48 research outputs found

    Muslim morality as foundation for social harmony

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    The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmony stipulates moral capital as a bridge for community’s inter-connectivity, interaction, and development, and that, for Muslims, morals act as an effective catalyst for constructing social coexistence and harmony. This study discusses the concept of Islamic social ethics and moral development in the context of society, followed by an inquiry into the ways and means according to which Muslim ethics may contribute and sustain social rapprochement, mutual support and social justice. The study aims to identify the prevalent framework for Muslim social morality, which can be of benefit to effective social policy, increasing civic engagement, developing an inclusive universal moral education, or furthering multicultural tolerance. Using textual approach, this study shows how Islam capitalizes on individual and collective morality towards the effective engineering of sustainable communities’ relations and development. Further empirical studies on the contribution of Muslim morals in lieu of fortifying community development and social harmony would contribute to the way of elucidating the Muslim projection of theoretical moral ideals in real life conditions as well as tracing the convergences and divergences between Muslim theory and practices with regards to the application of morals to personal and communal settings, and more importantly in our context the shaping of communities’ rapprochement, co-existence and harmony

    An Islamic view of human development: special reference to Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun

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    A perusal of theories of human development reveals attempts to build a broad platform for growth characterized by an inclusive approach to the religious, historical and cultural diversity of world communities today. A poor representation of the theological tenets and ethical values underlying the perception and undertaking of human development unfortunately persists. This research examines the religious and moral perspective of Islam on human development while exploring the concept and structure of human development and its theological and ‘umranic implications in the framework of Islam. Of particular interest is the perspective of Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), a Fourteenth-Century Muslim jurist, sociologist and economist who, in his Muqaddimah, dedicates serious discussion to a number of relevant themes including the innate nature of man, and development of human knowledge, skills and craft. His thesis highlights vision of catalyzing sustainable human development set according to fundamental Islamic themes such as stewardship, support and cooperation, defence, protective order or social organization, and the power of thinking. Ibn Khaldun’s perspective also provides some of the crucial keys necessary to understanding the value of human development according to the Islamic worldview while enriching contemporary scholarship with critical insights required for an effective approach to human development in a cross-cultural and multi-religious context. The understanding of the Islamic perspective on the issue of human development is instrumental not only to researchers in social sciences in general and Khaldunian studies in specific, but also to the ongoing discourse on human development in current times, and to topics such as economic productivity, efficiency and management of human resources. Keywords: Ibn Khaldun. Human development. Muqaddimah

    The roots and constructs of Ibn Khaldūn’s critical thinking

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    Abstract: Many current researches have sought to explore the thought and contributions of Ibn Khaldūn to the various disciplines of human knowledge including philosophy of history, historiography, politics, economics, and education. Little interest, however, is given to his contributions to the theory of critical thinking. This research investigates Ibn Khaldūn’s perspective on critical thinking and critique of intellectual disciplines while exploring its origin and dimensions. The research shows that Ibn Khaldūn’s critical thinking is essentially entrenched in the fundamental vision and origins of Islam, and reflective of the broad Islamic scholarship and the practices of Muslim scholars across the different religious and rational disciplines. What characterises Ibn Khaldūn’s contribution to the field of critical thinking is his ability to apply it across various fields of scholarship yet with a conscious attention to society’s dynamics, particularly the practical dimensions and implications of his theory of human society (‘umrān basharī). Keywords: Critical thinking; Ibn Khaldūn; muqaddimah; ‘umrān; Islamic rationality

    An Islamic View of Human Development: Special Reference to Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun

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    A perusal of theories of human development reveals attempts to build a broad platform for growth characterized by an inclusive approach to the religious, historical and cultural diversity of world communities today. A poor representation of the theological tenets and ethical values underlying the perception and undertaking of human development unfortunately persists. This research examines the religious and moral perspective of Islam on human development while exploring the concept and structure of human development and its theological and ‘umranic implications in the framework of Islam. Of particular interest is the perspective of Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), a Fourteenth-Century Muslim jurist, sociologist and economist who, in his Muqaddimah, dedicates serious discussion to a number of relevant themes including the innate nature of man, and development of human knowledge, skills and craft. His thesis highlights vision of catalyzing sustainable human development set according to fundamental Islamic themes such as stewardship, support and cooperation, defence, protective order or social organization, and the power of thinking. Ibn Khaldun’s perspective also provides some of the crucial keys necessary to understanding the value of human development according to the Islamic worldview while enriching contemporary scholarship with critical insights required for an effective approach to human development in a cross-cultural and multi-religious context. The understanding of the Islamic perspective on the issue of human development is instrumental not only to researchers in social sciences in general and Khaldunian studies in specific, but also to the ongoing discourse on human development in current times, and to topics such as economic productivity, efficiency and management of human resources.   Keywords: Ibn Khaldun. Human development. Muqaddimah

