Welcome Address


We are on a journey as a university to make progress toward genuine inclusion, toward equity in the life of our campus, toward the building of a more welcoming and just educational, intellectual, and residential community that realizes more substantively the guiding values of the Society of Mary, which founded and sponsors the University. This journey is fraught with peril and risk. It is painful; it entails hurt; it will provoke misunderstanding; it will invite resistance; it supplies ample reason for skepticism and distrust. But this journey is what our mission as a university requires of us. The steps in this journey, as uncertain and sometimes misdirected as they may happen to be, can be occasions for renewed hope, for strengthened relationships and more resilient collaboration, for truth telling, for reconciliation, for restorative conversation and critically reflective imagination and agency. These proceedings are available free for download but also available for purchase in print for $6 plus tax and shipping.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/global_voices_4/1004/thumbnail.jp

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