1,056 research outputs found

    Keynote Address: Race, Belonging, and Academic Community at the University of Dayton

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    Provost Remarks: Global Voices Symposium

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    Our studies of and engagements with global matters—people and practices, languages and histories, values and geographies—should not be regarded merely as a kind of overlay upon or supplement to whatever we might be inclined to think of as “our own,” as local, as domestic, as home. Our home is the world, the entire world—past, present, and future—in all of its dazzling multiplicity and variety. Whatever risks might attach to a naïve cosmopolitanism that undervalues the significance of our particular, localized practices, meanings, and relationships, it is essential for us to acknowledge, to explore, and embrace all of those global, inter- and transnational currents that have contributed to who we are, here and now. We are—each of us—products of cross-cultural and inter-cultural influences and mixings, patterns of migration, amalgams of heterogeneous cultural folkways. We are all mongrels, as it were, constructing and reconstructing identities out of the multifarious, unpredictable, often conflict-laden and accidental intersections that occasion our being here and now, in Dayton, Ohio. As we listen to and reflect upon “global voices” in this symposium, it is imperative that we acknowledge that all of our voices, in some significant ways, originate from elsewhere. We all must look more clearly and critically into the otherness, the alien-ness, the differences that dwell deep within us. For we cannot begin to fathom who we are as persons until we examine and appreciate the wonderfully rich and diverse streams of human life and culture that have formed us, that make the world our home

    Blessing of Roesch Library Renovation: Provost\u27s Remarks

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    Provost Paul Benson\u27s reflection on the value of libraries to communities, delivered at the blessing of the 2018-19 renovation of the first and second floors of Roesch Library

    Opening Remarks

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    Markers of pointed challenges to global understanding, relationship building across national boundaries, and development of resilient intercultural competencies abound. Each day, we are confronted with news of geopolitical conflict and violence, news of resurgent ethnocentric nationalisms, news of fear about cross-cultural contact and engagement, and signs of entrenched, willful ignorance about so many of the rich traditions, values, languages, and frameworks of meaning-making that shape the experience of the human family across the globe. As profoundly disturbing as these and related challenges are, it is vitally important for our educational and scholarly work as students, faculty, and staff that we continue to refine and advance UD’s institutional goals for global and intercultural learning, discovery, and engagement.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/global_voices_3/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Welcome Address

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    We are on a journey as a university to make progress toward genuine inclusion, toward equity in the life of our campus, toward the building of a more welcoming and just educational, intellectual, and residential community that realizes more substantively the guiding values of the Society of Mary, which founded and sponsors the University. This journey is fraught with peril and risk. It is painful; it entails hurt; it will provoke misunderstanding; it will invite resistance; it supplies ample reason for skepticism and distrust. But this journey is what our mission as a university requires of us. The steps in this journey, as uncertain and sometimes misdirected as they may happen to be, can be occasions for renewed hope, for strengthened relationships and more resilient collaboration, for truth telling, for reconciliation, for restorative conversation and critically reflective imagination and agency. These proceedings are available free for download but also available for purchase in print for $6 plus tax and shipping.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/global_voices_4/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Books and our Human Stories

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    An essay on the impact of the works in the Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress, an exhibition of rare books from the collection of Stuart Rose. Exhibition was held Sept. 29-Nov. 9, 2014, at the University of Dayton

    Welcome Remarks

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    Exhibition catalogue — Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress

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    Exhibition catalogue for Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress — Highlights from the Rose Rare Book Collection. Includes an introduction by Kathleen M. Webb, dean of University Libraries; essays about the impact of the exhibition\u27s books on modern inquiry, the humanities, the sciences, and the social sciences; and photographs of the works in the exhibit.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/rosebk_supplemental/1000/thumbnail.jp
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