144 research outputs found


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    The paper explored current approaches to legal aid and weather they effectively incorporate legal empowerment strategies for vulnerable women in Uganda. The conception and application of legal empowerment of the poor was analyzed from a capabilities perspective informed by “development as freedom” focusing on women. The study presented an investigation on how one can bring together the theoretical insights of legal empowerment with a study of current practices and perceptions of legal aid and legal empowerment in advancing women’s access to justice. By doing so it contributed to the broader discussion on the role of law and development in empowering disadvantaged and vulnerable people, as well as expanding their freedoms, as the link between legal empowerment and access to justice remains significantly unexplored within the capabilities approach. In particular the paper assessed legal aid from the perspective of rights awareness and rights enablement, key components of legal empowerment. Through the capabilities approach it uncovered that legal aid service provisioning plays a significant role in promoting legal empowerment and enhancing women’s capabilities to access justice. However at times they are treating symptoms in the legal sphere with limited reflection on how enhanced capabilities in access justice can create tradeoffs in other spheres

    A Novel Model-Free Data Analysis Technique Based on Clustering in a Mutual Information Space: Application to Resting-State fMRI

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    Non-parametric data-driven analysis techniques can be used to study datasets with few assumptions about the data and underlying experiment. Variations of independent component analysis (ICA) have been the methods mostly used on fMRI data, e.g., in finding resting-state networks thought to reflect the connectivity of the brain. Here we present a novel data analysis technique and demonstrate it on resting-state fMRI data. It is a generic method with few underlying assumptions about the data. The results are built from the statistical relations between all input voxels, resulting in a whole-brain analysis on a voxel level. It has good scalability properties and the parallel implementation is capable of handling large datasets and databases. From the mutual information between the activities of the voxels over time, a distance matrix is created for all voxels in the input space. Multidimensional scaling is used to put the voxels in a lower-dimensional space reflecting the dependency relations based on the distance matrix. By performing clustering in this space we can find the strong statistical regularities in the data, which for the resting-state data turns out to be the resting-state networks. The decomposition is performed in the last step of the algorithm and is computationally simple. This opens up for rapid analysis and visualization of the data on different spatial levels, as well as automatically finding a suitable number of decomposition components

    Optimal forestry based on analysis with PlanVis

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    An optimal economic forestry is something many probably striving for. It’s however difficult to achieve since the subjective judgments and emotions characterize the forestry planning. For optimal care requires powerful analysis with an optimizing forestry planning system. PlanWise is such a system, it has been used in this study to create a number of different management options for a property in VĂ€stra Götaland. The aim of the study was to establish four strategic plans for property where various goals and constraints into account to see how different choices affect the net present value, net revenue, harvesting levels and nature conservation. The options will be helpful for the owner to formulate a goal and create its own strategic plan for the property. The results show that the maximum value is obtained by applying no restrictions on logging. If restrictions are introduced to regeneration felling they must not vary by more than ± 10 % between two consecutive periods. Then more even flow of net revenue can be achieved. The revenue forgone will be only 1.27 % of the current value. If restrictions to achieve higher biodiversity in the form of more allocation and higher conservation both present value and net revenue will decrease. An increase of 5 % free allocation reduces the value by 5.5 % in comparison with the highest net present value. A PlanWise simulation was based on a local interest organization views with the desire to increase the share consideration and allocation. PlanWise shows that the present value decreases by 23 % due to the reduced volume of merchantable timber falling out. The simulations do not include the ecological and social value created by increased share allocation and consideration

    Contracts between co-owners of farm enterprises : are they complete, and do they have to?

