85 research outputs found

    Informative manual evaluation of machine translation output

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    This work proposes a new method for manual evaluation of Machine Translation (MT) output based on marking actual issues in the translated text. The novelty is that the evaluators are not assigning any scores, nor classifying errors, but marking all problematic parts (words, phrases, sentences) of the translation. The main advantage of this method is that the resulting annotations do not only provide overall scores by counting words with assigned tags, but can be further used for analysis of errors and challenging linguistic phenomena, as well as inter-annotator disagreements. Detailed analysis and understanding of actual problems are not enabled by typical manual evaluations where the annotators are asked to assign overall scores or to rank two or more translations. The proposed method is very general: it can be applied on any genre/domain and language pair, and it can be guided by various types of quality criteria. Also, it is not restricted to MT output, but can be used for other types of generated text

    Cisplatin-based chemotherapy for treatment of head and neck cancers, osteosarcomas of the jaw bone, and ovarian cancers

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    Includes bibliographical references.In this project, I have done extensive research on two chemotherapy regimens, cisplatin/5-fluorouracil and cisplatin/Adriamycin. My hope is to compare and contrast the effectiveness of cisplatin-based regimens in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, osteosarcomas of the jaw, and ovarian cancers. In addition to literature searches, I have studied the medical files of two patients who were treated with cisplatin. One patient had recurrent, unresectable head and neck cancer and one patient has a resected, metastatic osteosarcoma of the mandible. After studying the case of the patient with head and neck cancer, I found exceptional results. After only one cycle of cisplatin/5FU, CT and PET scans showed no evidence of disease. I have concluded that cisplatin was effective in this case. As for the case of the patient with an osteosarcoma of the mandible, he showed mixed responses to cisplatin/Adriamycin. However, his responses to this regimen are much improved compared with his responses to his initial chemotherapy with a furosemide regimen. While on furosemide, his disease became metastatic, spreading to his lungs. Finally, my research on cisplatin-based chemotherapy for the treatment of ovarian cancer showed that other anti-cancer drugs, like docetaxel, may be more effective.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    A reproduction study of an annotation-based human evaluation of MT outputs

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    In this paper we report our reproduction study of the Croatian part of an annotation-based human evaluation of machine-translated user reviews (Popovic, 2020). The work was carried out as part of the ReproGen Shared Task on Reproducibility of Human Evaluation in NLG. Our aim was to repeat the original study exactly, except for using a different set of evaluators. We describe the experimental design, characterise differences between original and reproduction study, and present the results from each study, along with analysis of the similarity between them. For the six main evaluation results of Major/Minor/All Comprehension error rates and Major/Minor/All Adequacy error rates, we find that (i) 4/6 system rankings are the same in both studies, (ii) the relative differences between systems are replicated well for Major Comprehension and Adequacy (Pearson's \textgreater 0.9), but not for the corresponding Minor error rates (Pearson's 0.36 for Adequacy, 0.67 for Comprehension), and (iii) the individual system scores for both types of Minor error rates had a higher degree of reproducibility than the corresponding Major error rates. We also examine inter-annotator agreement and compare the annotations obtained in the original and reproduction studies

    Effects of Gradient Photoperiod and Temperature on Energy Metabolism and Body Composition in Tupaia belangeri chinensis

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    In order to explore the adaptive changes in energy metabolism and body composition in response to a gradual reduction in both ambient temperature and photoperiod, male adult tree shrews Tupaia belangeri chinensis were raised under the conditions of 30 oC and 12L:12D photoperiod (control group). The treatment group was changed from 25 oC and 16L:8D photoperiod to 5 oC and 8L:16D photoperiod (treatment group) over a period of four weeks and then maintained at those conditions for a further 4 weeks. Changes in body mass, resting metabolic rates (RMR),energy intake, and wet and dry mass of organs and tissues were measured at the end of the acclimation. Body mass in treatment tree shrews was higher than control. RMR showed significant differences between groups. No significant differences were detected in dry matter intake, energy intake, and digestible energy intake in control tree shrews during the whole acclimation period, while these parameters were significantly increased within treatment tree shrews at the end of acclimation, and were significantly higher than those in control tree shrews. Small intestine and stomach dry mass, as well as the wet mass of small intestine, heart, lung, liver and kidney were significantly higher in treatment groups than in controls, but no significant differences were found in the mass of other organs and tissues. These results suggest that increasing body mass and energy intake, together with adjusting the mass of some organs and tissues, are important physiological changes in tree shrews to adapt the changing environmental conditions

