3 research outputs found

    Planetary Boundaries

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    Ein menschliches Wirken innerhalb der globalen Belastungsgrenzen ist ein Grundbaustein einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaftsweise. Der Ansatz der Planetary Boundaries gibt dazu den Rahmen vor. Doch vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen Unternehmen, die das Konzept umsetzen

    Assessment report: impacts of the digital transformation on consumption and their implications for implementing the German sustainable development strategy in, with and by Germany

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    Digitalisation is disrupting business practices worldwide and transforming consumption patterns. While a global increase in wealth is leading to higher consumption rates, consumption-related decisions are increasingly based on digital information and marketing; furthermore, shopping increasingly takes place online and products and services are more and more digitalised. The transformative character of digitalisation calls for political action in order to ensure sustainable consumption in a new and dynamically changing context. Focusing on consumption is imperative in combatting many global challenges. Take climate change: consumption-based emissions (i.e. emissions from domestic final consumption and emissions caused by the production of imported goods) are rising more rapidly than production-based emissions in high-income countries. Meanwhile most political measures target production-based emissions (i.e. territorial emissions). The German council for sustainable development (Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung) has called for the §principle of sustainable development [to] serve as the political framework for digital transformation" as "digitalisation has the potential to engender disruptive developments in the business world as well as society as a whole that carry both great opportunities and significant risks". Thus, to implement the 2030 Agenda, in particular SDG 12, and the National Program Sustainable Consumption, it is key to seize the opportunities that digitalisation presents for sustainable consumption and tackle the challenges. This assessment report thus examines the following key question: "What are the implications of the digital transformation of consumption patterns for the implementation of the German sustainability strategy in, by and with Germany?

    Smart-Mobility Services for Climate Mitigation in Urban Areas: Case Studies of Baltic Countries and Germany

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    The transport sector is one of the largest contributors of CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases. In order to achieve the Paris goal of decreasing the global average temperature by 2 °C, urgent and transformative actions in urban mobility are required. As a sub-domain of the smart-city concept, smart-mobility-solutions integration at the municipal level is thought to have environmental, economic and social benefits, e.g., reducing air pollution in cities, providing new markets for alternative mobility and ensuring universal access to public transportation. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the relevance of smart mobility in creating a cleaner environment and provide strategic and practical examples of smart-mobility services in four European cities: Berlin (Germany), Kaunas (Lithuania), Riga (Latvia) and Tartu (Estonia). The paper presents a systematized literature review about the potential of smart-mobility services in reducing the negative environmental impact to urban environments in various cities. The authors highlight broad opportunities from the European Union and municipal documents for smart-mobility initiatives. The theoretical part is supplemented by socioeconomic and environmental descriptions, as well as experience, related to smart-mobility services in the four cities selected