14 research outputs found

    An application of filtered renewal processes in hydrology

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    Filtered renewal processes are used to forecast daily river flows. For these processes, contrary to filtered Poisson processes, the time between consecutive events is not necessarily exponentially distributed, which ismore realistic.Themodel is applied to obtain oneand two-day-ahead forecasts of the flows of the Delaware and Hudson Rivers, both located in the United States. Better results are obtained than with filtered Poisson processes, which are often used to model river flows

    Contributions à la modélisation des processus hydrologiques

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    RÉSUMÉ : Les processus de renouvellement filtrĂ©s sont utilisĂ©s pour prĂ©voir les dĂ©bits journaliers de cours d'eau un et deux jours Ă  l'avance. Pour ces processus, contrairement au processus de Poisson filtrĂ© (Shot noise), le temps entre deux Ă©vĂ©nements consĂ©cutifs n'est pas nĂ©cessairement exponentiellement distribuĂ©, ce qui est plus rĂ©aliste. Le modĂšle est appliquĂ© pour les prĂ©visions des dĂ©bits des fleuves Delaware et Hudson situĂ©s au États-Unis. De meilleurs rĂ©sultats sont obtenus qu'avec le processus de Poisson filtrĂ© qui est souvent utilisĂ© pour modĂ©liser les dĂ©bits de cours d'eau. Pour obtenir des estimations des probabilitĂ©s que le dĂ©bit dĂ©passe un seuil donnĂ© Ă  l'instant t+1, Ă©tant donnĂ© sa valeur Ă  l'instant t, et la distribution du dĂ©bit au moment de la prochaine augmentation (Ă©tant donnĂ© que le dĂ©bit vient juste d'augmenter), deux modĂšles stochastiques pour les fluctuations des dĂ©bits sont considĂ©rĂ©s: le processus de Poisson filtrĂ© et le processus de diffusion avec sauts. Les estimations obtenues Ă  partir de la rĂ©gression linĂ©aire sont aussi considĂ©rĂ©es Ă  des fins de comparaison. Les paramĂštres des modĂšles sont supposĂ©s dĂ©pendre de la valeur des dĂ©bits. Les rĂ©sultats sont appliquĂ©s au fleuve Delaware. Les analyses d'incertitude et de sensibilitĂ© permettent de quantifier et d'Ă©valuer l'effet des variations des paramĂštres d'entrĂ©e sur la rĂ©ponse du modĂšle. Ces analyses font partie intĂ©grante et nĂ©cessaire de la modĂ©lisation hydrologique et de la qualitĂ© de l'eau. Les mĂ©thodes les plus frĂ©quemment utilisĂ©es sont: la mĂ©thode de moments de premier ordre (MFOSM - Mean-value first-order second-moment) et la mĂ©thode de moments de second ordre (MSOSM - Mean-value second-order second-moment). Ces analyses sont basĂ©es sur le calcul d'une fonction de performance approximĂ©e par le dĂ©veloppement en sĂ©rie de Taylor de premier et second degrĂ© au voisinage de la valeur moyenne du jeu de paramĂštres. L'objectif est de rĂ©aliser une analyse de sensibilitĂ© et d'incertitude d'un nouveau module spĂ©cifique aux milieux humides nouvellement intĂ©grĂ© dans HYDROTEL, un modĂšle hydrologique distribuĂ©. Les mĂ©thodes de MFOSM et MSOSM sont appliquĂ©es sur les dĂ©bits journaliers simulĂ©s par le modĂšle HYDROTEL Ă  diffĂ©rents segments du bassin versant de la riviĂšre BĂ©cancour, QuĂ©bec (Canada). Les probabilitĂ©s de dĂ©passement d'une valeur du dĂ©bit donnĂ©e sont calculĂ©es et comparĂ©es en utilisant les simulations de Monte-Carlo. Les rĂ©sultats sont analysĂ©s par rapport Ă  deux types de milieux humides: isolĂ©s et riverains, situĂ©s dans trois rĂ©gions qui divisent le bassin versant de BĂ©cancour. Ces rĂ©sultats illustrent que les paramĂštres des milieux humides affectent significativement les variations de dĂ©bits et que ceux associĂ©s aux milieux humides isolĂ©s ont un impact plus important par rapport Ă  ceux des milieux humides riverains.----------ABSTRACT : Filtered renewal processes are used to forecast daily river flows. For these processes, contrary to filtered Poisson processes, the time between consecutive events is not necessarily exponentially distributed, which is more realistic. The model is applied to obtain one- and two-day-ahead forecasts of the flows of the Delaware and the Hudson Rivers, both located in the United States. Better results are obtained than with filtered Poisson processes, which are often used to model river flows. To obtain estimates of the probability that a river flow will exceed a given threshold at time t+1, given the flow value at time t, and the distribution of the flow at the time of the next increase, given that the flow of a river has just increased, two stochastic models for the fluctuations of the flow are considered: a filtered Poisson process and a diffusion process with jumps. Estimates derived from linear regression are also considered for purposes of comparison. The model parameters are assumed to depend on the flow value. The results are applied to the Delaware River. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses provide a framework to quantify and assess the effect of input parameter variations on model response. These analyses are an unavoidable and an integrated part of hydrological and water quality modelling. Mean-value, first-order, second-moment (MFOSM) and mean-value second-order second-moment (MSOSM) methods are frequently used to perform these analyses. They are based on the derivation of a performance function which is approximated using first/second-order Taylor expansion at the mean-value point in the parameter space. The objective is to conduct sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of the wetland modules of HYDROTEL, a continuous, process-based, distributed hydrological model. Following calibration of HYDROTEL on the BĂ©cancour River watershed, Quebec (Canada), the MFOSM and MSOSM methods are applied with respect to simulated daily flows at various river segments. Exceedance Probabilities of a given streamflow value are computed and compared using Monte Carlo Simulations. Results are analysed with respect to two types of wetlands, isolated wetlands and riparian wetlands, located in three regions dividing the BĂ©cancour watershed. These results illustrate that the wetland parameters affect significantly streamflows and that those associated with isolated wetlands have a stronger impact when compared to those of riparian wetlands

