22 research outputs found

    Co-adaptation equilibrium and neutral stability.

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    <p>In A the fitness surface displaying the neutral curve for co-adapted associations of offspring solicitation and parental sensitivity for a fixed value of <i>β</i> is shown. B illustrates a typical dynamics of the system from two different sets of initial conditions (solid versus dashed lines). Red lines are for parental sensitivity <i>α</i>, green lines for offspring solicitation <i>ξ</i> and blue lines for the baseline provisioning <i>β</i>; clearly, under different initial conditions the system reaches different stable equilibria that are part of the stable equilibrium ‘curve’ in A.</p

    Simulation outcomes with parental sensitivity fixed.

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    <p><i>a</i><sub>1</sub> represents an insensitive parental strategy, and <i>a</i><sub>5</sub> the most sensitive parental strategy. The solicitation locus is allowed to mutate among the five alleles and evolve. <i>x</i><sub>1</sub> is a non-soliciting strategy, <i>x</i><sub>5</sub> the highest solicitation strategy. and adapt to the parental sensitivity present in the parental sub-population. The mean and 95% percentiles of the distribution of evolutionary outcomes are shown for the frequencies of each solicitation allele after 500 generations.</p

    Simulation outcome with offspring solicitation and parental sensitivity co-evolving.

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    <p>Example of a single simulation run. Panel A) shows the evolution of the population mean level of PI (the dashed red line reflects the theoretical optimum level of PI for the chosen parameter values). B) the evolving frequencies of the five solicitation alleles, and C) the evolving frequencies of the five sensitivity alleles.</p

    Time dynamics in the stochastic simulations.

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    <p>The co-evolutionary time-dynamics for the level of PI, solicitation allele frequencies and sensitivity allele frequencies. Shown are the mean and 95% percentiles for the coefficients of variation (C.V.) calculated over the final 250 generations and across 100 simulation runs.</p

    Transmission dynamics of provisioning genes (blue boxes) and solicitation genes (red boxes).

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    <p>Filled boxes indicate the gene is expressed in that life-stage, hatched boxes that the gene in not expressed. Arrows depict the path through which genes get passed on to the next generation.</p

    Definitions of functions, model parameters and variables.

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    <p>Definitions of functions, model parameters and variables.</p

    A heat diagram showing total contacts occurring in each school area during a simulated day.

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    <p>Panel A depicts the number of contacts that occurred during the baseline (B) set of simulations; Panel B depicts the number of contacts that occurred during the most-effective intervention (AAI). The left-hand column is the lower level of the school and the right-hand column the top level. Unsurprisingly, the highest density of contacts occurred in the entryway of the building (top-center lower level). Without interventions, schoolrooms have a relatively high number of contacts; with the AAI interventions, the relative contribution of classrooms is greatly diminished. Likewise, contacts occurring in other shared spaces (lunchroom and schoolyard) were also drastically reduced.</p

    The relative decrease in disease transmission for the proposed intervention strategies.

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    <p>The probability of transmitting a disease per minute was allowed to range between 0.01 to 0.3 for all 8 interventions. The percentage of new infections prevented in one day (-axis) is the relative drop in infected individuals compared to the baseline run (i.e., , where and are new infections in the intervention and the baseline simulations, respectively). For the baseline simulations, the total number of new infections depending on the probability of infection is shown on the bottom right.</p


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    The file contains data on individual flowers of 64 female Silene latifolia plants arising from selection lines that were grown in a common garden in the presence of the pollinating seed predator of the plant. The data file was created using Excel 2011. Detailed information on the data is provided in the ReadMe file

    Layout of school's lower level and single student example.

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    <p>The figure shows the general layout of the school. The entrance to the building is at the top-center of the figure. The hallway (dark gray) encircles the lunchroom (orange) and the schoolyard. Classrooms sit on the exterior walls of the building. Stairs (tan) allow students to go to the upper level of the school. The upper level has the identical layout but without the lunch and recess spaces. Colored lines indicate the paths traveled by one student during a particular realization of the simulation. Line colors indicate the time of day the path was traveled. The numbered white lines indicate how many contacts occurred in a particular school area.</p