    Dislipidemia as a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease in patients with ischemic stroke

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Ovaj je rad analizirao razine vrijednosti LDL-a, HDL-a i triglicerida kod bolesnika koji su preboljeli ishemični moždani udar s ciljem utvrđivanja broja i udjela pojedinačnih odstupanja od standardnih vrijednosti promatranih elemenata lipidograma;, iz dobivenih rezultata brojčano je usporedio međusobno pojedine promatrane varijable te pokuÅ”ao dokazati eventualno istovremeno postojanje viÅ”e nađenih patoloÅ”kih nalaza promatranih varijabli. USTROJ STUDIJE. Presječno istraživanje. ISPITANICI I METODE. U istraživanju su sudjelovali bolesnici koji su primljeni na Odjel neurologije Opće bolnice ā€žDr. Josip Benčevićā€œ s vodećom dijagnozom ishemičnog moždanog udara u 2017. godini te imaju nalaz lipidograma. Podatci su se prikupljali iz sustava bolnice u svrhu analize istih. REZULTATI. Istraživanje je provedeno koristeći podatke 109 bolesnika s ishemičnim moždanim udarom. LDL se pokazao kao najosjetljivija variabla predviđanja ishemičnog moždanog udara s 45.5 %. PatoloÅ”ke vrijednosti triglicerida i LDL značajnije imaju bolesnici u dobi 56-65 godina. Sve tri varijable - trigliceridi, HDL i LDL su patoloÅ”ki kod 7 (6,4 %) bolesnika. Kod bolesnika u dobi 56-65 godina je puno viÅ”e patoloÅ”kih triglicerida u kombinaciji s HDL-om ili LDL-om dok u ostalim dobnim skupinama nema značajnih razlika. Nisu pronađene značajne razlike među spolovima. ZAKLJUČAK: Vrijednost LDL-a je najosjetljivija varijabla lipidograma na ishemični moždani udar. U dobnoj skupini 56-65 godina 80 % pacijenata ima patoloÅ”ki LDL te je puno viÅ”e patoloÅ”kih triglicerida u kombinaciji s patoloÅ”kim HDL-om ili LDL-om. Ne nalazi se razlika u razinama lipida u krvi između spolova. Potrebne su daljnje analize dislipidemija u populaciji.OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to analyze the levels of LDL, HDL and triglycerids in patients that suffered ischemic stroke with the goal of determining the number and ratio of individual deviations from standard values of the observed variables of the lipidogram and using the results compare numerically the individual variables and try to prove the existence of multiple pathological values of the observed variables. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The study involved the patients admitted to the Neurology ward of the General hospital ā€ždr. Josip Benčevićā€œ with the leading diagnosis of ischemic stroke in 2017 and had a lipidogram done. The data was gathered from the hospital system with the purpose of analysis. RESULTS: The research was conducted using the data of 109 patients with ischemic stroke. LDL was shown to be the most sensitive variable in prediction of ischemic stroke with 45.5%. Pathological values of triglycerides and LDL are more common in patients at the age of 56-65. All three variables ā€“ triglycerides, LDL and HDL are pathological in 7 (6,4%) patients. In patients of 56-65 years of age there are a lot more pathological triglyceride findings in combination with HDL or LDL, while in the other age groups there are no significant differences. We didnā€™t find any significant differences between genders. CONCLUSION: The values of LDL are the most sensitive variable of lipidogram for ischemic stroke. In the age group of 56-65 years, 80% of patients had a pathologycal LDL, and a lot more pathologycal triglycerides in combination with pathologycal HDL or LDL. Differences in lipid levels between genders were not found. Further analysis of dislipidemia in the population is required

