10 research outputs found

    Infections averted (among all ages) from coverage scale-up over 2015–2019, relative to resource needs over 2015–2019, by intervention, in the ‘Accelerated scale-up’ scenario.

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    <p>Both costs and infections averted are discounted, at 3% per year. Abbreviations in Fig 5: ART = Antiretroviral therapy; Sex work = behavioural prevention for Female Sex Workers and their clients; HTC = HIV Testing and Counselling; MSM = Men having sex with men; IDU = Intravenous drug users; PMTCT = Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission; VMMC = voluntary medical male circumcision; Youth = behavioural prevention for youth in and out of schools.</p

    <i>Goals</i> model fit to historical HIV prevalence trends, 3 regions of Mozambique.

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    <p>Surveillance/AIM represents the statistical estimates of epidemic trends as of 2014 using the Spectrum/AIM version 5.1, beta 34.</p

    Service delivery unit costs (in US$).

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    <p>Legend to Table 2: All values in stated in US,usingaMZNconversionfactorof32over2014–2019.Unlessindicated,unitcostsareassumedtobethesameacrossthe3regions;changesfrom2014to2019inunitcostsarelinear,unlessindicated.ForcostsestimatedfromPEPFARexpenditures,unitcostsexcludedUSGprogrammanagementandoverheads.Abbreviations:ART=Antiretroviraltherapy;ARV=antiretroviral;AZT=azithromycin;FSW=FemaleSexWorkers;IBBS=IntegratedBio−BehaviouralSurvey;IEC=Information,EducationandCommunication;MSM=Menhavingsexwithmen;NASA=NationalAIDSSpendingAssessment;IDU=Intravenousdrugusers;NASA=NationalAIDSSpendingAssessment;PMTCT=PreventionofMother−to−ChildTransmission;NVP=nevirapine;TDF=tenofovir;3TC=lamivudine;EFV=efavirenz.</p><p>Servicedeliveryunitcosts(inUS US, using a MZN conversion factor of 32 over 2014–2019. Unless indicated, unit costs are assumed to be the same across the 3 regions; changes from 2014 to 2019 in unit costs are linear, unless indicated. For costs estimated from PEPFAR expenditures, unit costs excluded USG program management and overheads. Abbreviations: ART = Antiretroviral therapy; ARV = antiretroviral; AZT = azithromycin; FSW = Female Sex Workers; IBBS = Integrated Bio-Behavioural Survey; IEC = Information, Education and Communication; MSM = Men having sex with men; NASA = National AIDS Spending Assessment; IDU = Intravenous drug users; NASA = National AIDS Spending Assessment; PMTCT = Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission; NVP = nevirapine; TDF = tenofovir; 3TC = lamivudine; EFV = efavirenz.</p><p>Service delivery unit costs (in US).</p

    Intervention coverage, and corresponding condom usage and partner numbers, in 2019, by NSP scenario and region of Mozambique.

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    <p>Legend to Table 1: Scenarios: A = constant coverage at 2014 levels; B = current targets; C = Accelerated scale-up (see: Methods).</p><p>Interventions kept constant at 2014 proportional coverage across all 3 scenarios are: Peer education in the workplace (3%); cotrimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV-infected children (73%), Transfusion blood units effectively screened for HIV (95%; no health impact modelled); and STI treatment (70%; no health impact modelled).</p><p>*Condom usage and numbers of partners are calculated as a function of levels of those behaviours at the 2014 baseline, and the targeted coverage and assumed effectiveness of community mobilization, mass media, HIV testing and counselling, condom promotion, and outreach/behavioural prevention for youth, sex workers, MSM and IDU, according to the Goals impact matrix [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0142908#pone.0142908.ref013" target="_blank">13</a>].</p><p>Abbreviations: ART = Antiretroviral therapy; FSW = Female Sex Workers; IBBS = Integrated Bio-Behavioural Survey; IEC = Information, Education and Communication; MSM = Men having sex with men; IDU = Intravenous drug users; PMTCT = Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission.</p><p>Intervention coverage, and corresponding condom usage and partner numbers, in 2019, by NSP scenario and region of Mozambique.</p