415 research outputs found

    The fate of sediment, wood and organic carbon eroded during an extreme flood, Colorado Front Range, USA

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    Identifying and quantifying the dominant processes of erosion and tracking the fate of sediment, wood, and carbon eroded during floods is important for understanding channel response to floods, downstream sediment and carbon loading, and the influence of extreme events on landscapes and the terrestrial carbon cycle. We quantify sediment, wood, and organic carbon (OC) from source to local sink following an extreme flood in the tectonically quiescent, semi-arid Colorado (USA) Front Range. Erosion of >500,000 m3 or as much as ~115 yr of weathering products occurred through landsliding and channel erosion during September 2013 flooding. More than half of the eroded sediment was deposited at the inlet and delta of a water supply reservoir, resulting in the equivalent of 100 yr of reservoir sedimentation and 2% loss in water storage capacity. The flood discharged 28 Mg C/km2, producing an event OC flux equivalent to humid, tectonically active areas. Post-flood remobilization resulted in a further ~100 yr of reservoir sedimentation plus export of an additional 1.3 Mg C/km2 of wood, demonstrating the ongoing impact of the flood on reservoir capacity and carbon cycling. Pronounced channel widening during the flood created accommodation space for 40% of flood sediment and storage of wood and eroded carbon. We conclude that confined channels, normally dismissed as transport reaches, can store and export substantial amounts of flood constituents

    Effects of Noisy Oracle on Search Algorithm Complexity

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    Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speed-up over classical algorithms for unstructured database or library searches. This paper examines the robustness of Grover's search algorithm to a random phase error in the oracle and analyzes the complexity of the search process as a function of the scaling of the oracle error with database or library size. Both the discrete- and continuous-time implementations of the search algorithm are investigated. It is shown that unless the oracle phase error scales as O(N^(-1/4)), neither the discrete- nor the continuous-time implementation of Grover's algorithm is scalably robust to this error in the absence of error correction.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    D-term inflation and neutrino mass

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    We study a DD-term inflation scenario in a model extended from the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) by two additional abelian factor groups focussing on its particle physics aspects. Condensates of the fields related to the inflation can naturally give a possible solution to both the Ό\mu-problem in the MSSM and the neutrino mass through their nonrenormalizable couplings to the MSSM fields. Mixings between neutrinos and neutralinos are also induced by some of these condensates. Small neutrino masses are generated by a weak scale seesaw mechanism as a result of these mixings. Moreover, the decay of the condensates may be able to cause the leptogenesis. Usually known discrepancy between both values of a Fayet-Iliopoulos DD-term which are predicted by the COBE normalization and also by an anomalous U(1) in the weakly-coupled superstring might be reconciled.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, small modifications, one reference adde

    Controlled order rearrangement encryption for quantum key distribution

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    A novel technique is devised to perform orthogonal state quantum key distribution. In this scheme, entangled parts of a quantum information carrier are sent from Alice to Bob through two quantum channels. However before the transmission, the orders of the quantum information carrier in one channel is reordered so that Eve can not steal useful information. At the receiver's end, the order of the quantum information carrier is restored. The order rearrangement operation in both parties is controlled by a prior shared control key which is used repeatedly in a quantum key distribution session.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figure

    A Two-Step Quantum Direct Communication Protocol Using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Pair Block

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    A protocol for quantum secure direct communication using blocks of EPR pairs is proposed. A set of ordered NN EPR pairs is used as a data block for sending secret message directly. The ordered NN EPR set is divided into two particle sequences, a checking sequence and a message-coding sequence. After transmitting the checking sequence, the two parties of communication check eavesdropping by measuring a fraction of particles randomly chosen, with random choice of two sets of measuring bases. After insuring the security of the quantum channel, the sender, Alice encodes the secret message directly on the message-coding sequence and send them to Bob. By combining the checking and message-coding sequences together, Bob is able to read out the encoded messages directly. The scheme is secure because an eavesdropper cannot get both sequences simultaneously. We also discuss issues in a noisy channel.Comment: 8 pages and 2 figures. To appear in Phys Rev

    "It's about the relationships that we build": iPad-supported relational pedagogy (Ngā Hononga) with young children

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    Although iPads have gained much attention and are being increasingly adopted into educational practices, concerns exist as to the suitability and extent of their use with and by young children. This chapter reports on the findings of a qualitative study exploring iPad use in the sustaining and extending of relationships in an early childhood education and care centre in New Zealand. Guided by the notion of a relational pedagogy, espoused in Te Whāriki, the New Zealand early childhood curriculum, the research involved collaborations with two early childhood teachers and children at the centre to obtain perspectives of teachers, young children and their parents/caregivers regarding iPad adoption and use. The findings highlight the potential of using iPads to support and further develop young children’s relationships with people, places and objects within their immediate contexts, which are underpinned importantly by a clear teacher awareness, adoption of and being informed by a relational pedagogy perspective. This has implications for how teachers can be supported to use the iPad to create meaningful and relevant teaching and learning experiences for and with young children

    Thermal and ground-state entanglement in Heisenberg XX qubit rings

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    We study the entanglement of thermal and ground states in Heisernberg XXXX qubit rings with a magnetic field. A general result is found that for even-number rings pairwise entanglement between nearest-neighbor qubits is independent on both the sign of exchange interaction constants and the sign of magnetic fields. As an example we study the entanglement in the four-qubit model and find that the ground state of this model without magnetic fields is shown to be a four-body maximally entangled state measured by the NN-tangle.Comment: Four pages and one figure, small change

    Analysis of Generalized Grover's Quantum Search Algorithms Using Recursion Equations

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    The recursion equation analysis of Grover's quantum search algorithm presented by Biham et al. [PRA 60, 2742 (1999)] is generalized. It is applied to the large class of Grover's type algorithms in which the Hadamard transform is replaced by any other unitary transformation and the phase inversion is replaced by a rotation by an arbitrary angle. The time evolution of the amplitudes of the marked and unmarked states, for any initial complex amplitude distribution is expressed using first order linear difference equations. These equations are solved exactly. The solution provides the number of iterations T after which the probability of finding a marked state upon measurement is the highest, as well as the value of this probability, P_max. Both T and P_max are found to depend on the averages and variances of the initial amplitude distributions of the marked and unmarked states, but not on higher moments.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    iPads and opportunities for teaching and learning for young children

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    This research involved a collaboration with two early childhood education (ECE) teachers at an education and care centre in Hamilton, New Zealand, to gain insight into the perspectives of the teachers, a number of the young children in their care, and the parents/ caregivers of four children concerning iPad adoption and use. Interviews with the two teachers, young children and their parents, observations of teacher interactions with children using iPads, and copies of children’s work produced as part of the teaching and learning process using iPads provided evidence on the use of iPads. iPad use on its own was never the main focus rather it was integrated with and part of teachers’ daily practice and context
