86 research outputs found

    Proving uniformity and independence by self-composition and coupling

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    Proof by coupling is a classical proof technique for establishing probabilistic properties of two probabilistic processes, like stochastic dominance and rapid mixing of Markov chains. More recently, couplings have been investigated as a useful abstraction for formal reasoning about relational properties of probabilistic programs, in particular for modeling reduction-based cryptographic proofs and for verifying differential privacy. In this paper, we demonstrate that probabilistic couplings can be used for verifying non-relational probabilistic properties. Specifically, we show that the program logic pRHL---whose proofs are formal versions of proofs by coupling---can be used for formalizing uniformity and probabilistic independence. We formally verify our main examples using the EasyCrypt proof assistant

    Advanced Probabilistic Couplings for Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is a promising formal approach to data privacy, which provides a quantitative bound on the privacy cost of an algorithm that operates on sensitive information. Several tools have been developed for the formal verification of differentially private algorithms, including program logics and type systems. However, these tools do not capture fundamental techniques that have emerged in recent years, and cannot be used for reasoning about cutting-edge differentially private algorithms. Existing techniques fail to handle three broad classes of algorithms: 1) algorithms where privacy depends accuracy guarantees, 2) algorithms that are analyzed with the advanced composition theorem, which shows slower growth in the privacy cost, 3) algorithms that interactively accept adaptive inputs. We address these limitations with a new formalism extending apRHL, a relational program logic that has been used for proving differential privacy of non-interactive algorithms, and incorporating aHL, a (non-relational) program logic for accuracy properties. We illustrate our approach through a single running example, which exemplifies the three classes of algorithms and explores new variants of the Sparse Vector technique, a well-studied algorithm from the privacy literature. We implement our logic in EasyCrypt, and formally verify privacy. We also introduce a novel coupling technique called \emph{optimal subset coupling} that may be of independent interest

    The last mile: High-Assurance and High-Speed cryptographic implementations

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    We develop a new approach for building cryptographic implementations. Our approach goes the last mile and delivers assembly code that is provably functionally correct, protected against side-channels, and as efficient as handwritten assembly. We illustrate our approach using ChaCha20Poly1305, one of the two ciphersuites recommended in TLS 1.3, and deliver formally verified vectorized implementations which outperform the fastest non-verified code.We realize our approach by combining the Jasmin framework, which offers in a single language features of high-level and low-level programming, and the EasyCrypt proof assistant, which offers a versatile verification infrastructure that supports proofs of functional correctness and equivalence checking. Neither of these tools had been used for functional correctness before. Taken together, these infrastructures empower programmers to develop efficient and verified implementations by "game hopping", starting from reference implementations that are proved functionally correct against a specification, and gradually introducing program optimizations that are proved correct by equivalence checking.We also make several contributions of independent interest, including a new and extensible verified compiler for Jasmin, with a richer memory model and support for vectorized instructions, and a new embedding of Jasmin in EasyCrypt.This work is partially supported by project ONR N00014-19-1-2292. Manuel Barbosa was supported by grant SFRH/BSAB/143018/2018 awarded by FCT. This work was partially funded by national funds via FCT in the context of project PTDC/CCI-INF/31698/2017

    A Messy State of the Union: Taming the Composite State Machines of TLS

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    To appearInternational audienceImplementations of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol must handle a variety of protocol versions and extensions, authentication modes, and key exchange methods. Confusingly, each combination may prescribe a different message sequence between the client and the server. We address the problem of designing a robust composite state machine that correctly multiplexes between these different protocol modes. We systematically test popular open-source TLS implementations for state machine bugs and discover several critical security vulnerabilities that have lain hidden in these libraries for years, and have now finally been patched due to our disclosures. Several of these vulnerabilities, including the recently publicized FREAK flaw, enable a network attacker to break into TLS connections between authenticated clients and servers. We argue that state machine bugs stem from incorrect compositions of individually correct state machines. We present the first verified implementation of a composite TLS state machine in C that can be embedded into OpenSSL and accounts for all its supported ciphersuites. Our attacks expose the need for the formal verifica- tion of core components in cryptographic protocol libraries; our implementation demonstrates that such mechanized proofs are within reach, even for mainstream TLS implementations