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    Inom jordbrukets primĂ€rproduktion pĂ„gĂ„r idag en utveckling, dĂ€r företagen blir allt större. En stor del av denna expansion sker inom nuvarande företagsstruktur. Ett allt vanligare sĂ€tt Ă€r dock att lantbrukare expanderar genom samverkan. Den mest lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende formen av samverkan Ă€r nĂ€r lantbrukare bildar gemensamma driftsbolag. Detta innebĂ€r i mĂ„nga fall att flera tillgĂ„ngar blir Ă€gda gemensamt samt att investeringar i varierande grad blir relationsspecifika. För att reglera denna samverkan behöver parterna utforma avtal. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka om de avtal, som tecknas mellan driftsbolagsdelĂ€gare, Ă€r kompletta och om de behöver vara det. För att nĂ„ detta syfte intervjuas delĂ€gare till tre driftsbolag. En gemensam nĂ€mnare för delĂ€garna Ă€r att driftsbolaget har ett stort moment av relationsspecifika investeringar. FrĂ„gorna formas utifrĂ„n variabler, som identifieras inom tre teorier. Arbetets teoretiska ram bestĂ„r av Ă€ganderĂ€tts-, transaktionskostnads- samt "incomplete contract"-teori. Inom ramen för Ă€ganderĂ€ttsteorin diskuteras det gemensamma Ă€gandets pĂ„verkan pĂ„ avtalens utformning. UtifrĂ„n transaktionskostnadsteorin analyseras kostnaderna för att upprĂ€tta avtalen. "Incomplete contract"-teorin ger svar pĂ„ frĂ„gan om varför avtal formas, om de inte blir kompletta. Driftsbolag att intervjua identifieras med hjĂ€lp av tidskrifter och personer, som har kunskap om omrĂ„det. Fallstudierna visar att avtalen inte Ă€r fullstĂ€ndiga, men erfarenheterna varierar. En orsak till detta Ă€r att driftsbolagen varit verksamma under olika lĂ„ng tid. I de fall, dĂ„ tidsaspekten Ă€r en faktor, har driftsbolagen m.a.o. olika erfarenheter. I nĂ„got fall har man fĂ„tt Ă€ndra och komplettera avtalen, medan det i andra fall verkar finnas behov av förĂ€ndringar eller kompletteringar. Gemensamt för fallföretagen Ă€r att det funnits en ambition att teckna sĂ„ kompletta avtal som varit möjligt. Den teoretiska analysen visar att det mot bakgrund av driftsbolagens karakteristika inte krĂ€vs att avtalen Ă€r fullstĂ€ndiga. Parterna mĂ„ste inse att framtida omförhandlingar av avtalen mĂ„ste göras frĂ„n tid till annan. Noggrant utformade avtal innebĂ€r dock att de enskilda delĂ€garna kĂ€nner större trygghet.Today we are facing a development within the agriculture primary production where the size of the firms increases. Part of this expansion takes place within the current firm structure. Increasingly common is that farmers expand by co-operating with each other. The most farreaching form of co-operation is when farmers establish a jointly own business operation. That normally implies that several assets are owned jointly and that investments to a varying extent becomes relation specific. To regulate this co-operation the parties need to design an agreement. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the agreements that are signed between the part owners of a farm business co-operative are complete and if the agreements have to be. To reach this purpose the part owners of three farm business co-operatives are interviewed. The least denominator for the part owners is that the business co-operative implies a large element of relation specific investments. The questions are based on variables, identified from theory. The essay’s theoretical framework consists of Property Rights Theory, Transaction Costs Theory and Incomplete Contract Theory. As to Property Rights Theory the joint ownerships’ effects on the agreement are discussed. In the Transaction Cost Theory, the costs of formulating the agreements are analysed. The Incomplete Contract Theory gives the answer to why agreements are formulated if they are incomplete. The selection of the business co-operatives to interview is made from mass media and contacts with people with knowledge in the area. The cases show that the agreements are incomplete, although the experience varies. One explanation is that the business co-operatives have not been running for an equally long period of time. In some cases changes have been conducted, while in other cases there seems to be a need of changes and/or supplements. All the business co-operatives have an ambition to formulate their agreements as complete as possible. On the background of the business co-operatives’ characteristic, the theoretical analyses show that the agreements do not have to be complete. The partners rather have to realise that renegotiation of the agreements must be done in some future. Carefully formulated agreements do, however, bring a sense of security to the part owners

