72 research outputs found

    Morbilidad y mortalidad por cáncer oral y faríngeo en Chile

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    Comparison of GPS analysis strategies for high-accuracy vertical land motion

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    Tide gauges measure sea level changes relative to land. To separate absolute changes in sea level from vertical land movements tide gauges are often co-located with Continuous GPS (CGPS). In order to achieve an accuracy of better than 1 mm/yr, as required for sea level studies in the global change context, vertical land motion needs to be determined with the same accuracy. This is an ambitious goal for CGPS and needs a carefully designed analysis strategy. We have compared the independent results from six different analysis centres, using three different GPS processing softwares and a number of different analysis strategies. Based on the comparison, we discuss the achieved accuracy and the quality of the different strategies. The data analysed are from the CGPS network of the European Sea Level Service and cover the time window from the beginning of 2000 until the end of 2003. The comparison reveals large differences in the day-to-day variations of the coordinate time series and also in the seasonal cycle contained in these. The trends show systematic differences, depending on software and strategy used. To a large extent, the latter deviations can be explained by differences in the realisation of the reference frame, while some parts may be due to other, as yet, unidentified contributions. The results suggest that the reference frame and its relation to the center of mass of the Earth system may be the main limitation in achieving the accuracy goal for the secular velocity of vertical land motion.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Obtención de cepas infectivas de Ustilago maydis para la producción de huitlacoche en la sociedad rural mexicana

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    Ustilago maydis is a dimorphic fungus with a non-pathogenic yeast-like form, and a pathogenic filamentous one that is responsible for the formation of tumors in maize. U. maydis is known in Mexico as huitlacoche and consumed since Pre-Hispanic times. Currently, its production is limited to collection in the wild for subsistence consumption and with assistance for market purposes, and for this reason it is necessary to have strains of U. maydis with a capacity for infection. In this study infectious sporidia were isolated from native huitlacoche from the Cholula region in Puebla, Mexico. The inoculum in liquid medium was prepared at a concentration of 1x106 and 5x106 sporidia mL-1; the concentration of the inoculum was measured in a UV spectrum with sporidia counts in Neubauer chamber. Six native sporidia were selected and crossed with two reference strains, CP-436 and CP-437, for the formation of infectious hybrids. The material selected was tested in vivo through the infection of maize seedlings of the variety HUE-CP-14. The native infectious strains were sporidia e7 and e11 of the strain CP-897, with formation of galls in the greenhouse at 7 days of maize seedling infection, and heterokaryons e7xCP-436, e7xCP-437, e11xCP-436, e11xCP-437, e14xCP-437, e7xe11, e14xe18 and CP-436xCP-437 as infectious hybrids at 14 days of inoculation on average.Ustilago maydis es un hongo dimórfico con una forma levaduriforme no patogénica, y una filamentosa patogénica que es la responsable de la formación de tumores en maíz. U. maydis es conocido en México como huitlacoche y consumido desde épocas prehispánicas. Actualmente, su producción se limita a la recolección silvestre para autoconsumo y de manera asistida con fines de mercado, para ello es necesario contar con cepas de U. maydis con capacidad de infección. En el presente trabajo se aislaron esporidias infectivas a partir de huitlacoche nativo de la región de Cholula, Puebla, México. Se preparó el inoculo en medio líquido a una concentración de 1x106 y 5x106 esporidias mL-1, la concentración del inoculo se midió en un espectro de UV y con el conteo de esporidias en cámara de Neubauer. Se seleccionaron 6 esporidias nativas y se cruzaron con dos cepas de referencia, la CP-436 y CP-437, para la formación de híbridos infectivos. El material seleccionado se comprobó in-vivo mediante la infección de plántulas de maíz de la variedad HUE-CP-14. Las cepas infectivas4 nativas fueron las esporidias e7 y e11 de la cepa CP-897, con formación de agallas en invernadero a los 7 días de infección en plántulas de maíz, y los heterocariones e7xCP-436, e7xCP-437, e11xCP-436, e11xCP-437, e14xCP-437, e7xe11, e14xe18 y CP-436xCP-437, como híbridos infectivos a los 14 días de inoculación en promedio

    Statistically derived contributions of diverse human influences to twentieth-century temperature changes