    Processus de Poisson filtrĂ© utilisĂ© pour la modĂ©lisation, l’estimation et la prĂ©vision des dĂ©bits d’un fleuve

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    «RÉSUMÉ : Cette Ă©tude examine le processus de Poisson filtrĂ© proposĂ© par Lefebvre et Guilbault (2008) comme modĂšle pour reprĂ©senter les dĂ©bits journaliers d’un fleuve. Soit , pour , oĂč est un processus de Poisson homogĂšne de taux , est une sĂ©rie de variables alĂ©atoires indĂ©pendantes et identiquement distribuĂ©es (i.i.d) d’une distribution exponentielle de paramĂštre et indĂ©pendantes du processus et sont les instants d’arrivĂ©e des Ă©vĂ©nements ou signaux du processus de Poisson. Les paramĂštres du modĂšle et sont estimĂ©s par la mĂ©thode des moments Ă  l’état asymptotique du processus une fois que les paramĂštres et seront trouvĂ©s par une approche statistique basĂ©e sur les coefficients de corrĂ©lation thĂ©oriques du modĂšle. Finalement, la qualitĂ© et la performance du modĂšle sont Ă©valuĂ©es par le biais des coefficients de corrĂ©lation thĂ©oriques comparativement au modĂšle classique (lorsque ) couramment utilisĂ© en hydrologie et par la capacitĂ© prĂ©visionnelle du modĂšle par rapport au modĂšle classique et Ă  un modĂšle autorĂ©gressif. Une application sur les fleuves Delaware et Hudson situĂ©s aux États-Unis est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats favorisent en gĂ©nĂ©ral le modĂšle proposĂ© par Lefebvre et Guilbault (2008).»----------« ABSTRACT : This study examines the filtered Poisson process proposed by Lefebvre and Guilbault (2008) as a model to represent the daily river flows of rivers. Let , for , where is a homogeneous Poisson process with rate , is a series of random variables independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) having an exponential distribution with parameter and independent of the process , and are the arrival times of the events or signals of the Poisson process. The model parameters and are estimated by the method of moments in the asymptotic state of the process once the parameters and are found by a statistical approach based on the theoretical correlation coefficients of the model. Finally, the quality and the performance of the model are evaluated through the theoretical correlation coefficient compared to the conventional model (with ) commonly used in hydrology, and through the predictive power of the model compared to both the traditional model and an autoregressive model. An application on the Hudson and Delaware Rivers located in the United States is presented. The results generally favor the model proposed by Lefebvre and Guilbault (2008).

    Biomechanical markers associations with pain, symptoms, and disability compared to radiographic severity in knee osteoarthritis patients: a secondary analysis from a cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Conventional radiography is commonly used to diagnose knee osteoarthritis (OA), but also to guide clinical decision-making, despite a well-established discordance between radiographic severity and patient symptoms. The incidence and progression of OA is driven, in part, by biomechanical markers. Therefore, these dynamic markers may be a good metric of functional status and actionable targets for clinicians when developing conservative treatment plans. The aim of this study was to assess the associations between biomechanical markers and self-reported knee function compared to radiographic severity. Methods: This was a secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in primary care clinics with knee OA participants. Correlation coefficients (canonical (ρ) and structural (Corr)) were assessed between the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and both, radiographic OA severity using the Kellgren-Lawrence grade, and three-dimensional biomechanical markers quantified by a knee kinesiography exam. Significant differences between coefficients were assessed using Fischer’s z-transformation method to compare correlations from dependent samples. Results: KOOS and biomechanical data were significantly more associated than KOOS and X-ray grading (ρ: 0.41 vs 0.20; p  36% variance explained), while X-ray grading was most associated with Symptoms subscale (21% explained; all p ≀ 0.001). Conclusions: Knee biomechanical markers are associated with patient-reported knee function to a greater extent than X-ray grading, but both provide complementary information in the assessment of OA patients. Understanding how dynamic markers relate to function compared to radiographic severity is a valuable step towards precision medicine, allowing clinicians to refine and tailor therapeutic measures by prioritizing and targeting modifiable biomechanical markers linked to pain and function

    An Application of Filtered Renewal Processes in Hydrology

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    Filtered renewal processes are used to forecast daily river flows. For these processes, contrary to filtered Poisson processes, the time between consecutive events is not necessarily exponentially distributed, which is more realistic. The model is applied to obtain one- and two-day-ahead forecasts of the flows of the Delaware and Hudson Rivers, both located in the United States. Better results are obtained than with filtered Poisson processes, which are often used to model river flows