    Muslim spiritual care at the times of pandemics: a study of Muslim early works

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    The study of spirituality continues to draw increased academic interest, especially in the way it defines the meaning and purpose of life, mould both thinking and emotions, motivates and drives actions, shapes human relations, and sustain life balance and wellbeing. In the context of the Muslim faith, Muslims are encouraged to nurture their moral character, cultivate their spiritual discipline, and engage in the overall betterment of the quality of life. The methodical individual and collective religious practices which feed and at the same time sustain Muslim spirituality represent an ever-evolving state proportionately resonating with one's spiritual commitment, dedication, and actions. During times of tribulations, crises, or pandemics, however, spirituality appears to play a critical role in Muslims' processes of coping, management, and community support. This study investigates the works of early Muslim scholars with regards to the conception and approach to pandemics, and the categories of spiritual support and practices they prescribed for coping and mitigating the many adverse effects of crises related stress and anxiety on mental health and wellbeing

    Understanding worldview and creativity: a reflection from an Islamic perspective

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    In today's world, most educational institutions regard the effort to create a positive educational environment as an incubator for the growth of creativity and new ideas. Because of its practicality and efficiency in satisfying human needs in all dimensions, as well as its capacity to solve issues, creative thinking has been seen as the quickest approach to bring about the good changes needed today to sustain development and advancement in all dimensions of human existence. Understanding the phenomenon of creativity and its origins, as well as developing approaches and methods to enhance its learning, would be a critical first step towards any projected success in this approach. This qualitative research investigated the relationship between worldview and human creativity from an Islamic perspective. The outcomes of this study show that creativity, like other aspects of human nature, is sensitive to the direction and worldview assumptions that a person considers consciously or subconsciously when managing his or her life affair. Furthermore, the study explained how the Qur'an being the source of the Islamic worldview, provides an extraordinary platform for the blossoming of human creativity by venturing into issues such as human nature, psychic, mental, and behavioural elements of man. As a means of analyzing the pertinent data, the researchers have used the content and textual analysis methods

    Spiritual and moral reform of Muslim inmates: the model of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1878-1960)

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    This paper discusses some of the fundamental concepts and strategies pertaining to the reform of Muslim inmates in light of Nursi’s perspective of change. Nursi lays the foundation for the comprehensive spiritual and moral reform of Muslim inmates, based on a set of concepts and themes such as the purpose of life, human nature, the notion of the ‘expansion of time’, and good and evil. Nursi’s plan of reform for Muslim inmates makes use of the Risale-I Nur to provide both a cognitive and moral shaping of inmates, in addition to an enhancement of their personality in the context of spiritual remembrance and brotherhood between inmates. A comprehension of Nursi’s program of inmates’ reform first enhances our understanding regarding the best approaches towards the effective therapy, reform and rehabilitation of inmates, while highlighting the distinct characteristics and methodology of the Risale-I Nur in the process of inmate reform, in addition to the enrichment of our understanding of inmates from the perspective of cross-cultural settings

    Islamic worldview and the ummah

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    lecture in First International ISLAHI-1- Colloquiu

    Ethico-spiritual dimensions of charity: an Islamic perspective

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    Benevolence known in Islam as sadaqa is an integral component of Muslim religiosity. Muslims are generally accustomed to giving away charity as sign of religious devotion and care of the poor and needy in society. Yet while the significance of giving is a common practice in Muslim societies, the understanding of its ethico-spiritual dimensions is not; and requires further research. This paper sheds light on the multifaceted nature of sadaqa and how it is perceived not only as a means of spiritual purification, but also as factor of building socio-economic sustainability. This research draws on Islamic literature pertaining to the concepts, norms and laws of sadaqa in Islam to provide a conceptual framework of analysis of charity and its respective practice in Islam and thus supplies researchers with the perspective necessary for further interpretation and analysis on Islamic philanthropy