37 research outputs found
Agadez, carrefour migratoire sahélo-maghrébin
Dâimportants flux de populations venues dâAfrique noire se dĂ©ploient Ă travers le Sahara vers le Maghreb et, pour une part beaucoup plus limitĂ©e, vers lâEurope.Partant initialement du Sahel, ces courants migratoires, en augmentation constante, sâĂ©tendent aujourd'hui Ă toute lâAfrique de lâOuest. Les itinĂ©raires, empruntant les segments revivifiĂ©s des anciens axes transsahariens, contribuent Ă affermir la place de ceux-ci dans les courants d'Ă©changes. Ils recomposent les espaces urbains traversĂ©s et favorisent lâĂ©mergence de nĆuds qui facilitent la circulation. Celle-ci, marquĂ©e par la coexistence contrastĂ©e entre secteurs lâinhibant et dâautres la facilitant, aboutit Ă une canalisation trĂšs sĂ©lective des flux, au prix de dĂ©tours fortement accusĂ©s, qui fondent le privilĂšge de lâitinĂ©raire agadĂ©zien, et lâĂ©mergence dâAgadez comme carrefour quasi-exclusif des routes migratoires. Les flux, densifiant le contact entre MĂ©diterranĂ©e et Afrique noire, sont gĂ©nĂ©rateurs de proximitĂ© mais aussi de heurts et de conflits dans les pays maghrĂ©bins qui ne sont plus seulement des zones de transit mais deviennent des pays dâinstallation. L'immigration, ne se limitant plus Ă lâespace euro-maghrĂ©bin mais dĂ©bordant sur les pays africains, prend ainsi une dimension intercontinentale.Agadez, at the Sahelo-North-African Migratory Crossroads. Increasing population flows from Sub-Saharan Africa extend across the Sahara toward North Africa and, to a much more limited extent, toward Europe.Initially originating in the Sahel, these constantly growing migratory currents currently stretch across all of West Africa. The itineraries, following revived segments of older trans-Saharan axes, contribute to reinforcing their place in currents of exchange. These itineraries re-compose the urban spaces they cross and encourage the emergence of interchanges that facilitate migratory circulation. Marked by the contrasted coexistence of sectors inhibiting it and others facilitating it, this circulation has led to a very selective canalisation of flows, producing obstacles that make the Agadezian the preferred itinerary and are at the origin of the emergence of the Agadez as the (almost) sole crossroads of migratory routes.These flows, which intensify the density of contacts between the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa, generate proximity but also conflict in North African countries which are no longer only zones of transit but are becoming countries of settlement. Immigration, no longer limited to the Euro â North-African space but overflowing into other African countries, takes on an intercontinental dimension.Agadez, « carrefour » migratorio sahel-magrebĂ. Flujos importantes de poblaciones venidas del Ăfrica sub-sahariana se despliegan en la regiĂłn del Sahara alcanzando, algunos de entre ellos, el continente europeo.Inicialmente originarios del Sahel y en constante aumento, estos flujos migratorios se extienden actualmente a toda el Ăfrica del Oeste. Los itinerarios coinciden con segmentos revitalizados de antiguos ejes trans-saharianos consolidando asĂ el peso de Ă©stos Ășltimos en el seno de las corrientes de intercambios. A su paso, los flujos migratorios recomponen los espacios urbanos y favorecen la emergencia de nudos que facilitan la circulaciĂłn. La coexistencia de sectores que la dificultan y de zonas que la facilitan ha derivado en una canalizaciĂłn muy selectiva de las corrientes. En este contexto y bajo el precio de desvĂos importantes, el itinerario agadeziano se consolida y Agadez se impone como el « carrefour » casi exclusivo de las vĂas migratorias.Los flujos densifican el contacto entre el MediterrĂĄneo y el Ăfrica sub-sahariana. Generadores de proximidad dichos flujos generan igualmente choques y conflictos entre los paĂses del Magreb quienes, de ser meras zonas de trĂĄnsito, se han convertido en zonas de instalaciĂłn. La inmigraciĂłn ya no se limita Ășnicamente al espacio euro-magrebĂ; el fenĂłmeno alcanza otros paĂses africanos y adopta una dimensiĂłn intercontinental
Réseaux diasporiques commerçants maures : des espaces marginaux aux carrefours internationaux des échanges
Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM)Depuis les marges sahariennes du Maghreb, en marge, voire en infraction, des cadres formels des Ă©changes, repliĂ©s sur des structures sociales tribales, des diasporas commerçantes maures dĂ©ploient des rĂ©seaux mondialisĂ©s tissant leur toile Ă fine Ă©chelle au travers de vastes espaces internationaux pĂ©riphĂ©riques. Ces diasporas investissent les carrefours des Ă©changes internationaux, oĂč elles ont acquis un poids Ă©conomique important, vecteur dâinfluence sociale et politique, dont les effets se font ressentir en boucle dans le pays dâorigine et dâaccueil, et dans le jeu politique international. Abstract On the Saharan borders of the Maghreb, Moorish business diasporas have created globalized networks within large international and marginal spaces, alongside the regular frameworks of exchange or even violating the same, caught up in tribal social structures. These diasporas are positioned at the crossroads of international trade, where they have gained significant economic weight, becoming a vector of social and political influence, whose effects are felt both in the country of origin and destination ; and on the international political scene.On the Saharan borders of the Maghreb, Moorish business diasporas have created globalized networks within large international and marginal spaces, alongside the regular frameworks of exchange or even violating the same, caught up in tribal social structures. These diasporas are positioned at the crossroads of international trade, where they have gained significant economic weight, becoming a vector of social and political influence, whose effects are felt both in the country of origin and destination ; and on the international political scene.CARIM is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Unio
Maghreb, une mondialisation subalterne
La « mondialité » de toute partie du monde est aujourdâhui lâĂ©vidente attestation de la rĂ©alitĂ© et de la centralitĂ© de la prĂ©gnance de la mondialisation. Il nâest pas de pays ou de sociĂ©tĂ© qui ne soit aujourdâhui travaillĂ©, au cĆur mĂȘme de ses structures, par les dynamiques de mondialisation qui investissent mĂȘme les pĂ©riphĂ©ries et jusquâaux marges les plus emblĂ©matiques. Câest en interaction, subie ou assumĂ©e, avec ces dynamiques que se façonne dĂ©sormais le devenir du Maghreb. Câest entendu..