    Choke collar vs harness – a study of its impact on the dog

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    Under mÄnga Är har mÀnniskan försökt att kontrollera sin hund med hjÀlp av ett koppel fÀst i ett halsband eller i en sele. Hundar har en stark instinkt att dra nÀr de kÀnner tryck, till exempel hundar som drar i kopplet pÄ promenad, vilket Àr problematiskt vid koppeltrÀning. Man kan ta till en del olika hjÀlpmedel för att fÄ hunden att sluta dra, men en del krÀver bÄde mycket kunskap och fÀrdighet för att anvÀndas rÀtt. Ett av dessa hjÀlpmedel Àr helstrypet, ett slags halsband som dras Ät runt hundens hals nÀr hunden drar. Detta Àr framtaget som ett trÀningsredskap nÀr man trÀnar med negativ förstÀrkning. NÀr hunden utför rÀtt beteende slÀpper man pÄ trycket, men vid en promenad dÄ hunden drar slÀpps det aldrig, och blir dÄ istÀllet som en bestraffning. En sele lÄter en större del av kroppen ta emot trycket om hunden drar. Det finns en mÀngd olika selar, och det Àr viktigt att de sitter rÀtt sÄ trycket fördelas. Man kan anvÀnda sig av sÄ kallade antidragselar, och Àven dessa kommer i olika modeller. En modell kallas för frontkontroll, dÀr kopplet fÀsts i en ring pÄ bröstremmen. Som tidigare nÀmnts sÄ krÀver helstrypet kunskap för att anvÀndas pÄ rÀtt sÀtt, och Àr ett hjÀlpmedel som kommer med en del konsekvenser. I en studie har man sett problem med ökat ögontryck pÄ hundar som drar med halsband pÄ, medan det med selar inte ökade nÀmnvÀrt. Det har gjorts undersökningar pÄ rygg och nacke hos hundar dÀr man har sett samband mellan nackskador och ryck i kopplet. Men det Àr svÄrt att avgöra om det Àr just detta som orsakat nackskadan, eller om det Àr utav yttre pÄverkan. Vissa antidragselar gÄr ut pÄ att det ska vara obehagligt för hunden att dra, det gÄr nÀmligen remmar under hundens ben som dras Ät nÀr hunden drar, och dessa kan skada den kÀnsliga huden samt underliggande nerver. Stress Àr av stor betydelse för hunden vÀlfÀrd, och det Àr vÀldigt svÄrt att mÀta stress. I denna studie har jag valt att titta pÄ beteenden, och de beteenden som enligt tidigare studier tyder pÄ en stressad individ Àr till exempel flÄsar, slickar sig runt nosen, skakar kroppen, gÀspar och ökad vokalisering. Det krÀvs dock ytterligare studier inom detta Àmne dÄ det Àr skillnader mellan olika raser och individer hur de hanterar stress, och dÄ ocksÄ vilka beteenden de visar. I denna studie anvÀndes 15 hundar av olika raser och i olika Älder. Deras Àgare fick innan studien uppskatta pÄ en skala mellan 1-10 hur mycket deras hundar drog, och snittet hamnade pÄ 6,93. Hundarna och dess Àgare filmades dÄ de gick runt i ett ridhus, med en sele av frontkontrollmodell samt ett helstryp i nylon, och dessa filmer analyserades sedan. De beteenden som registrerades var beteenden som kan vara tecken pÄ stress. Man kunde se en signifikant skillnad i antal visade stressignaler under den tid dÄ hunden och förare var i rörelse i ridhuset, och hundarna drog signifikant mer i kopplet nÀr de var i rörelse och bar stryphalsband. Det Àr svÄrt att sÀga varför det Àr sÄ, och mÄnga olika faktorer spelar roll. Alla hundar bar sele först, och dÄ kan de ha acklimatiserat sig till miljön nÀr det var dags att sÀtta pÄ helstrypet, vilket kan innebÀra att de gick tillbaka till gamla vanor att dra i kopplet. Samtidigt sÄ Àr denna sele utformad sÄ att det ska vara svÄrt för hunden att dra. Det behövs vidare forskning inom omrÄdet stress hos hund, samt hur de olika hjÀlpmedel som idag finns pÄ marknaden pÄverkar hunden. Den kunskap som idag finns Àr erfarenheter frÄn mÀnniskor som arbetat med hund, och det finns bara en del vetenskap bakom deras Äsikter. Jag hoppas att detta arbete kan bidra till en diskussion i hundsverige om hur vÄra hundar egentligen mÄr av vÄra uppfinningar, och att hundÀgare tÀnker efter och funderar pÄ vad de utsÀtter sin hund för.For many years