2 research outputs found

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- Guidelines and models on implementing design principles of KP-Lab, application scenarios and best practices v2

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    deliverablesThis deliverable provides an updated and extended description of the KP-Lab co-design framework as well as a summary of main design methods used so far. The purpose of this deliverable is to explicate the underlying rationale as well as systematic structure of the co-design process. The report starts with a brief outline of the theoretical considerations underlying the design-framework as well as a comparison with current approaches in software-engineering. Against this background, the main methodological challenges are sketched. In the main part of the report the actual co-design framework, including its guiding principles, the overall process framework as well as concrete design practices are depicted. The report ends with an outlook on the next steps to be taken. This document replaces Deliverable 2.1 Guidelines and models on implementing design principles in KPLab, application scenarios and best practice, v.1 submitted at M6

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- External release of end-user applications

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    deliverablesThis deliverable describes the M24 release of the End user applications for knowledge practices software v2.0.0. The deliverable includes the technical development performed until M24 (January 2008) within WP6 according to Description of Work 2.1 and D6.4 M21 specification of end-user applications. The current release is comprised of two set of tools: 1. Shared Space Tool The shared space and the accompanying support material can be found on the Internet at: http://2d.mobile.evtek.fi:8080/shared-space 2. Map-It. The installer program for Map-It v2.0.0 is available at: http://www.kp-lab.org/intranet/testable-tools/kp-lab-tools/map-it/map-it-2-0.0 Please consult the "Getting Started" Note before installing and using Map-It: http://www.kp-lab.org/intranet/testable-tools/kp-lab-tools/map-it/getting-started-with-map-it 3. Change Laboratory tools The release targeted for the end users participating in the trials planned to be conducted in the CL Working Knot can be accessed via the following link: http://2d.mobile.evtek.fi:8080/shared-space/cl.html Anyone who wishes to try the software out but is not participating in the Change Laboratory trials should use the development deployment on: http://mielikki.mobile.evtek.fi/shared-space/cl.html The M24 release of Semantic Multimedia Annotation tools is still delayed. The release of CASS Memo Client has been postponed to be included in the M28 release in DoW3