8 research outputs found

    Impact of Recycled Process Water on Electrochemical Reactivity of Sulphide Ore

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Nora Schreithofer and Thi Minh Khanh Le for their input in the experiments and for suggesting some changes during the drafting of the manuscript. The authors further thank Boliden Kevitsa Mine for providing the samples and the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, Aalto University for supporting this study.The Kevitsa Cu-Ni sequential flotation process is characterised by poor nickel recovery during summer periods (May-September). Evidently, the process water matrix in summer is different from that in other seasons; however, the Cu flotation performance is scarcely affected by the changes in the water matrix across the seasons. Increasingly different process water quality was generated through a grinding-and-dissolution protocol and its impact on the electrochemical reactivity of sulphide ore was studied. The main objective of this approach was to mimic the increasingly different quality of plant process water emanating from a closed-process water loop. Dissolved oxygen demand tests were conducted on the Kevitsa ore using water of varying quality from dissolution loops. The effect of the temperature and fine grind on the oxidation rates was also investigated. The study was coupled with EDTA metal ion extraction and xanthate adsorption tests. These showed that the number of dissolution loops, which has an impacton water quality, has a direct impact on the rate of oxidation of the ore. A fine grind and high temperature both increase the oxidation rates of the ore. The Kevitsa ore is most reactive in the first 10-20 min after milling. Furthermore, oxidation rates are also driven by the amount of pyrrhotite in the ore, with chalcopyrite being the least reactive, as indicated by the EDTA data. Xanthate adsorption is impacted by the water quality and fine grind. The combined effect of water quality, temperature and fine grind is expected to influence the flotation behaviour of sulphide minerals. The poor nickel recovery of the Kevitsa ore during the summer period is attributable to the unfavourable process water quality, which accelerates the oxidation of the ore during the summer period.Peer reviewe

    Oxidative Dissolution of Low-Grade Ni-Cu Ore and Impact on Flotation of Pentlandite

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Thi Minh Khanh Le’s input in reviewing the paper and suggesting some changes, Boliden Kevitsa Mine for providing the samples, and the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems—Aalto University for supporting this study. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.This paper investigated the effect of mineral surface oxidation on the floatability of Kevitsa low-grade Ni-Cu ore. Physicochemical measurements, ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) extraction, and oxygen uptake experiments were carried out with slurry and recycled process water samples obtained from the Kevitsa Cu-Ni sequential concentrator plant. The pH of recycled process water, copper flotation feed, and nickel flotation feed dropped by 0.7, 0.4, and 0.7 points, respectively, from May to July. The oxygen demand increased from recycled process water to the copper flotation feed, then dropped for the nickel flotation feed. The nickel flotation feed Redox potential (ORP) was lowest for July, while EDTA extractable metals increased from May to July. There was a 20% drop in nickel recoveries from May to July. Based on ORP measurements of the nickel flotation feed, good nickel flotation takes place in a moderately oxidizing (75–170 mV) and alkaline (9.2–9.7 pH) environment. Therefore, the ORP/pH of the nickel flotation feed is important to the nickel flotation. The results showed that at the Kevitsa plant, the grinding process is an electrochemically active environment, which, together with the incoming recycled process water quality, defines the degree of mineral surface oxidation for flotation. The increasing corrosiveness of the recycled process water increased mineral surface oxidation and depressed pentlandite flotation. Laboratory flotation experiments confirmed the observed poor plant flotation response when the corrosiveness of recycled process water increased. Total dissolved solids (TDS) was proven to be a reliable online parameter for the corrosiveness of the recycled process water and was inversely proportional to the pentlandite recovery. The findings of this study may help the plant develop ways to enable a timely response to changes in recycled process water quality to prevent harmful impacts on pentlandite flotation.Peer reviewe

    Influence of Water Quality on Sulphide Ore Oxidation and Speciation of Sulphur Anions during Autogenous Milling