man has tried to control their dog by a leash attached to a collar or a harness. Dogs have a strong instinct to pull when they feel pressure, for example, dogs that pull on the leash on the walk, which is problematic during leash training. You can use different tools to get the dog to stop pulling, but some require both knowledge and skill to be used correctly. One of these tools is the choke, a kind of collar that is tightened around the dog's neck when the dog pulls. This is designed as a training tool when training with negative reinforcement. When the dog performs the correct behavior, you release the pressure, but at a walk when the dog pulls it is never released, and instead becomes a punishment. A harness allows a greater part of the body to take the pressure when the dog pulls. There are a variety of harnesses, and it is important that they fit right so the pressure is correctly distributed. You can use a so-called anti-pull harnesses, and even these come in different models. One model is called front control, where the leash is attached to a ring on the cheststrap. As mentioned earlier, the choke requires knowledge to be used properly, and is a tool that comes with some consequences. In one study they have seen problems with increased intraocular pressure in dogs that pull with a collar on, but while wearing harnesses it did not increase significantly. There have been studies on the back and neck in dogs where they have seen the connection between neck injury and tug on the leash. But it is difficult to determine whether it is precisely this that caused the neck injury, or if it is out of external influences. Some anti-pull harness are made so it will be uncomfortable for the dog to pull, where straps that goes under the dog's legs that tighten when the dog pulls, and these can damage the delicate skin and underlying nerves. Stress is of great importance for the welfare of the dog, and it is very difficult to measure stress. In this study, I have chosen to look at behaviors and the behaviors as previous studies indicates a stressed individual are for example, panting, licking around the nose, shake body, yawning, and increased vocalization. However, further studies are needed on this subject since there are differences between breeds and individuals how they handle stress, and then also what signals they show. In this study 15 dogs of various breeds and at different ages were used. Their owners had before the study estimated on a scale of 1-10 how much their dogs pulled, and the cut ended up at 6.93. The dogs and their owners were recorded as they walked around in a riding stable, with a harness of front control model and a choke made of nylon, and these films were analyzed. The behaviors recorded were signals that could be signs of stress. You could see a significant difference in the number of displayed signals of stress during the time when the dog and its owner were in motion at the riding stable, and the dogs pulled significantly more on the leash when they were in motion and wore choke collar. It is difficult to say why this is so, and many factors play a role. All dogs wore the harness first, and so they might have been acclimatized to the environment when it was time to put on the choke collar, which may mean that they went back to old habits, to pull on the leash. At the same time, this harness is made so it will be difficult for the dog to pull. Further research in the area of stress in dogs is needed, and how the various devices currently on the market affect the dog. The knowledge available today is experiences from people who work with dogs, and there is only a little science behind their opinions. I hope that this will contribute to a debate among dogpeople in Sweden about how our dogs really feel by our inventions, and that dog owners think about it and think about what they expose their dog to