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    The warming of the climate system is unequivocal as evidenced by an increase in global temperatures by 0.8 °C over the past century. However, the attribution of the observed warming to human activities remains less clear, particularly because of the apparent slow-down in warming since the late 1990s. Here we analyse radiative forcing and temperature time series with state-of-the-art statistical methods to address this question without climate model simulations. We show that long-term trends in total radiative forcing and temperatures have largely been determined by atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and modulated by other radiative factors. We identify a pronounced increase in the growth rates of both temperatures and radiative forcing around 1960, which marks the onset of sustained global warming. Our analyses also reveal a contribution of human interventions to two periods when global warming slowed down. Our statistical analysis suggests that the reduction in the emissions of ozone-depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol, as well as a reduction in methane emissions, contributed to the lower rate of warming since the 1990s. Furthermore, we identify a contribution from the two world wars and the Great Depression to the documented cooling in the mid-twentieth century, through lower carbon dioxide emissions. We conclude that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are effective in slowing the rate of warming in the short term.F.E. acknowledges financial support from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (http://www.conacyt.gob.mx) under grant CONACYT-310026, as well as from PASPA DGAPA of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. (CONACYT-310026 - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia; PASPA DGAPA of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

    Molecular Processing of Tau Protein in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy : Neuronal and Glial Degeneration

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, FONDOCyT, from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dominican Republic (2015-3A2-127 to MP-H) and (2018-2019-2A3-208 to JL-M and MP-H). The authors want to express their gratitude to the following: Dr. P. Davies† (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA) and Lester I. Binder† (North Western, Chicago, IL, USA) for the generous gift of mAbs TG–3 and Alz–50, and Tau–1, Tau–5 and Tau–7, respectively; Tec. Amparo Viramontes Pintos for the handling of the brain tissue; support in the confocal microscopy unit of CIIDIR Durango, Instituto Politecnico Nacional; Union Medica Uni- A. Mart´ınez-Maldonado et al. / Molecular Processing of Tau Protein in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy 1529 versity Clinic, Dominican Republic, for their support and collaboration in the development of this research project. We also want to express our gratitude to the Mexican families who have donated the brain of their loved ones affected with Alzheimer’s disease and made our research possible. This work is dedicated to the memory of Professor Dr. Jose Ra ´ ul Mena L ´ opez ´ †. †Deceased. Authors’ disclosures available online (https:// www.j-alz.com/manuscript-disclosures/20-1139r2).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Implementación CGPS y altimetría en los Puertos de Ibiza, l’Estartit y Barcelona para monitorización del nivel del mar

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    Dos campañas aéreas con el LIDAR Optech ALTM-3025 del ICC (Instituto Cartogáfico de Cataluña) fueron realizadas el 16 de Junio de 2007 de día con un Partenavia P-68 y el 12 de Octubre de 2007 de noche con un Cessna Caravan 208B. La validación posible de esta nueva tecnología LIDAR puede ser útil para suministrar medidas en áreas costeras, de unos 15 a 20 km desde la línea de costa, donde la altimetría radar por satélite da problemas severos debido al amplio haz («footprint») que abarca zona de tierra. La segunda campaña aerotransportada se realizó coincidiendo con el paso del satélite ICESat provisto de un láser altímetro. Se describe la situación actual de las infraestructuras CGPS en Ibiza, l’Estartit y Barcelona así como sus aplicaciones a la monitorización del nivel del mar y calibración altimétrica. El objetivo principal es la integración de datos geodésicos espaciales, aerotransportados e in-situ para establecer áreas de calibración altimétrica en el Mediterráneo Occidental en el marco del estudio del Cambio Global. Two airborne calibration campaigns carrying an Optech Lidar ALTM-3025 (ICC) were made on June 16, 2007 with a Partenavia P-68 and October 12, 2007, with a Cessna Caravan 208B flying along two ICESat target tracks including crossover near l’Estartit. The validation of this new technology LIDAR may be useful to fill coastal areas where satellite radar altimeters are not measuring due to the large footprint and the resulting gaps of about 15-30 km within the coastline. The second airborne campaign was made at night at the same time of the ICESat overflying. A description of the actual geodetic CGPS (Continuos GPS) infrastructures at Ibiza, l’Estartit and Barcelona is presented as their applications to sea level monitoring and altimeter calibration. The main objective is the integration of spaceborne, airborne and in-situ data for the establishment of altimeter calibration areas in the western Mediterranean in the framework of Global Change