoption. However, these theories seem inadequate in certain scenarios. For instance, none of such technology adoption theories identify or account for the possible influence of external non-personal and non-technology incentives or rewards or compensation on persons faced with the choice to accept or use a technology. However, existing psychology research posits a positive correlation between the offer of financial incentives and task. Therefore, this paper purposes to uncover the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings to this suggested relationship, and also to provide observable empirical evidence in support

    Junior High School Pupils Demographic Variables as Predictors of Their Study Habits in the Ekumfi District of Ghana

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    This study investigated the influence of Junior High school pupils’ demographic variables (gender, form, age, circuit) and how it influences their study habits of Ekumfi District in the Central Region of Ghana. The study adopted the cross-sectional descriptive survey research design with quantitative approach where the proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select 475 pupils for the study. This study employed closed-ended questionnaire to collect quantifiable data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequency, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistical tools such as independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed that apart from gender, the circuits, class, and age did not influence pupils’ study habits. Therefore, it was recommended that the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service should design and implement programmes to conscientize pupils on the need to develop and practice effective study habits. Additionally, much attention should be given to the boys to reorient them on the practice of effective study habits. Keywords: Study habits, gender, age, form, circuit and Junior High School pupils DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-2-08 Publication date: January 31st 202


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    This investigated the nature of study habits and how the demographic variables (sex, age, level and residential status) determine the study habits among full-time regular undergraduate students. Using the cross-sectional survey design, 621 full-time undergraduate students were sampled through proportionate stratified random sampling. Structured questionnaire which had a reliability co-efficient of 0.91 determined through Cronbach alpha was the main instrument used for data collection. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics such as independent samples t-test and One way between groups ANOVA. The study revealed that the undergraduate students practised homework and assignment most, followed by concentration related study habits, reading and note-taking, examination related study habits while time management related study habits was the least study habits practiced among the students. It was also discovered that students’ demographic variables like sex and level were statistically significant with their study habits. This was seen as male students had better study habits than the females while level 100 full-time undergraduate students had better study habits than their counterparts in level 200, level 300 and level 400 respectively. Besides, it was disclosed that though not statistically significant, students who were resident on-campus had better study habits than their counterparts living outside campus. Furthermore, it was revealed that there is a general disinterest in the practice of study habits as students advanced in age. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the University Management and Academic Board through various departments should introduce study skill courses to assist students in the development of effective study habits. In so doing, these demographic variables should be factored in rolling out interventions for improved academic performance. Article visualizations

    Improving Buffalo City's sub-transmission reliability

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    Several experiences of sudden large scale disruptions in electrical service deeply impacted both social stability and economic development in affected communities and caused lower levels of reliability performance. The prevention of such catastrophic incidents poses huge challenges for reliability study and operational practices in Buffalo City's sub-transmission network. Primarily investigations on the field shows, aging infrastructure, relay failures and reactive maintenance practice is eminent. Inspired by these challenges, this dissertation proposes an analysis of the critical transition in sub-transmission network from a lower level of reliability to an economically and acceptable level of reliability. The transition of the operational "stress" and its large scale of power interruptions are studied. The transition of the existing sub-transmission to the alternative sub-transmission models has been presented. The analysis of load flow and fault level calculations identifies the loading trends critical to cause operational "pressure" of unplanned interruptions. The results in this research work had to discover the most appropriate resolutions to aging equipment, reactive maintenance and protection systems. The DIgSILENT Power Factory simulates and quantifies the results of the problems that could occur in the sub-transmission network in the immediate future. Measures to mitigate any occurrence which might cause more prone to a catastrophic blackout are presented. The proposed corrective measures of upkeep aging infrastructure, relay responsiveness and planned preventative maintenance have been recommended. The development of these corrective measures and the proposed network model is the key to reaching higher levels of reliability performance in the energy supply that communities require in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality


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    While substantial literature exists on the parenting styles and students’ academic performance around the world, little is known about these variables in the Ghanaian context and much less in Asokore-Mampong Municipality. In view of this dearth of literature, this study investigated the parenting styles and academic performance of public Junior High Schools students in Asokore-Mampong Municipality, Ghana, within the context of Baumrind’s (1971) theory on parenting styles. In line with the pragmatist paradigm, this study utilized the sequential explanatory mixed methods research design where 545 students and 545 parents were sampled using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique for the quantitative phase of the study, while the convenience sampling technique was used to select 12 students and 12 parents for the qualitative phase of the study. After meeting validity and reliability requirements, a structured questionnaire and semi-structured interview guide were used to collect data for the study which was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and inferential (independent samples t-test, One-way between group ANOVA, Pearson Moment Correlation) statistics and thematic analysis. The study revealed that the authoritative parenting style was most experienced among the students, followed by authoritarian, and permissive while the uninvolved parenting style was least experienced. It was further observed that generally, there was a moderate and statistically significant positive relationship between parenting styles and students’ academic performance. Besides, findings from the study’s hypotheses showed that sex, age, class, and parental marital status of students did not affect their perception of parenting styles they experienced. In line with these findings, it was concluded that parenting styles are vital in enhancing students’ academic performance, hence, it was recommended that the Ghana Education Service through the Asokore-Mampong Education Directorate and Parents Teachers Association (PTA) should constantly educate parents, reorient them to adopt appropriate parenting styles that are needed in specific situations so as to enhance the academic performance of students.  Article visualizations