    Utveckling av ett verktyg för att karaktÀrisera affÀrsmodeller för skogliga entreprenadtjÀnster

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    The Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) region is a part of northern Europe with common characteristics of low population density and low economic diversity, but with an abundance of natural resources. The region covers areas in eight countries, of which this study has focused on Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, and Ireland. Forests constitute a main resource in the region, with potential to create job opportu-nities. In Sweden and Finland, forestry service contractors have struggled with low profitability. Studies show reasons such as insufficient turnover, and shortcomings in business relationships and operational conditions. There are also identified differ-ences in contractors’ business structures. No studies have however targeted their business model design, which has been shown to provide competitive advantages in other industries. Therefore, this study aimed to adapt, validate and evaluate a business model canvas (BMC) for characterization of forestry service businesses by a three-step approach: 1) Adaptation: Experts in applying BMCs and in forestry services were interviewed targeting suitable adaptations to forestry. 2) Validation: The ability of the adapted canvas to capture variations between contractors and markets was tested by interviewing experts in the focus countries. 3) Evaluation: Outcomes were evaluated to adjust and propose a For-estry BMC (FBMC). Results revealed many similarities and differences, both within and between markets. Commonly, customer companies have a strong influence on business model design. Key differences were found in details of business model components, which moti-vates the need for a structured tool such as the FBMC to ensure covering of all rele-vant aspects.I norra Europas utkant finns glest befolkade omrĂ„den med lĂ„g ekonomisk diversitet men stora naturresurser. Skogsresurserna har stor potential att skapa arbetstillfĂ€llen och driva pĂ„ glesbygdsutvecklingen. Europeiska Unionen (EU) har identifierat om-rĂ„den som uppfyller dessa och nĂ„gra ytterligare kriterier och kallar dem Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) region. NPA-regionen innefattar Ă„tta lĂ€nder varav hĂ€lf-ten av dem Ă€r EU-medlemslĂ€nder och utgör studieomrĂ„de för arbetet: Finland, Irland, Storbritannien och Sverige. Skogliga entreprenader i bĂ„de Sverige och Finland har under en lĂ€ngre tid kĂ€mpat med lĂ„g lönsamhet, och studier har visat samband mellan lönsamhet och faktorer som kundrelationer, omsĂ€ttning och kundernas erbjudna arbetsförutsĂ€ttningar. Studier har ocksĂ„ visat skillnader i entreprenadföretagens företagsstruktur. Trots detta har ingen studerat skogsentreprenadens affĂ€rsmodeller. Studier inom andra branscher har visat att affĂ€rsmodellens utformning kan ge företag konkurrensfördelar. Denna studies syfte var dĂ€rför att anpassa, validera och utvĂ€rdera ett ramverk för kartlĂ€ggning av affĂ€rsmodeller för skogliga entreprenadtjĂ€nster. Detta har gjorts i tre steg: 1) Anpassning: Ramverket anpassades genom intervjuer med sakkun-niga inom anvĂ€ndningen av ramverk för beskrivning av affĂ€rsmo-deller, samt inom skogliga entreprenadtjĂ€nster. 2) Validering: Det föreslagna ramverket testades pĂ„ experter inom skogliga entreprenadtjĂ€nster pĂ„ marknaderna i Sverige, Finland, Ir-land och Skottland för att undersöka hur vĂ€l komponenterna i ram-verket fĂ„ngar variationer i tillĂ€mpade affĂ€rsmodeller. 3) UtvĂ€rdering: Resultatet frĂ„n valideringen utvĂ€rderades för att ta fram ett slutgiltigt ramverk för karaktĂ€risering av skogliga entreprenadfö-retags affĂ€rsmodeller. Resultaten visade skillnader i entreprenadföretagens affĂ€rsmodeller, bĂ„de inom och mellan marknaderna. Skillnaderna Ă„terfinns ofta i detaljerna, varför ett strukturerat och heltĂ€ckande verktyg krĂ€vs för att fĂ„nga dessa. Vidare pekar studien pĂ„ att kund-företagen har en stor inverkan pĂ„ entreprenörernas affĂ€rsmodeller

    Mono-Camera 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Deep Learning Detections and PMBM Filtering