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    Earlier studies at the Kevitsa Cu-Ni concentrator plant have indicated that seasonal variations of the properties of the process water affect the oxidation of the surface of the minerals, and further, the pentlandite flotation performance. However, it is not clear whether the differences in flotation performance are solely due to changes in the mineral surface oxidation, and/or also due to surface oxidation-induced changes in the aqueous phase of the pulp. This paper investigates the effects of the mineral surface oxidation of Kevitsa Cu-Ni ore on the properties of the aqueous phase of the slurry. A systematic study was formulated to monitor the surface oxidation related changes in the mill circuit of the Kevitsa concentrator plant. The study was timed to coincide with a seasonally observed drop in the concentrator plant’s flotation performance, which happens during the summer months (June, July, and August). Both physicochemical parameters, as well as sulphur oxyanions in the plant process water, mill discharge, and hydrocyclone overflows were monitored. Also, the bubble size in selected rougher and cleaner cells was monitored. The results show that season-related changes in mineral surface oxidation cause clear differences in the aqueous phase chemistry of the mill circuit. The increased concentration of reduced sulphur species in the mill discharge is an indication of extensive oxidation of the ore during milling. Also, the bubble size of the flotation cells reacts to the observed seasonal change. The findings of the study confirm that the consequences expected, based on the theory of mineral surface oxidation, are observable downstream in the aqueous phase of the milling circuit. Based on these results, it is not yet possible to say whether the poor flotation performance is caused solely by the oxidation of the mineral surface or also by the properties of the aqueous phase of the slurry after milling. However, the results show that the plant needs both to find ways to limit oxidation rates in the summer, and to consider installing a more robust frother, capable of maintaining efficacy during the warm season. The findings of this study may help the plant to develop ways to enable a timely response to changes in the recycled process water quality, to prevent harmful impacts on pentlandite flotation. The former could be achieved by lowering the temperature of the process water and flotation air, whereas the latter could mean using a different frother

    Sustainable water management in mineral processing by using multivariate variography to improve sampling procedures

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank Boliden Kevitsa mine for industrial support and access to the data. Prof. Kari Heiskanen is acknowledged for his advices, comments, and suggestions. The authors thank Prof. K.H. Esbensen for the very valuable comments provided as part of the pre-examination of TMK Le's PhD manuscript. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsDue to the rising pressure from governmental regulations, the water recycling rate has increased significantly in mining operations over the last decades, resulting in a high variation of process water quality, which could potentially impact the plant performance. The current effort to assess water quality in mining is shifting from managing water to fulfill environmental regulations (focus on the effluents) to controlling water quality to maintain the operating performance (focus on the water within the process). However, minimal effort has been made to design a dedicated sampling procedure for process water. This study investigates the use of multivariate variography and principal component analysis (PCA) for improving the process water sampling procedure at the Kevitsa Mine, Finland. The aim is to design a sampling procedure for evaluating water quality using two different types of datasets and illustrating the impact of the dataset structure on the sampling design. The results showed that the common spot sampling procedure generated a very high sampling error and was not the best practice for process water. The weekly sampling frequency used at the mine site, suitable for fulfilling environmental regulations was too low to capture the process water variation. Therefore, it is not recommended to use environmental water datasets for operating control purposes. The multivariate variographic analysis revealed the hidden cyclic variation through its ability to summarize the time variations and the correlation between multiple variables that were not visible through the classical univariate variogram approach. However, the number of increments recommended by the global multivariogram became impractically high. Hence, an alternative approach combining PCA to the mutivariogram was used to filter noise from the data and keep the relevant information. This study highlights the benefits of using multivariate variography to improve water sampling procedures in the mining industry and to reduce both operational and environmental risks associated with water quality variability. Thus, this method has the potential to be used in worldwide mining operations as a standard procedure for sampling water to provide reliable results.Peer reviewe

    Improving Nickel Recovery in Froth Flotation by Purifying Concentrators Process Water Using Dissolved Air Flotation

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by Business Finland.The pressure for saving water by closing the water loops in mineral processing is increasing continuously. The drivers for higher recirculating rates include water scarcity in dry areas, environmental legislation that is becoming stricter in most countries, limitations set for wet tailings management and the increased demands for social licenses to operate. At the same time, to make mineral processing sustainable, the recovery of valuable minerals should be maximized. This leads for a need to close the process water circulation. To see the effect of closed water circulation on metallurgical performance, flotation tests were carried out with nickel concentrate thickener overflow water before and after the process of water purification by dissolved air flotation (DAF). Both total nickel recovery and concentrate grade in laboratory scale flotation tests to the Ni rougher-scavenger concentrate increased after DAF treatment. Chemical and mineralogical characterizations revealed that after DAF treatment, the process water contained fewer metal hydroxides and less fine-grained silicate mineral particles, which is most likely the reason for the improvement in the nickel flotation performance. Based on the feasibility study, improved nickel recovery by DAF treatment of process water can bring economic benefits at a concentrator plant.Peer reviewe