    Relations between comprehensibility and adequacy errors in machine translation output

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    This work presents a detailed analysis of translation errors perceived by readers as comprehensibility and/or adequacy issues. The main finding is that good comprehensibility, similarly to good fluency, can mask a number of adequacy errors. Of all major adequacy errors, 30% were fully comprehensible, thus fully misleading the reader to accept the incorrect information. Another 25% of major adequacy errors were perceived as almost comprehensible, thus being potentially misleading. Also, a vast majority of omissions (about 70%) is hidden by comprehensibility. Further analysis of misleading translations revealed that the most frequent error types are ambiguity, mistranslation, noun phrase error, word-by-word translation, untranslated word, subject-verb agreement, and spelling error in the source text. However, none of these error types appears exclusively in misleading translations, but are also frequent in fully incorrect (incomprehensible inadequate) and discarded correct (incomprehensible adequate) translations. Deeper analysis is needed to potentially detect underlying phenomena specifically related to misleading translations

    Political Islam in Jordan and Morocco: Changing Tides?

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    This study seeks to assess if the 2007 electoral failures of the Islamic Action Front (IAF) in Jordan, and the Justice and Development Party (PJD) in Morocco, represent a weakening of power, or merely a minor diversion in the quest of Islamists to attain greater political voice in both countries

    Amifostine in the management of radiation-induced and chemo-induced mucositis

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    The original publication can be found at www.springerlink.comIntroduction Mucositis is a significant complication of cancer therapy, with important clinical and economic implications. In June 2005, the Mucositis Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO) conducted an evidence-based update review of the literature on mucositis. The goal of this literature review is to update previously published guidelines for the management of mucositis. Results This article reports the findings of the subgroup charged with reviewing the literature related to amifostine.Rene-Jean Bensadoun, Mark M. Schubert, Rajesh V. Lalla and Dorothy Keef

    Anti-inflammatory agents in the management of alimentary mucositis

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    Background Alimentary mucositis is a significant complication of cancer therapy, with important clinical and economic implications. Materials and methods In June 2005, the Mucositis Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology conducted an evidence-based review of the literature on alimentary mucositis. The goal of this literature review was to update previously published guidelines for the management of mucositis. Results This article reports the findings of the subgroup charged with reviewing the literature related to anti-inflammatory interventions. Considerable preclinical and clinical evidence suggests that the use of anti-inflammatory agents may be a promising approach to reduce the severity of mucositis. However, there was not enough evidence to support any new guidelines advocating the use of any specific anti-inflammatory intervention. Conclusion Thus, there is a need for well-designed clinical trials evaluating the use of anti-inflammatory agents in the management of mucositis. The original publication can be found at www.springerlink.comBackgroundAlimentary mucositis is a significant complication of cancer therapy, with important clinical and economic implications.Materials and methodsIn June 2005, the Mucositis Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology conducted an evidence-based review of the literature on alimentary mucositis. The goal of this literature review was to update previously published guidelines for the management of mucositis.ResultsThis article reports the findings of the subgroup charged with reviewing the literature related to anti-inflammatory interventions. Considerable preclinical and clinical evidence suggests that the use of anti-inflammatory agents may be a promising approach to reduce the severity of mucositis. However, there was not enough evidence to support any new guidelines advocating the use of any specific anti-inflammatory intervention.ConclusionThus, there is a need for well-designed clinical trials evaluating the use of anti-inflammatory agents in the management of mucositis.Rajesh V. Lalla, Mark M. Schubert, Rene-Jean Bensadoun and Dorothy Keef
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