31 research outputs found

    Land drainage functioning and hydrological impacts in rural catchments: model development and field experiments

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    International audienceThe development of an integrated theory of subsurface drainage based on hydrology and hydrogeology concepts is presented. The historical context, the main hypothesis derived from the Boussinesq equation and the validation of the model predictions are discussed. Theoretical developments of this equation demonstrate that a single parameter (σ)-a combination of soil and drainage system properties-is sufficient for predicting the dynamics of subsurface drain flow rates. We also demonstrate that these drain flow rates are a function of the level of water replenishment in the system (classically the water table elevation), of the recharge intensity of the aquifer and of a buffer function related to the swelling or deflation of the water table shape during recharge events. For values of σ > 1, the buffer role of the water table is negligible. In that case approx. 13% of the water table recharge contributes to the flow rate, which is shown to explain the observed disconnection between water table elevations and peak flow rates at the outlet of classic agricultural drainage systems and to predict these peak flow rates accurately. A modelling approach based on this theory and validated experimentally (SIDRA model) allowed us to test the quality of the peak flow prediction. The SIDRA model also includes a surface runoff module and has been coupled to different modelling tools and used to analyse the impacts of subsurface drainage on water quality. The approach contributed towards the development of tools that helped to connect better the drainage systems to the hydrological functioning of watersheds

    Restauration de la nature : vers de nouvelles références et pratiques. Aperçu de cinq années de recherche du programme «recréer la nature»

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    The interdisciplinary research programme “Recreating Nature : rehabilitation, restoration, and creation of ecosystems” was launched by the Ministry in charge of the Environment (Directory of Research) in 1995, in response to needs identified by practitioners and scientists. Four research questions were addressed : i) motivating factors of those involved, ii ) identification of reference systems, iii) relevant spatio-temporal scales, iv) ways of monitoring and assessing restoration projects. Twenty projects have been selected, some concerned with speÂŹ cific degraded ecosystems (coral reefs, islands, grasslands, scrub, forest, wetlands, freshwater), others concerned with more specific mitigation measures assisting in the development of large infrastructures (railway lines, ski runs, gravel pits). The programme included sites from continental France, overseas Departments and Territories, and a transboundary site. Successful ecosystem restoration depended on rigorous control of ecological dynamics under various constraints, and included a landscape approach, consideration of the past, and the participation of stakeholder groups. Both social and political will is required, as well as ecological knowledge. As in the medical sciences, there is an art to nature restoration, with a need for ethical as well as scientific foundations.Le Programme national de recherche «RecrĂ©er la Nature : rĂ©habilitation, restauration et crĂ©ation d’écosystĂšmes» a Ă©tĂ© lancĂ© par le MinistĂšre chargĂ© de l’environnement en 1995. Il est centrĂ© autour de quatre questions. Quels sont les dĂ©terminants des choix et les motivations des intervenants ? Comment sont choisis les systĂšmes de rĂ©fĂ©rences ? Quelles sont les Ă©chelles spatio-temporelles pertinentes d’action ? Quelles sont les modalitĂ©s de suivi et d’évaluation de ces interventions ? Les 20 projets sĂ©lectionnĂ©s sont gĂ©ographiquement distribuĂ©s sur l’ensemble du territoire français (mĂ©tropole et Dom-Tom) et concernent les systĂšmes humides ou aquatiques, arbustifs ou arborĂ©s, herbacĂ©s, coralliens ou insulaires, les zones modifiĂ©es par l’extraction de granulats ainsi que les diffĂ©rents corridors vĂ©gĂ©taux bordant les rĂ©seaux ferroviaire et autoroutier. Le succĂšs de la restauration des Ă©cosystĂšmes dĂ©pend du contrĂŽle rigoureux des dynamiques Ă©cologiques sous diverses contraintes. Il exige en outre une approche paysagĂšre, prenant en compte la dimension historique et impliquant l’ensemble des groupes sociaux intĂ©ressĂ©s. La restauration des Ă©cosystĂšmes relĂšve aussi bien de questions Ă©cologiques que sociales et politiques. A l’instar de la dĂ©marche mĂ©dicale, la restauration des Ă©cosystĂšmes doit s’appuyer sur un corpus de connaissances scientifiques, mais aussi sur une Ă©thique.DĂ©camps Henri, Lesaffre BenoĂźt. Restauration de la nature : vers de nouvelles rĂ©fĂ©rences et pratiques. Aperçu de cinq annĂ©es de recherche du programme «recrĂ©er la nature» . In: Revue d'Écologie. SupplĂ©ment n°9, 2002. pp. 9-16