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    Monocular cameras are one of the most commonly used sensors in the automotive industry for autonomous vehicles. One major drawback using a monocular camera is that it only makes observations in the two dimensional image plane and can not directly measure the distance to objects. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by developing a multi-object tracking algorithm that takes an image as input and produces trajectories of detected objects in a world coordinate system. We solve this by using a deep neural network trained to detect and estimate the distance to objects from a single input image. The detections from a sequence of images are fed in to a state-of-the art Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture tracking filter. The combination of the learned detector and the PMBM filter results in an algorithm that achieves 3D tracking using only mono-camera images as input. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated both in 3D world coordinates, and 2D image coordinates, using the publicly available KITTI object tracking dataset. The algorithm shows the ability to accurately track objects, correctly handle data associations, even when there is a big overlap of the objects in the image, and is one of the top performing algorithms on the KITTI object tracking benchmark. Furthermore, the algorithm is efficient, running on average close to 20 frames per second.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, for associated videos, see https://goo.gl/Aoydg

    Fertilization in young stands : a study of practical application

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    I en omstÀllning till ett hÄllbart biobaserat samhÀlle kommer efterfrÄgan pÄ biomaterial och förnyelsebara rÄvaror öka ytterligare. För att möta den ökande efterfrÄgan samtidigt som vi bevarar biodiversiteten behöver produktionen i svenska skogar öka. I detta arbete har praktiska försök med behovsanpassad gödsling (BAG) i unga granbestÄnd utvÀrderats. Försöken Àr anlagda av Enheten för skoglig fÀltforskning vid SLU i samarbete med Södra skogsÀgarna och Sveaskog. Försöken Àr anlagda i Tranemo respektive Toftaholm (Ljungbytrakten), med syftet att testa huruvida det Àr praktiskt möjligt att bedriva behovsanpassad gödsling i större skala och erhÄlla samma höga tillvÀxt som uppnÄtts tidigare i mindre, grundlÀggande försök. BestÄnden Àr gödslade med fullgödselgiva vartannat Är med start vid ca tre meters höjd och har reviderats fem och elva Är efter behandlingsstart. Variablerna som studerades var höjd, diameter samt volym. Analysen visade pÄ ökad tillvÀxt med avseende pÄ alla tre variabler i de gödslade ytorna jÀmfört de ogödslade, i storleksordningen 15 % ökad höjdtillvÀxt, 25 % ökad diametertillvÀxt samt 100 % ökad volymtillvÀxt. Vi jÀmförde tillvÀxtresultaten i de praktiskt tillÀmpade försöken med tidigare försök gjorda i mindre skala och uppnÄr liknande resultat. För bolag med stora skogsinnehav Àr egen skog den sÀkraste och billigaste rÄvaran att leverera till industrin, dÀr intensivodling med gödsling Àr ett sÀtt att öka mÀngden virke i den egna skogen.In a transition to a greener society, the demand for biomaterials and renewable raw materials will increase. To meet the growing demand while preserving biodiversity, production in Swedish forests needs to increase. We have evaluated the practical nutrient optimization in forest young stands established at the Department of Forest field research at SLU in collaboration with forest owners Södra and Sveaskog. The trials are located in Tranemo and Toftaholm. Goal being to test whether it is practically possible to conduct nutrient optimization on a large scale and achieve results similar to those previously achieved in smaller scale. The stands are fertilized with a fullrange fertilizer dose every other year, with the beginning at about three meters standhight, and has been revised five and eleven years after started treatment. The variables studied were height, diameter and volume. The analysis showed increased growth in terms of all three variables in the fertilized plots compared to the unfertilised, in the range of 15% increased height growth, 25% increased diameter growth and 100% increase in volume growth. We compared the experiments with previous studies done on a smaller scale and achieves similar results. For companies with large forest holdings ones own forests are the safest and cheapest raw materials supply for the industry, intensive farming with fertilization is a way to increase the amount of timber in there own forests
