212 research outputs found

    Profils de comportement alimentaire et déclin cognitif chez les sujets âgés en Aquitaine et au Québec

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    Les profils de comportement alimentaire ou de consommation de nutriments sont des stratégies prometteuses pour étudier le lien entre nutrition et fonctions cognitives chez les personnes âgées, car ils permettent de prendre en compte la complexité des apports alimentaires. Des profils dits « sains », définis a priori pour évaluer l’adhérence à une alimentation spécifique, ou construits a posteriori à partir des données observées, ont été associés à de meilleures fonctions cognitives. Jusqu’à présent, aucune étude n’avait estimé l’association longitudinale entre profils a posteriori et déclin cognitif. L’objectif principal de cette thèse en cotutelle entre l’Université Bordeaux Segalen et l’Université Laval était d’investiguer l’association entre des profils de nutriments a posteriori et le déclin cognitif par une analyse longitudinale dans deux cohortes de personnes âgées en France et au Canada. Parmi les participants français de l’étude Trois-Cités (3C) et ceux de l’étude longitudinale québécoise NuAge, respectivement 1388 et 1454 sujets avaient des mesures répétées de cognition et des données nutritionnelles à l’inclusion. Une méthode similaire d’analyse en composantes principales a été utilisée, permettant d’identifier trois profils de nutriments dans chaque cohorte. La qualité de l’alimentation et les caractéristiques du mode de vie et socioéconomiques associées à chaque profil de nutriments ont été décrites dans une première étude. Ensuite, des analyses longitudinales ont été menées pour estimer l’association entre la fonction cognitive, son déclin et les profils de nutriments identifiés. Dans les deux cohortes, un premier profil a été observé associé à une meilleure qualité nutritionnelle en opposition à un second profil de moins bonne qualité nutritionnelle. Dans l’étude 3C, le profil « sain » était associé à de meilleures fonctions cognitives à l’inclusion alors que le profil « occidental » était associé à de moins bonnes fonctions cognitives. Aucune association entre profils de nutriments et déclin cognitif dans le temps n’a été observée dans les deux cohortes. Le niveau de preuve concernant des profils de consommation d’aliments ou de nutriments chez l’aîné n’est pas suffisant pour le développement de politiques publiques nutritionnelles de prévention du déclin cognitif. Mots-clés : épidémiologie, vieillissement, nutrition, déclin cognitifDietary or nutrient patterns may be promising strategies to investigate the association between nutrition and cognitive function in older persons, because they capture the complexity of food intake. Both a priori defined, measuring adherence to specific diets, and a posteriori data driven dietary patterns have been reported to be associated with better cognitive function in older persons. To date, no study has investigated the link between a posteriori derived nutrient patterns and cognitive decline. The main objective of this thesis, co-directed between University Bordeaux Segalen and University Laval, was to assess the relationship of nutrient patterns with cognitive impairment and decline in two cohorts of older persons from France and Canada in a longitudinal analysis. Among the subjects from the Three-City (3C, France) study and Quebec Longitudinal Study NuAge (Quebec, Canada), respectively 1,388 and 1,454 had nutritional data at baseline and repeated measures of global cognitive function over 5 years. A similar principal component analysis was used in the two samples to derive nutrient patterns and allow the identification of three nutrient patterns in each study. The diet quality, lifestyle and socio-economic characteristics associated with each nutrient pattern were described in a first study. Then, longitudinal analyses were performed in both cohorts to estimate the association between nutrient patterns and cognitive function or decline. In both cohorts, we observed an opposition in diet quality between the first two nutrient patterns. In 3C, the healthy nutrient pattern was associated with better cognitive function at baseline, whereas the western nutrient pattern was associated with cognitive impairment at baseline. No association between any of the nutrient patterns and cognitive decline was reported in both cohorts. To date, the evidence concerning dietary or nutrient patterns and cognitive function in older persons does not yet allow the development of nutritional policies and programs to prevent cognitive decline. Key-words: epidemiology, aging, nutrition, cognitive declin

