1,891 research outputs found

    Measurement of Endogenous versus Exogenous Formaldehyde-Induced DNA-Protein Crosslinks in Animal Tissues by Stable Isotope Labeling and Ultrasensitive Mass Spectrometry

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    DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) arise from a wide range of endogenous and exogenous chemicals, such as chemotherapeutic drugs and formaldehyde. Importantly, recent identification of aldehydes as endogenous genotoxins in Fanconi anemia has provided new insight into disease causation. Due to their bulky nature, DPCs pose severe threats to genome stability, but previous methods to measure formaldehyde-induced DPCs were incapable of discriminating between endogenous and exogenous sources of chemical. In this study, we developed methods that provide accurate and distinct measurements of both exogenous and endogenous DPCs in a structurally-specific manner. We exposed experimental animals to stable isotope-labeled formaldehyde ([13CD2]-formaldehyde) by inhalation and performed ultrasensitive mass spectrometry to measure endogenous (unlabeled) and exogenous (13CD2-labeled) DPCs. We found that exogenous DPCs readily accumulated in nasal respiratory tissues, but were absent in tissues distant to the site of contact. This observation together with the finding that endogenous formaldehyde-induced DPCs were present in all tissues examined suggests that endogenous DPCs may be responsible for increased risks of bone marrow toxicity and leukemia. Furthermore, the slow rate of DPC repair provided evidence for persistence of DPCs. In conclusion, our method for measuring endogenous and exogenous DPCs presents a new perspective for the potential health risks inflicted by endogenous formaldehyde, and may inform improved disease prevention and treatment strategies

    N 6 -Formyllysine as a Biomarker of Formaldehyde Exposure: Formation and Loss of N 6 -Formyllysine in Nasal Epithelium in Long-Term, Low-Dose Inhalation Studies in Rats

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    Exposure to both endogenous and exogenous formaldehyde has been established to be carcinogenic, likely by virtue of forming nucleic acid and proteins adducts such as N6-formyllysine. To better assess N6-formyllysine as a biomarker of formaldehyde exposure, we studied accumulation of N6-formyllysine adducts in tissues of rats exposed by inhalation to 2 ppm [13C2H2]-formaldehyde for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days (6 h/day) and investigated adduct loss over a 7-day postexposure period using liquid chromatography-coupled tandem mass spectrometry. Our results showed formation of exogenous adducts in nasal epithelium and to some extent in trachea but not in distant tissues of lung, bone marrow, or white blood cells, with a 2-fold increase over endogenous N6-formyllysine over a 3-week exposure period. Postexposure analyses indicated a biexponential decay of N6-formyllysine in proteins extracted from different cellular compartments, with half-lives of ∼25 and ∼182 h for the fast and slow phases, respectively, in cytoplasmic proteins. These results parallel the behavior of DNA adducts and DNA-protein cross-links, with protein adducts cleared faster than DNA-protein cross-links, and point to the potential utility of N6-formyllysine protein adducts as biomarkers of formaldehyde

    Use of LC-MS/MS and Stable Isotopes to Differentiate Hydroxymethyl and Methyl DNA Adducts from Formaldehyde and Nitrosodimethylamine

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    Formaldehyde is a known human and animal carcinogen that forms DNA adducts, and causes mutations. While there is widespread exposure to formaldehyde in the environment, formaldehyde is also an essential biochemical in all living cells. The presence of both endogenous and exogenous sources of formaldehyde makes it difficult to develop exposure-specific DNA biomarkers. Furthermore, chemicals such as nitrosodimethylamine form one mole of formaldehyde for every mole of methylating agent, raising questions about potential co-carcinogenesis. Formaldehyde-induced hydroxymethyl DNA adducts are not stable and need to be reduced to stable methyl adducts for detection, which adds another layer of complexity to identifying the origins of these adducts. In this study, highly sensitive mass spectrometry methods and isotope labeled compounds were used to differentiate between endogenous and exogenous hydroxymethyl and methyl DNA adducts. We demonstrate that N2-hydroxymethyl-dG is the primary DNA adduct formed in cells following formaldehyde exposure. In addition, we show that alkylating agents induce methyl adducts at N2-dG and N6-dA positions, which are identical to the reduced forms of hydroxymethyl adducts arising from formaldehyde. The use of highly sensitive LC-MS/MS and isotope labeled compounds for exposure solves these challenges and provides mechanistic insights on the formation and role of these DNA adducts

    Formation of Hydroxymethyl DNA Adducts in Rats Orally Exposed to Stable Isotope Labeled Methanol

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    Methanol is a large volume industrial chemical and widely used solvent and fuel additive. Methanol’s well known toxicity and use in a wide spectrum of applications has raised long-standing environmental issues over its safety, including its carcinogenicity. Methanol has not been listed as a carcinogen by any regulatory agency; however, there are debates about its carcinogenic potential. Formaldehyde, a metabolite of methanol, has been proposed to be responsible for the carcinogenesis of methanol. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and actively targets DNA and protein, causing diverse DNA and protein damage. However, formaldehyde-induced DNA adducts arising from the metabolism of methanol have not been reported previously, largely due to the absence of suitable DNA biomarkers and the inability to differentiate what was due to methanol compared with the substantial background of endogenous formaldehyde. Recently, we developed a unique approach combining highly sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods and exposure to stable isotope labeled chemicals to simultaneously quantify formaldehyde-specific endogenous and exogenous DNA adducts. In this study, rats were exposed daily to 500 or 2000 mg/kg [13CD4]-methanol by gavage for 5 days. Our data demonstrate that labeled formaldehyde arising from [13CD4]-methanol induced hydroxymethyl DNA adducts in multiple tissues in a dose-dependent manner. The results also demonstrated that the number of exogenous DNA adducts was lower than the number of endogenous hydroxymethyl DNA adducts in all tissues of rats administered 500 mg/kg per day for 5 days, a lethal dose to humans, even after incorporating an average factor of 4 for reduced metabolism due to isotope effects of deuterium-labeled methanol into account