    A program logic for union bounds

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    International audienceWe propose a probabilistic Hoare logic aHL based on the union bound, a tool from basic probability theory. While the union bound is simple, it is an extremely common tool for analyzing randomized algorithms. In formal verification terms, the union bound allows flexible and compos-itional reasoning over possible ways an algorithm may go wrong. It also enables a clean separation between reasoning about probabilities and reasoning about events, which are expressed as standard first-order formulas in our logic. Notably, assertions in our logic are non-probabilistic, even though we can conclude probabilistic facts from the judgments. Our logic can also prove accuracy properties for interactive programs, where the program must produce intermediate outputs as soon as pieces of the input arrive, rather than accessing the entire input at once. This setting also enables adaptivity, where later inputs may depend on earlier intermediate outputs. We show how to prove accuracy for several examples from the differential privacy literature, both interactive and non-interactive. 1998 ACM Subject Classification D.2.4 Software/Program Verification 1 Introduction Probabilistic computations arise naturally in many areas of computer science. For instance, they are widely used in cryptography, privacy, and security for achieving goals that lie beyond the reach of deterministic programs. However, the correctness of probabilistic programs can be quite subtle, often relying on complex reasoning about probabilistic events. Accordingly, probabilistic computations present an attractive target for formal verification. A long line of research, spanning more than four decades, has focused on expressive formalisms for reasoning about general probabilistic properties both for purely probabilistic programs and for programs that combine probabilistic and non-deterministic choice (see, e.g., [29, 34, 35]). More recent research investigates specialized formalisms that work with more restricted assertions and proof techniques, aiming to simplify formal verification. As perhaps the purest examples of this approach, some program logics prove probabilistic properties by working purely with non-probabilistic assertions; we call such systems lightweight logics. Examples include probabilistic relational Hoare logic [3] for proving the reductionist security of cryptographic constructions, and the related approximate probabilistic relational Hoare logic [4] for reasoning about differential privacy. These logics rely on the powerful abstraction of probabilistic couplings to derive probabilistic facts from non-probabilistic assertions [7]

    A machine-checked proof of security for AWS key management service

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    We present a machine-checked proof of security for the domain management protocol of Amazon Web Services' KMS (Key Management Service) a critical security service used throughout AWS and by AWS customers. Domain management is at the core of AWS KMS; it governs the top-level keys that anchor the security of encryption services at AWS. We show that the protocol securely implements an ideal distributed encryption mechanism under standard cryptographic assumptions. The proof is machine-checked in the EasyCrypt proof assistant and is the largest EasyCrypt development to date.Manuel Barbosa was supported by grant SFRH/BSAB/143018/2018 awarded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Vitor Pereira was supported by grant FCT-PD/BD/113967/201 awarded by FCT. This work was partially funded by national funds via FCT in the context of project PTDC/CCI-INF/31698/2017

    Verified Proofs of Higher-Order Masking

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    In this paper, we study the problem of automatically verifying higher-order masking countermeasures. This problem is important in practice (weaknesses have been discovered in schemes that were thought secure), but is inherently exponential: for tt-order masking, it involves proving that every subset of tt intermediate variables is distributed independently of the secrets. Some type systems have been proposed to help cryptographers check their proofs, but many of these approaches are insufficient for higher-order implementations. We propose a new method, based on program verification techniques, to check the independence of sets of intermediate variables from some secrets. Our new language-based characterization of the problem also allows us to design and implement several algorithms that greatly reduce the number of sets of variables that need to be considered to prove this independence property on \emph{all} valid adversary observations. The result of these algorithms is either a proof of security or a set of observations on which the independence property cannot be proved. We focus on AES implementations to check the validity of our algorithms. We also confirm the tool\u27s ability to give useful information when proofs fail, by rediscovering existing attacks and discovering new ones
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