    The key roles of economic and social organization, producer and consumer behaviour towards a Health-Agriculture-Food-Environment Nexus: recent advances and future prospects

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    We discuss in this paper the role of the economic and social organization in agriculture and the food industry, in relation with the Health-Agriculture-Food-Environment (HAFEN) concept. The aim is to better understand the potential impact of the implementation of this concept in food consumption and production systems in terms of research needs. The paper suggests a research agenda dedicated to the modes of social and economic organization of key stakeholders in the implementation of Nexus-based systems, facilitating the convergence among health, food and environmental objectives. Based on a literature survey, three main topics are discussed: a) processes and drivers of change of food consumption practices; b) co-ordination and multi-agent governance modes to better account for health issues in agrifood systems; c) the analysis of paradigms that put forward health as an entry point to reshape existing agricultural and food systems, and associated modes of knowledge production. For each of these topics, we suggest a selection of research priorities for the future and conclude with methodological perspectives on the HAFEN

    Rebalancing meat and legume consumption: change-inducing food choice motives and associated individual characteristics in non-vegetarian adults.

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    BACKGROUND: A shift toward more plant-based foods in diets is required to improve health and to reduce environmental impact. Little is known about food choice motives and associated characteristics of those individuals who have actually reduced their consumption of animal-based foods. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to identify change-inducing motives related to meat and legume consumptions among non-vegetarians. The association between change-inducing motives and individual characteristics was also studied. METHODS: This study included 25,393 non-vegetarian participants in the French NutriNet-Santé cohort (77.4% women, mean age 55.4 ± 13.9 y.). The motives related to the declared change in meat and legume consumptions (e.g., taste, environment, social pressure) were assessed by an online questionnaire in 2018. For each motive, respondents could be classified into three groups: no motive; motive, not change-inducing; change-inducing motive. Associations between change-inducing motives and individual characteristics were evaluated using multivariable polytomic logistic regressions. Characteristics of participants who rebalanced their meat and legume consumptions were also compared to those who reduced their meat but did not increase their legume consumption. RESULTS: Motives most strongly declared as having induced a change in meat or legume consumptions were health and nutrition (respectively 90.7 and 81.0% declared these motives as change-inducing for the meat reduction), physical environment (82.0% for meat reduction only) and taste preferences (77.7% for legume increase only). Other motives related to social influences, meat avoidance and meat dislike were reported by fewer individuals, but were declared as having induced changes in food consumption. Most motives that induced a meat reduction and a legume increase were more likely to be associated with specific individual characteristics, for example being a woman or highly educated for health motives. CONCLUSIONS: Besides the motives reported as important, some motives less frequently felt important were declared as having induced changes in meat or legume consumptions. Change-inducing motives were reported by specific subpopulations. Public campaigns on health and sustainability could usefully develop new tools to reach populations less willing to change. TRIAL REGISTRATIONS: The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03335644)

    IISMM – Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman

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    Olivier Bouquet, maître de conférences à l’Université de Nice-Sophia AntipolisAnne-Laure Dupont, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris-IV/SorbonneBenjamin Lellouch, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris-VIII/Vincennes-Saint-DenisCatherine Mayeur-Jaouen, professeur à l’INaLCOSabrina Mervin, chargée de recherche au CNRSNicolas Michel, maître de conférences à l’Université Aix-Marseille-I/ProvenceM’hamed Oualdi, Chantai Verdeil, maîtres de conférences à l’INaLCO Histoire moderne et cont..

    IISMM – Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman

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    Olivier Bouquet, maître de conférences à l’Université de Nice-Sophia AntipolisAnne-Laure Dupont, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris-IV/SorbonneBenjamin Lellouch, maître de conférences à l’Université Paris-VIII/Vincennes-Saint-DenisCatherine Mayeur-Jaouen, professeur à l’INaLCOSabrina Mervin, chargée de recherche au CNRSNicolas Michel, maître de conférences à l’Université Aix-Marseille-I/ProvenceM’hamed Oualdi, Chantai Verdeil, maîtres de conférences à l’INaLCO Histoire moderne et cont..

    Caractéristiques et motivation des végétariens

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