15 research outputs found

    Computational Evidence for Laboratory Diagnostic Pathways: Extracting Predictive Analytes for Myocardial Ischemia from Routine Hospital Data

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    Background: Laboratory parameters are critical parts of many diagnostic pathways, mortality scores, patient follow-ups, and overall patient care, and should therefore have underlying standardized, evidence-based recommendations. Currently, laboratory parameters and their significance are treated differently depending on expert opinions, clinical environment, and varying hospital guidelines. In our study, we aimed to demonstrate the capability of a set of algorithms to identify predictive analytes for a specific diagnosis. As an illustration of our proposed methodology, we examined the analytes associated with myocardial ischemia; it was a well-researched diagnosis and provides a substrate for comparison. We intend to present a toolset that will boost the evolution of evidence-based laboratory diagnostics and, therefore, improve patient care. Methods: The data we used consisted of preexisting, anonymized recordings from the emergency ward involving all patient cases with a measured value for troponin T. We used multiple imputation technique, orthogonal data augmentation, and Bayesian Model Averaging to create predictive models for myocardial ischemia. Each model incorporated different analytes as cofactors. In examining these models further, we could then conclude the predictive importance of each analyte in question. Results: The used algorithms extracted troponin T as a highly predictive analyte for myocardial ischemia. As this is a known relationship, we saw the predictive importance of troponin T as a proof of concept, suggesting a functioning method. Additionally, we could demonstrate the algorithm’s capabilities to extract known risk factors of myocardial ischemia from the data. Conclusion: In this pilot study, we chose an assembly of algorithms to analyze the value of analytes in predicting myocardial ischemia. By providing reliable correlations between the analytes and the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia, we demonstrated the possibilities to create unbiased computational-based guidelines for laboratory diagnostics by using computational power in today’s era of digitalization


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    Vakuum-Reposition einer Pingpong-Fraktur beim Neugeborenen

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    Schädelimpressionen beim Neugeborenen können pränatal oder perinatal, dann meist im Rahmen einer instrumentell-assistierten Geburt, entstehen und sind insgesamt selten. Traditionell werden solche Frakturen operativ versorgt. Wir machen mit diesem Fall auf eine einfache und sichere Methode der geschlossenen Reposition aufmerksam

    Torsion of an Accessory Liver Lobe in a Newborn.

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    Accessory liver lobes are rare. We present the rare case of torsion of an accessory liver lobe in a neonate. A 13-day-old newborn presented with failure to thrive and hematemesis without fever. The initial workup with sonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and upper gastrointestinal study was suspicious of a duplication cyst, most likely in the posterior wall of the stomach. Laboratory and radiological findings were not suggesting a choledochal cyst. We performed a laparotomy with resection of the 3.2 × 2.1 × 1.1 cm mass. Intraoperatively, the cystic formation extended from of the liver bed up to the lesser curvature of the stomach. The mass was attached to the left liver lobe with fibrous bands. Histopathology revealed necrotic liver parenchyma with patent viable biliary ducts, indicative of an accessory liver lobe that underwent torsion in the perinatal period. The postoperative course and follow-up (6 months so far) were uneventful. To our knowledge, this is the youngest described patient in the literature with an accessory liver lobe torsion and the second case report concerning this entity in a neonate. It presents an extremely rare differential diagnosis in symptomatic neonates with a cystic mass in the upper abdomen

    Local resection of metanephric adenoma with kidney preservation

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    Metanephric adenoma (MA) is a rare renal neoplasm present at any age. Usually, a total nephrectomy is performed. Some successful partial nephrectomies or selective tumor resections are described in adults but not in children. We present here the case of a 15-month-old boy, the youngest patient yet to be reported with an MA. We performed a local resection of the tumor. Today, 2 1/2 years after surgery, we can document a favorable clinical course and normal ultrasound findings in the follow-up of the operated kidney. This case gives further evidence that organ-sparing resection of MA is feasible in selected cases. A close clinical and ultrasound follow-up is mandatory for this approach

    Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele

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    Pai syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by cutaneous polyps of the face, pericallosal lipoma and median cleft lip. We report on a newborn girl with a variant of Pai syndrome presenting with all typical findings except a median cleft. In addition, fetal sonography and MRI showed the unique intrauterine evolution of a cephalocele into an atretic cephalocele

    Pre- and postnatal imaging of Pai syndrome with spontaneous intrauterine closure of a frontal cephalocele.

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    Pai syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by cutaneous polyps of the face, pericallosal lipoma and median cleft lip. We report on a newborn girl with a variant of Pai syndrome presenting with all typical findings except a median cleft. In addition, fetal sonography and MRI showed the unique intrauterine evolution of a cephalocele into an atretic cephalocele