668 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetism and singlet formation in underdoped high-Tc cuprates: Implications for superconducting pairing

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    The extended t−Jt-J model is theoretically studied, in the context of hole underdoped cuprates. Based on results obtained by recent numerical studies, we identify the mean field state having both the antiferromagnetic and staggered flux resonating valence bond orders. The random-phase approximation is employed to analyze all the possible collective modes in this mean field state. In the static (Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer) limit justified in the weak coupling regime, we obtain the effective superconducting interaction between the doped holes at the small pockets located around k=(±π/2,±π/2)\bm{k}= (\pm \pi/2, \pm \pi/2). In contrast to the spin-bag theory, which takes into acccount only the antiferromagnetic order, this effective force is pair breaking for the pairing without the nodes in each of the small hole pocket, and is canceled out to be very small for the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} pairing with nodes which is realized in the real cuprates. Therefore we conclude that no superconducting instability can occur when only the magnetic mechanism is considered. The relations of our work with other approaches are also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, REVTeX; final version accepted for publicatio

    A New Class of Nonsingular Exact Solutions for Laplacian Pattern Formation

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    We present a new class of exact solutions for the so-called {\it Laplacian Growth Equation} describing the zero-surface-tension limit of a variety of 2D pattern formation problems. Contrary to common belief, we prove that these solutions are free of finite-time singularities (cusps) for quite general initial conditions and may well describe real fingering instabilities. At long times the interface consists of N separated moving Saffman-Taylor fingers, with ``stagnation points'' in between, in agreement with numerous observations. This evolution resembles the N-soliton solution of classical integrable PDE's.Comment: LaTeX, uuencoded postscript file

    Gravity-driven instability in a spherical Hele-Shaw cell

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    A pair of concentric spheres separated by a small gap form a spherical Hele-Shaw cell. In this cell an interfacial instability arises when two immiscible fluids flow. We derive the equation of motion for the interface perturbation amplitudes, including both pressure and gravity drivings, using a mode coupling approach. Linear stability analysis shows that mode growth rates depend upon interface perimeter and gravitational force. Mode coupling analysis reveals the formation of fingering structures presenting a tendency toward finger tip-sharpening.Comment: 13 pages, 4 ps figures, RevTex, to appear in Physical Review

    Multidimensional Pattern Formation Has an Infinite Number of Constants of Motion

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    Extending our previous work on 2D growth for the Laplace equation we study here {\it multidimensional} growth for {\it arbitrary elliptic} equations, describing inhomogeneous and anisotropic pattern formations processes. We find that these nonlinear processes are governed by an infinite number of conservation laws. Moreover, in many cases {\it all dynamics of the interface can be reduced to the linear time--dependence of only one ``moment" M0M_0} which corresponds to the changing volume while {\it all higher moments, MlM_l, are constant in time. These moments have a purely geometrical nature}, and thus carry information about the moving shape. These conserved quantities (eqs.~(7) and (8) of this article) are interpreted as coefficients of the multipole expansion of the Newtonian potential created by the mass uniformly occupying the domain enclosing the moving interface. Thus the question of how to recover the moving shape using these conserved quantities is reduced to the classical inverse potential problem of reconstructing the shape of a body from its exterior gravitational potential. Our results also suggest the possibility of controlling a moving interface by appropriate varying the location and strength of sources and sinks.Comment: CYCLER Paper 93feb00

    Microscopic Selection of Fluid Fingering Pattern

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    We study the issue of the selection of viscous fingering patterns in the limit of small surface tension. Through detailed simulations of anisotropic fingering, we demonstrate conclusively that no selection independent of the small-scale cutoff (macroscopic selection) occurs in this system. Rather, the small-scale cutoff completely controls the pattern, even on short time scales, in accord with the theory of microscopic solvability. We demonstrate that ordered patterns are dynamically selected only for not too small surface tensions. For extremely small surface tensions, the system exhibits chaotic behavior and no regular pattern is realized.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Analytical approach to viscous fingering in a cylindrical Hele-Shaw cell

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    We report analytical results for the development of the viscous fingering instability in a cylindrical Hele-Shaw cell of radius a and thickness b. We derive a generalized version of Darcy's law in such cylindrical background, and find it recovers the usual Darcy's law for flow in flat, rectangular cells, with corrections of higher order in b/a. We focus our interest on the influence of cell's radius of curvature on the instability characteristics. Linear and slightly nonlinear flow regimes are studied through a mode-coupling analysis. Our analytical results reveal that linear growth rates and finger competition are inhibited for increasingly larger radius of curvature. The absence of tip-splitting events in cylindrical cells is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 ps figures, Revte

    Scaling Relations of Viscous Fingers in Anisotropic Hele-Shaw Cells

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    Viscous fingers in a channel with surface tension anisotropy are numerically studied. Scaling relations between the tip velocity v, the tip radius and the pressure gradient are investigated for two kinds of boundary conditions of pressure, when v is sufficiently large. The power-law relations for the anisotropic viscous fingers are compared with two-dimensional dendritic growth. The exponents of the power-law relations are theoretically evaluated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Universal Power Law in the Noise from a Crumpled Elastic Sheet

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    Using high-resolution digital recordings, we study the crackling sound emitted from crumpled sheets of mylar as they are strained. These sheets possess many of the qualitative features of traditional disordered systems including frustration and discrete memory. The sound can be resolved into discrete clicks, emitted during rapid changes in the rough conformation of the sheet. Observed click energies range over six orders of magnitude. The measured energy autocorrelation function for the sound is consistent with a stretched exponential C(t) ~ exp(-(t/T)^{b}) with b = .35. The probability distribution of click energies has a power law regime p(E) ~ E^{-a} where a = 1. We find the same power law for a variety of sheet sizes and materials, suggesting that this p(E) is universal.Comment: 5 pages (revtex), 10 uuencoded postscript figures appended, html version at http://rainbow.uchicago.edu/~krame

    Parallel flow in Hele-Shaw cells with ferrofluids

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    Parallel flow in a Hele-Shaw cell occurs when two immiscible liquids flow with relative velocity parallel to the interface between them. The interface is unstable due to a Kelvin-Helmholtz type of instability in which fluid flow couples with inertial effects to cause an initial small perturbation to grow. Large amplitude disturbances form stable solitons. We consider the effects of applied magnetic fields when one of the two fluids is a ferrofluid. The dispersion relation governing mode growth is modified so that the magnetic field can destabilize the interface even in the absence of inertial effects. However, the magnetic field does not affect the speed of wave propagation for a given wavenumber. We note that the magnetic field creates an effective interaction between the solitons.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 2 figures, revised version (minor changes

    Fluctuations in viscous fingering

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    Our experiments on viscous (Saffman-Taylor) fingering in Hele-Shaw channels reveal finger width fluctuations that were not observed in previous experiments, which had lower aspect ratios and higher capillary numbers Ca. These fluctuations intermittently narrow the finger from its expected width. The magnitude of these fluctuations is described by a power law, Ca^{-0.64}, which holds for all aspect ratios studied up to the onset of tip instabilities. Further, for large aspect ratios, the mean finger width exhibits a maximum as Ca is decreased instead of the predicted monotonic increase.Comment: Revised introduction, smoothed transitions in paper body, and added a few additional minor results. (Figures unchanged.) 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to PRE Rapi
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