3,802 research outputs found

    Exponential clogging time for a one dimensional DLA

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    When considering DLA on a cylinder it is natural to ask how many particles it takes to clog the cylinder, e.g. modeling clogging of arteries. In this note we formulate a very simple DLA clogging model and establish an exponential lower bound on the number of particles arriving before clogging appears

    Every planar graph with the Liouville property is amenable

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    We introduce a strengthening of the notion of transience for planar maps in order to relax the standard condition of bounded degree appearing in various results, in particular, the existence of Dirichlet harmonic functions proved by Benjamini and Schramm. As a corollary we obtain that every planar non-amenable graph admits Dirichlet harmonic functions

    Superdiffusion in a class of networks with marginal long-range connections

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    A class of cubic networks composed of a regular one-dimensional lattice and a set of long-range links is introduced. Networks parametrized by a positive integer k are constructed by starting from a one-dimensional lattice and iteratively connecting each site of degree 2 with a kkth neighboring site of degree 2. Specifying the way pairs of sites to be connected are selected, various random and regular networks are defined, all of which have a power-law edge-length distribution of the form P>(l)∌l−sP_>(l)\sim l^{-s} with the marginal exponent s=1. In all these networks, lengths of shortest paths grow as a power of the distance and random walk is super-diffusive. Applying a renormalization group method, the corresponding shortest-path dimensions and random-walk dimensions are calculated exactly for k=1 networks and for k=2 regular networks; in other cases, they are estimated by numerical methods. Although, s=1 holds for all representatives of this class, the above quantities are found to depend on the details of the structure of networks controlled by k and other parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Convergence towards an asymptotic shape in first-passage percolation on cone-like subgraphs of the integer lattice

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    In first-passage percolation on the integer lattice, the Shape Theorem provides precise conditions for convergence of the set of sites reachable within a given time from the origin, once rescaled, to a compact and convex limiting shape. Here, we address convergence towards an asymptotic shape for cone-like subgraphs of the Zd\Z^d lattice, where d≄2d\ge2. In particular, we identify the asymptotic shapes associated to these graphs as restrictions of the asymptotic shape of the lattice. Apart from providing necessary and sufficient conditions for LpL^p- and almost sure convergence towards this shape, we investigate also stronger notions such as complete convergence and stability with respect to a dynamically evolving environment.Comment: 23 pages. Together with arXiv:1305.6260, this version replaces the old. The main results have been strengthened and an earlier error in the statement corrected. To appear in J. Theoret. Proba

    Critical percolation of free product of groups

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    In this article we study percolation on the Cayley graph of a free product of groups. The critical probability pcp_c of a free product G1∗G2∗...∗GnG_1*G_2*...*G_n of groups is found as a solution of an equation involving only the expected subcritical cluster size of factor groups G1,G2,...,GnG_1,G_2,...,G_n. For finite groups these equations are polynomial and can be explicitly written down. The expected subcritical cluster size of the free product is also found in terms of the subcritical cluster sizes of the factors. In particular, we prove that pcp_c for the Cayley graph of the modular group PSL2(Z)\hbox{PSL}_2(\mathbb Z) (with the standard generators) is .5199....5199..., the unique root of the polynomial 2p5−6p4+2p3+4p2−12p^5-6p^4+2p^3+4p^2-1 in the interval (0,1)(0,1). In the case when groups GiG_i can be "well approximated" by a sequence of quotient groups, we show that the critical probabilities of the free product of these approximations converge to the critical probability of G1∗G2∗...∗GnG_1*G_2*...*G_n and the speed of convergence is exponential. Thus for residually finite groups, for example, one can restrict oneself to the case when each free factor is finite. We show that the critical point, introduced by Schonmann, pexpp_{\mathrm{exp}} of the free product is just the minimum of pexpp_{\mathrm{exp}} for the factors

    Scaling behavior of the contact process in networks with long-range connections

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    We present simulation results for the contact process on regular, cubic networks that are composed of a one-dimensional lattice and a set of long edges with unbounded length. Networks with different sets of long edges are considered, that are characterized by different shortest-path dimensions and random-walk dimensions. We provide numerical evidence that an absorbing phase transition occurs at some finite value of the infection rate and the corresponding dynamical critical exponents depend on the underlying network. Furthermore, the time-dependent quantities exhibit log-periodic oscillations in agreement with the discrete scale invariance of the networks. In case of spreading from an initial active seed, the critical exponents are found to depend on the location of the initial seed and break the hyper-scaling law of the directed percolation universality class due to the inhomogeneity of the networks. However, if the cluster spreading quantities are averaged over initial sites the hyper-scaling law is restored.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    On a random walk with memory and its relation to Markovian processes

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    We study a one-dimensional random walk with memory in which the step lengths to the left and to the right evolve at each step in order to reduce the wandering of the walker. The feedback is quite efficient and lead to a non-diffusive walk. The time evolution of the displacement is given by an equivalent Markovian dynamical process. The probability density for the position of the walker is the same at any time as for a random walk with shrinking steps, although the two-time correlation functions are quite different.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Palm pairs and the general mass-transport principle

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    We consider a lcsc group G acting properly on a Borel space S and measurably on an underlying sigma-finite measure space. Our first main result is a transport formula connecting the Palm pairs of jointly stationary random measures on S. A key (and new) technical result is a measurable disintegration of the Haar measure on G along the orbits. The second main result is an intrinsic characterization of the Palm pairs of a G-invariant random measure. We then proceed with deriving a general version of the mass-transport principle for possibly non-transitive and non-unimodular group operations first in a deterministic and then in its full probabilistic form.Comment: 26 page

    The Inverse Shapley Value Problem

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    For ff a weighted voting scheme used by nn voters to choose between two candidates, the nn \emph{Shapley-Shubik Indices} (or {\em Shapley values}) of ff provide a measure of how much control each voter can exert over the overall outcome of the vote. Shapley-Shubik indices were introduced by Lloyd Shapley and Martin Shubik in 1954 \cite{SS54} and are widely studied in social choice theory as a measure of the "influence" of voters. The \emph{Inverse Shapley Value Problem} is the problem of designing a weighted voting scheme which (approximately) achieves a desired input vector of values for the Shapley-Shubik indices. Despite much interest in this problem no provably correct and efficient algorithm was known prior to our work. We give the first efficient algorithm with provable performance guarantees for the Inverse Shapley Value Problem. For any constant \eps > 0 our algorithm runs in fixed poly(n)(n) time (the degree of the polynomial is independent of \eps) and has the following performance guarantee: given as input a vector of desired Shapley values, if any "reasonable" weighted voting scheme (roughly, one in which the threshold is not too skewed) approximately matches the desired vector of values to within some small error, then our algorithm explicitly outputs a weighted voting scheme that achieves this vector of Shapley values to within error \eps. If there is a "reasonable" voting scheme in which all voting weights are integers at most \poly(n) that approximately achieves the desired Shapley values, then our algorithm runs in time \poly(n) and outputs a weighted voting scheme that achieves the target vector of Shapley values to within error $\eps=n^{-1/8}.
