33 research outputs found

    Prolongation anormale d’un bloc fémoral analgésique: cas Clinique

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    La prolongation anormale d'un bloc nerveux peut être définie comme un dépassement du délai habituel de récupération sensitive ou motrice. A travers un cas clinique d'une prolongation anormale d'un bloc analgésique et une revue de la littérature, les auteurs discutent les facteurs de risque et les moyens de prévention de cette complication.Key words: Bloc nerveux fémoral, dexamethasone, prolongation anormal

    Syndrome coronarien aigue suite Ă  une injection accidentelle intraveineuse de Bupivacaine

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    Les erreurs médicamenteuses constituent une complication très redoutable en anesthésie. La fréquence des erreurs médicamenteuses par administration serait de l'ordre 1/10 000 à 1/1000. Nous rapportons un cas d'injection accidentelle de bupivacaine en intraveineuse directe. Il s'agissait d'un jeune patient classé ASA I qui était prévu pour cure chirurgicale d'une hydrocèle unilatérale sous rachianesthésie. Une injection de 12,5 mg de bupivacaine et 25 μg de fentanyl étaient injectés après un reflux net du liquide céphalorachidien sans  incident. Après installation de la rachianesthésie, le début de l'intervention était autorisé sans incidents. Une sédation de confort était décidée. Juste après apparaissait des troubles de rythme à type tachycardie  ventriculaire avec une élévation de taux de troponines en post opératoire. L'évolution était marquée par une normalisation de la troponine au troisième jour post opératoire et sorti de l'hôpital au cinquième jour

    Anaesthetic management for awake craniotomy in brain glioma resection: initial experience in Military Hospital Mohamed V of Rabat

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    The awake brain surgery is an innovative approach in the treatment of tumors in the functional areas of the brain. There are various anesthetic techniques for awake craniotomy (AC), including asleep-awake-asleep technique, monitored anesthesia care, and the recent introduced awakeawake- awake method. We describe our first experience with anesthetic management for awake craniotomy, which was a combination of these techniques with scalp nerve block, and propofol/rémifentanil target controlled infusion. A 28-year-oldmale underwent an awake craniotomy for brain glioma resection. The scalp nerve block was performed and a low sedative state was maintained until removal of bone flap. During brain glioma resection, the patient awake state was maintained without any complications. Once, the tumorectomy was completed, the level of anesthesia was deepened and a laryngeal mask airway was inserted. A well psychological preparation, a reasonable choice of anesthetic techniques and agents, and continuous team communication were some of the key challenges for successful outcome in our patient.Keywords: Awake craniotomy, brain glioma resection, control target infusion, laryngeal mask airway, scalp nerve bloc

    Anesthesia for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: target-controlled infusion versus standard volatile anesthesia

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    Abstract Background Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique used both for diagnosis and for the treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases. ERCP has some anesthetic implications and specifi c complications. Th e primary outcome aim was to compare two protocols in terms of time of extubation. We also compared anesthetic protocols in terms of hemodynamic and respiratory instability, antispasmodics needs, endoscopist satisfaction, and recovery room stay

    Management of undiagnosed pheochromocytoma with acute appendicitis

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    The authors reported and discussed management a case of undiagnosed pheochromocytoma suspected because the catastrophic hemodynamic changes in a patient with an acute appendicitis

    Stercoral colitis mimicking appendicitis

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    Abstract Background Stercoral colitis is an inflammatory process involving the colonic wall related to fecal impaction. This rare condition is associated with high morbidity-mortality. Findings We report a case of a 78-year-old woman with a history of dementia under clozapine who presented a clinical and sonographic presentation of acute appendicitis. The worsening of her clinical condition prompted us to review our diagnosis and modify our approach using the CT scan which was consistent with stercoral colitis. This report concerns an atypical presentation of this condition. Conclusions The present case highlights the ability of severe forms of fecal impaction to precipitate very rare and life-threatening complications like stercoral colitis. It also points the importance of including stercoral colitis in the differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis in altered patients under anticholenergic drugs and the critical role of the CT scan as a crucial radiologic adjunct