701 research outputs found

    Is Hilbert space discrete?

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    We show that discretization of spacetime naturally suggests discretization of Hilbert space itself. Specifically, in a universe with a minimal length (for example, due to quantum gravity), no experiment can exclude the possibility that Hilbert space is discrete. We give some simple examples involving qubits and the Schrodinger wavefunction, and discuss implications for quantum information and quantum gravity.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 1 figur

    Evolution of fNL to the adiabatic limit

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    We study inflationary perturbations in multiple-field models, for which zeta typically evolves until all isocurvature modes decay--the "adiabatic limit". We use numerical methods to explore the sensitivity of the nonlinear parameter fNL to the process by which this limit is achieved, finding an appreciable dependence on model-specific data such as the time at which slow-roll breaks down or the timescale of reheating. In models with a sum-separable potential where the isocurvature modes decay before the end of the slow-roll phase we give an analytic criterion for the asymptotic value of fNL to be large. Other examples can be constructed using a waterfall field to terminate inflation while fNL is transiently large, caused by descent from a ridge or convergence into a valley. We show that these two types of evolution are distinguished by the sign of the bispectrum, and give approximate expressions for the peak fNL.Comment: v1: 25 pages, plus Appendix and bibliography, 6 figures. v2: minor edits to match published version in JCA

    Curvature perturbation and waterfall dynamics in hybrid inflation

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    We investigate the parameter spaces of hybrid inflation model with special attention paid to the dynamics of waterfall field and curvature perturbations induced from its quantum fluctuations. Depending on the inflaton field value at the time of phase transition and the sharpness of the phase transition inflation can have multiple extended stages. We find that for models with mild phase transition the induced curvature perturbation from the waterfall field is too large to satisfy the COBE normalization. We investigate the model parameter space where the curvature perturbations from the waterfall quantum fluctuations vary between the results of standard hybrid inflation and the results obtained here.Comment: V2: Minor revisions, references added, JCAP published versio

    The Subdominant Curvaton

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    We present a systematic study of the amplitude of the primordial perturbation in curvaton models with self-interactions, treating both renormalizable and non-renormalizable interactions. In particular, we consider the possibility that the curvaton energy density is subdominant at the time of the curvaton decay. We find that large regions in the parameter space give rise to the observed amplitude of primordial perturbation even for non-renormalizable curvaton potentials, for which the curvaton energy density dilutes fast. At the time of its decay, the curvaton energy density may typically be subdominant by a relative factor of 10^-3 and still produce the observed perturbation. Field dynamics turns out to be highly non-trivial, and for non-renormalizable potentials and certain regions of the parameter space we observe a non-monotonous relation between the final curvature perturbation and the initial curvaton value. In those cases, the time evolution of the primordial perturbation also displays an oscillatory behaviour before the curvaton decay.Comment: Acknowledgments of financial support added, no further change

    The Primordial Perturbation Spectrum from Various Expanding and Contracting Phases

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    In this paper, focusing on the case of single scalar field, we discuss various expanding and contracting phases generating primordial perturbations, and study the relation between the primordial perturbation spectrum from these phases and the parameter w of state equation in details. Furthermore, we offer an interesting classification for the primordial perturbation spectrum from various phases, which may have important implications for building an early universe scenario embedded in possible high energy theories.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    WMAP constraint on the P-term inflationary model

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    In light of WMAP results, we examine the observational constraint on the P-term inflation. With the tunable parameter ff, P-term inflation contains richer physics than D-term and F-term inflationary models. We find the logarithmic derivative spectral index with n>1n>1 on large scales and n<1n<1 on small scales in agreement to observation. We obtained a reasonable range for the choice of the gauge coupling constant gg in order to meet the requirements of WMAP observation and the expected number of the e-foldings. Although tuning ff and gg we can have larger values for the logarithmic derivative of the spectral index, it is not possible to satisfy all observational requirements for both, the spectral index and its logarithmic derivative at the same time.Comment: 6 pages, double column, 13 figures included. Version appearing in the Physical Review

    Potential-density pairs for axisymmetric galaxies: the influence of scalar fields

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    We present a formulation for potential-density pairs to describe axisymmetric galaxies in the Newtonian limit of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. The scalar field is described by a modified Helmholtz equation with a source that is coupled to the standard Poisson equation of Newtonian gravity. The net gravitational force is given by two contributions: the standard Newtonian potential plus a term stemming from massive scalar fields. General solutions have been found for axisymmetric systems and the multipole expansion of the Yukawa potential is given. In particular, we have computed potential-density pairs of galactic disks for an exponential profile and their rotation curves.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, corrected version to the one that will appear in Gen. Relativ. Gravit., where a small typo in eq. (13) is presen

    The Non-Gaussianity of Racetrack Inflation Models

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    In this paper, we use the result in [7] to calculate the non-Gaussianity of the racetrack models in [3, 5]. The two models give different non- Gaussianities. Both of them are reasonable.Comment: 8 pages, no figures; PACS and Keywords are added; mistake is correcte

    Effects of inhomogeneities on apparent cosmological observables: "fake" evolving dark energy

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    Using the exact Lemaitre-Bondi-Tolman solution with a non-vanishing cosmological constant Λ\Lambda, we investigate how the presence of a local spherically-symmetric inhomogeneity can affect apparent cosmological observables, such as the deceleration parameter or the effective equation of state of dark energy (DE), derived from the luminosity distance under the assumption that the real space-time is exactly homogeneous and isotropic. The presence of a local underdensity is found to produce apparent phantom behavior of DE, while a locally overdense region leads to apparent quintessence behavior. We consider relatively small large scale inhomogeneities which today are not linear and could be seeded by primordial curvature perturbations compatible with CMB bounds. Our study shows how observations in an inhomogeneous Λ\LambdaCDM universe with initial conditions compatible with the inflationary beginning, if interpreted under the wrong assumption of homogeneity, can lead to the wrong conclusion about the presence of "fake" evolving dark energy instead of Λ\Lambda.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures,Final version to appear in European Physical Journal
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