Agadez, carrefour migratoire sahélo-maghrébin
International audienceIncreasing population flows from Sub-Saharan Africa extend across the Sahara toward North Africa and, to a much more limited extent, toward Europe. Initially originating in the Sahel, these constantly growing migratory currents currently stretch across all of West Africa. The itineraries, following revived segments of older trans-Saharan axes, contribute to reinforcing their place in currents of exchange. These itineraries re-compose the urban spaces they cross and encourage the emergence of interchanges that facilitate migratory circulation. Marked by the contrasted coexistence of sectors inhibiting it and others facilitating it, this circulation has led to a very selective canalisation of flows, producing obstacles that make the Agadezian the preferred itinerary and are at the origin of the emergence of the Agadez as the (almost) sole crossroads of migratory routes. These flows, which intensify the density of contacts between the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa, generate proximity but also conflict in North African countries which are no longer only zones of transit but are becoming countries of settlement. Immigration, no longer limited to the Euro â North-African space but overflowing into other African countries, takes on an intercontinental dimension.Dâimportants flux de populations venues dâAfrique noire se dĂ©ploient Ă travers le Sahara vers le Maghreb et, pour une part beaucoup plus limitĂ©e, vers lâEurope. Partant initialement du Sahel, ces courants migratoires, en augmentation constante, sâĂ©tendent aujourd'hui Ă toute lâAfrique de lâOuest. Les itinĂ©raires, empruntant les segments revivifiĂ©s des anciens axes transsahariens, contribuent Ă affermir la place de ceux-ci dans les courants d'Ă©changes. Ils recomposent les espaces urbains traversĂ©s et favorisent lâĂ©mergence de nĆuds qui facilitent la circulation. Celle-ci, marquĂ©e par la coexistence contrastĂ©e entre secteurs lâinhibant et dâautres la facilitant, aboutit Ă une canalisation trĂšs sĂ©lective des flux, au prix de dĂ©tours fortement accusĂ©s, qui fondent le privilĂšge de lâitinĂ©raire agadĂ©zien, et lâĂ©mergence dâAgadez comme carrefour quasi-exclusif des routes migratoires. Les flux, densifiant le contact entre MĂ©diterranĂ©e et Afrique noire, sont gĂ©nĂ©rateurs de proximitĂ© mais aussi de heurts et de conflits dans les pays maghrĂ©bins qui ne sont plus seulement des zones de transit mais deviennent des pays dâinstallation. L'immigration, ne se limitant plus Ă lâespace euro-maghrĂ©bin mais dĂ©bordant sur les pays africains, prend ainsi une dimension intercontinentale
Climat et potentialités agricoles en Algérie
Algeria is under continuous threat of aridity. However, the actual process of water balance sheet, the diversity and the contrasts of climatic potential show a rich hydro-agricultural potential with great possibilities of complementarity, compensation and water mobilisation. All these elements shade the notion of aridity.L'Algérie est sous la menace constante de l'aridité. Pourtant le régime réel de l'écoulement, la diversité et les contrastes du potentiel climatique révÚlent un riche potentiel hydro-agricole avec de grandes possibilités de complémentarité, de compensation et de mobilisation des eaux qui nuancent le qualificatif d'aridité.Bensaùd Ali. Climat et potentialités agricoles en Algérie. In: Travaux de l'Institut Géographique de Reims, n°85-86, 1994. Etudes algériennes, sous la direction de Alain Marre . pp. 5-14
Chapitre 5. Liens primordiaux, autoritarisme et soulĂšvement populaire en Libye
Avant la Syrie et bien plus rapidement quâen Syrie, la contestation en Libye a Ă©tĂ© prise dans la dĂ©flagration dâune forte et rapide militarisation qui, avant dâouvrir les portes Ă lâintervention des grandes puissances occidentales, a entravĂ© le dĂ©veloppement dâune mobilisation dĂ©mocratique et civile. Elle a Ă©galement prĂ©cipitĂ© lâĂ©mergence dâune contestation armĂ©e structurĂ©e autour de milices devenues acteurs centraux du conflit. La rĂ©pression de la contestation, menĂ©e non par une armĂ©e, margi..
In the margins of the world, globalized Saharan tribes.Commercial networks, tribal networks and globalized political connections from Western Sahara
From the Saharan margins of Maghreb, on the sidelines even in breach of the formal frameworks of trade, huddled in tribal social structures, Moorish trade diasporas have spread into globalized networks who wove their fine scale webs through vast peripheral international spaces. From there, they have now taken over crossroads of international trade where they have built an economic influence vector of social and political influence whose effects are felt in both the country of origin and on the scene of international politics
Maghreb, a subordinate globalization
Nowadays, «globality» throughout the world is obvious proof of the reality and significance of globalization. There is no country or company that has not worked at the very heart of its structures, through the dynamics of globalization, which invest even in the peripheral areas through to the most symbolic borders. It is through the interaction, either incurred or assumed, with these dynamics that the future of North Africa is now being shaped. It is agreed that North Africa, despite its geog..