    Building a High-Quality Science Teaching: Views of Basic School Science Teachers in Akuapem South District of the Eastern Region, Ghana

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    Quality education for all is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. However, Science teachers encounter considerable challenges when teaching science at the basic school level. Objective: This paper investigated teachers’ knowledge of science-based global best practices and the challenges hindering them from teaching science effectively. Methodology: The study was a school-based cross-sectional survey which employed quantitative research approach and descriptive research design. Data for the study was obtained by administering a five-point Likert scale type structured questionnaires to 257 science teachers randomly selected across the basic schools within the Akuapem South District of the Eastern Region. Data analysis: Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and Student’s t-test were applied to the data to establish the knowledge level of teachers on science specific global best practices and ascertain if there are significant differences in challenges science teachers face in the course of their effort to create conducive learning environment for children to develop science core competencies, concepts and skills. Results: The results of the study showed that teachers had adequate knowledge of science-based global best practices. However, lack of teaching and learning resources and over-reliance on improvised teaching learning materials were perceived among the greater number of teachers as the most important drawback to effective teaching and learning of science in the district. Also, the basic electronics was found to be the single most important concept science teachers found very difficult in teaching. Conclusion: These findings provide a holistic understanding of the teachers’ knowledge of science-based global best practices and the challenges they face in teaching science at the basic school level. Recommendations: To enhance effective teaching and learning of science at the basic school level, the Ghana Education Service must support science teachers with relevant teaching learning resources, and Akuapem South Education District must organise refresher courses and workshops for science teachers to upgrade their knowledge on both contents and pedagogical content knowledge necessary for teaching and learning of basic electronic concept in the basic school curriculum. Keywords: High-Quality Science Teaching, Basic Schools, Science Teachers Challenges, Akuapem South District, Eastern Region, Ghana. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-3-10 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Simulation of Cross Section for the Production of Copper-64

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    The radionuclide 64Cu (T1/2 = 12.7 h) is an important positron emitter, suitable for combining PET imaging and therapy. We evaluated four reactions, namely 64Ni( p, n)64Cu, 64Ni(d, 2n)64Cu, 68Zn( p, αn)64Cu and 64Zn(d, 2 p)64Cu.  Data analysis was generally limited up to about 30MeV using the nuclear model code TALYS-1.6. The result compared favourably with experimental as well as other theoretical works in literature. The integral yields calculated from those data are also given.  A critical comparison of the various production routes of 64Cu is presented. The   64Ni (p, n) 64Cu reaction, utilizing a highly enriched target, is the method of choice. Keywords: 6464Cu Production, Excitation Functions, Calculate Thick Target Yiel

    Microstructural and carbohydrate compositional changes induced by enzymatic saccharification of green seaweed from West Africa

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    The use of marine macroalgae as carbon source for fermentation is gaining increasing attention due to their high carbohydrate content and availability. Three green seaweed species Chaetomorpha linum, Ulva fasciata and Caulerpa taxifolia were investigated for their amenability to enzymatic saccharification. Microstructural changes were studied in order to understand the physical changes occurring in the seaweeds during saccarification and to identify structural barriers. C. linum had highest glucan content (20%), compared to 16% in U. fasciata and 6% in C. taxifolia indicating large differences in composition. Glucose yields obtained after 24 h of enzymatic saccharification were 59, 38 and 60% for C. taxifolia, U. fasciata and C. linum, respectively, based on the glucan content. Pre-autoclaving increased the saccharification yield to 81, 99 and 71%, respectively. Morphologically, C. linum displayed unbranched filaments, U. fasciata two-cell layer large sheets and C. taxifolia featured leaf like structures. Enzymatic saccharification resulted in cell wall degradation and release of the chlorophyll content in C. linum, delamination of sheets in U. fasciata and surface erosion of leaves in C. taxifolia. C. taxifolia deviated in being very rich in β-1,3 linked xylan (46%), which was only hydrolysed at 1% xylose yield due to lack of β-1,3-xylanase. Based on the high cellulose content and no need for pre-treatment C. linum was the best source of glucose among the three types of green seaweed species. Further studies are warranted to assess fermentation. We also conclude that for C. taxifolia enzymatic saccharification with β-1,3-xylanase might enable further xylose release than obtained here with the enzymatic cellulase treatment