    Formaldehyde and Epigenetic Alterations: MicroRNA Changes in the Nasal Epithelium of Nonhuman Primates

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    Background: Formaldehyde is an air pollutant present in both indoor and outdoor atmospheres. Because of its ubiquitous nature, it is imperative to understand the mechanisms underlying formaldehyde-induced toxicity and carcinogenicity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can influence disease caused by environmental exposures, yet miRNAs are understudied in relation to formaldehyde. Our previous investigation demonstrated that formaldehyde exposure in human lung cells caused disruptions in miRNA expression profiles in vitro

    Graphene coating of Nafion(R)^{(R)} membranes for enhanced fuel cell performance

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    Electrochemically exfoliated graphene (e-G) thin films on Nafion(R)^{(R)} membranes exhibit a selective barrier effect against undesirable fuel crossover. The approach combines the high proton conductivity of state-of-the-art Nafion(R)^{(R)} and the ability of e-G layers to effectively block the transport of methanol and hydrogen. Nafion(R)^{(R)} membranes are coated with aqueous dispersions of e-G on the anode side, making use of a facile and scalable spray process. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) confirm the formation of a dense percolated graphene flake network which acts as diffusion barrier. The maximum power density in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) operation with e-G coated Nafion(R)^{(R)} N115 is 3.9 times higher than the Nafion(R)^{(R)} N115 reference (39 vs. 10 mW cm−2^{-2} @ 0.3 V) at 5M methanol feed concentration. This suggests the application of e-G coated Nafion(R)^{(R)} membranes for portable DMFCs, where the use of highly concentrated methanol is desirable

    Formaldehyde Carcinogenicity Research: 30 Years and Counting for Mode of Action, Epidemiology, and Cancer Risk Assessment

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    Formaldehyde is a widely used high production chemical that is also released as a byproduct of combustion, off-gassing of various building products, and as a fixative for pathologists and embalmers. What is not often realized is that formaldehyde is also produced as a normal physiologic chemical in all living cells. In 1980, chronic inhalation of high concentrations of formaldehyde was shown to be carcinogenic, inducing a high incidence of nasal squamous cell carcinomas in rats. Some epidemiologic studies have also found increased numbers of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and leukemia in humans exposed to formaldehyde that resulted in formaldehyde being considered a Known Human Carcinogen. This article reviews the data for rodent and human carcinogenicity, early Mode of Action studies, more recent molecular studies of both endogenous and exogenous DNA adducts, and epigenetic studies. It goes on to demonstrate the power of these research studies to provide critical data to improve our ability to develop science-based cancer risk assessments, instead of default approaches. The complexity of constant physiologic exposure to a known carcinogen requires that new ways of thinking be incorporated into determinations of cancer risk assessment for formaldehyde, other endogenous carcinogens, and the role of background endogenous DNA damage and mutagenesis

    Determination of N2-hydroxymethyl-dG Adducts in Nasal Epithelium and Bone Marrow of Non-human Primates following 13CD2-Formaldehyde Inhalation Exposure

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    The presence of endogenous and exogenous N2-hydroxymethyl-dG adducts in DNA from nasal mucosa and bone marrow of cynomolgus macaques exposed to 1.9 and 6.1 ppm of [13CD2]-formaldehyde for 6 hours a day for 2 consecutive days was investigated using a highly sensitive nano-UPLC-MS/MS method with a Limit of Detection of 20 amol. Both exogenous and endogenous adducts were readily detected and quantified in the nasal tissues of both exposure groups, with an exposure dependent increase in exogenous adducts observed. In contrast, only endogenous adducts were detectable in the bone marrow, even though ~10 times more DNA was analyzed

    Dosimetry of N 6 -Formyllysine Adducts Following [ 13 C 2 H 2 ]-Formaldehyde Exposures in Rats

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    With formaldehyde as the major source of endogenous N6-formyllysine protein adducts, we quantified endogenous and exogenous N6-formyllysine in the nasal epithelium of rats exposed by inhalation to 0.7, 2, 5.8, and 9.1 ppm [13C2H2]-formaldehyde using liquid chromatography-coupled tandem mass spectrometry. Exogenous N6-formyllysine was detected in the nasal epithelium, with concentration-dependent formation in total as well as fractionated (cytoplasmic, membrane, nuclear) proteins, but was not detected in the lung, liver, or bone marrow. Endogenous adducts dominated at all exposure conditions, with a 6 h 9.1 ppm formaldehyde exposure resulting in one-third of the total load of N6-formyllysine being derived from exogenous sources. The results parallel previous studies of formaldehyde-induced DNA adducts
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