66 research outputs found

    Short gamma-ray bursts within 200 Mpc

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    We present a systematic search for short-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in the local Universe based on 14 yr of observations with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. We cross-correlate the GRB positions with the GLADE catalogue of nearby galaxies, and find no event at a distance ≲100 Mpc and four plausible candidates in the range 100 Mpc ≲ D ≲ 200 Mpc. Although affected by low statistics, this number is higher than the one expected for chance alignments to random galaxies, and possibly suggests a physical association between these bursts and nearby galaxies. By assuming a local origin, we use these events to constrain the range of properties for X-ray counterparts of neutron star mergers. Optical upper limits place tight constraints on the onset of a blue kilonova, and imply either low masses (⁠≲10−3M⊙⁠) of lanthanide-poor ejecta or unfavorable orientations (θ_(obs) ≳ 30 deg). Finally, we derive that the all-sky rate of detectable short GRBs within 200 Mpc is 1.3^(+1.7)_(−0.8) yr⁻¹ (68 per cent confidence interval), and discuss the implications for the GRB outflow structure. If these candidates are instead of cosmological origin, we set a upper limit of ≲2.0 yr⁻¹ (90 per cent confidence interval) to the rate of nearby events detectable with operating gamma-ray observatories, such as Swift and Fermi

    Short gamma-ray bursts within 200 Mpc

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    We present a systematic search for short-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in the local Universe based on 14 yr of observations with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. We cross-correlate the GRB positions with the GLADE catalogue of nearby galaxies, and find no event at a distance ≲100 Mpc and four plausible candidates in the range 100 Mpc ≲ D ≲ 200 Mpc. Although affected by low statistics, this number is higher than the one expected for chance alignments to random galaxies, and possibly suggests a physical association between these bursts and nearby galaxies. By assuming a local origin, we use these events to constrain the range of properties for X-ray counterparts of neutron star mergers. Optical upper limits place tight constraints on the onset of a blue kilonova, and imply either low masses (⁠≲10−3M⊙⁠) of lanthanide-poor ejecta or unfavorable orientations (θ_(obs) ≳ 30 deg). Finally, we derive that the all-sky rate of detectable short GRBs within 200 Mpc is 1.3^(+1.7)_(−0.8) yr⁻¹ (68 per cent confidence interval), and discuss the implications for the GRB outflow structure. If these candidates are instead of cosmological origin, we set a upper limit of ≲2.0 yr⁻¹ (90 per cent confidence interval) to the rate of nearby events detectable with operating gamma-ray observatories, such as Swift and Fermi

    Evidence of extended emission in GRB 181123B and other high-redshift short GRBs

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    We study the high-energy properties of GRB 181123B, a short gamma-ray burst (sGRB) at redshift z\approx1.75. We show that, despite its nominal short duration with T90 < 2 s, this burst display evidence of a temporally extended emission (EE) at high energies and that the same trend is observed in the majority of sGRBs at z > 1. We discuss the impact of instrumental selection effects on the GRB classification, stressing that the measured T90 is not an unambiguous indicator of the burst physical origin. By examining their environment (e.g. stellar mass, star formation, offset distribution), we find that these high-z sGRBs share many properties of long GRBs at a similar distance and are consistent with a short-lived progenitor system. If produced by compact binary mergers, these sGRBs with EE may herald a larger population of sGRBs in the early universe.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to ApJ

    IACT observations of gamma-ray bursts: prospects for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    Gamma rays at rest frame energies as high as 90 GeV have been reported from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). There is considerable hope that a confirmed GRB detection will be possible with the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which will have a larger effective area and better low-energy sensitivity than current-generation imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). To estimate the likelihood of such a detection, we have developed a phenomenological model for GRB emission between 1 GeV and 1 TeV that is motivated by the high-energy GRB detections of Fermi-LAT, and allows us to extrapolate the statistics of GRBs seen by lower energy instruments such as the Swift-BAT and BATSE on the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory. We show a number of statistics for detected GRBs, and describe how the detectability of GRBs with CTA could vary based on a number of parameters, such as the typical observation delay between the burst onset and the start of ground observations. We also consider the possibility of using GBM on Fermi as a finder of GRBs for rapid ground follow-up. While the uncertainty of GBM localization is problematic, the small field-of-view for IACTs can potentially be overcome by scanning over the GBM error region. Overall, our results indicate that CTA should be able to detect one GRB every 20 to 30 months with our baseline instrument model, assuming consistently rapid pursuit of GRB alerts, and provided that spectral breaks below 100 GeV are not a common feature of the bright GRB population. With a more optimistic instrument model, the detection rate can be as high as 1 to 2 GRBs per year.Comment: 28 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Experimental Astronom

    Modeling the high-energy emission in GRB 110721A and implications on the early multiwavelength and polarimetric observations

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    GRB 110721A was detected by the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor and the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi satellite and the Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter onboard the IKAROS solar mission. Previous analysis done of this burst showed: i) a linear polarization signal with position angle stable (ϕp=160±11\phi_p= 160^\circ\pm11) and high degree of Π=8428+16\Pi=84^{+16}_{-28}, ii) an extreme peak energy of a record-breaking at 15±\pm2 MeV, and iii) a subdominant prompt thermal component observed right after the onset of this burst. In this paper, the LAT data around the reported position of GRB 110721A are analysed with the most recent software and then, the LAT light curve above 100 MeV was obtained. The LAT light curve is modelled in terms of adiabatic early-afterglow external shocks when the outflow propagates into a stellar wind. Additionally, we discuss the possible origins and also study the implications of the early-afterglow external shocks on the extreme peak energy observed at 15±\pm2 MeV, the polarization observations and the subdominant prompt thermal component.Comment: 9 pages and one figure. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Effects of a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program on quality of life and exercise tolerance in women: A retrospective analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, there are a lack of investigations that have examined the effect of participating in a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program on quality of life and physiological measures in women of different ages. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of participating in a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program on quality of life, exercise tolerance, blood pressure and lipids in women between 33 and 82 years of age. METHODS: The 126 women participated in a 14-week cardiac rehabilitation program that consisted of 7 weeks of formal supervised exercise training and 7 weeks of unsupervised exercise and lifestyle modification. Physiologic and quality of life outcome measures obtained at the outset and after 14 weeks included: 1) exercise treadmill time; 2) resting and peak systolic and diastolic blood pressure; 3) total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol and Triglycerides; 4) Cardiac Quality of Life Index questionnaire. RESULTS: Significant improvements were found in the following quality of life measures after participating in the cardiac rehabilitation program: physical well being, psychosocial, worry, nutrition and symptoms. No significant differences were seen for any QOL variable between the different age groups. Significant improvements were seen in exercise tolerance (+21%) and high density lipoprotein (+5%). CONCLUSION: Cardiac rehabilitation may play an important role in improving quality of life, exercise tolerance and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in younger and older women with underlying cardiovascular disease

    ZTF20aajnksq (AT 2020blt): A Fast Optical Transient at z ≈ 2.9 with No Detected Gamma-Ray Burst Counterpart

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    We present ZTF20aajnksq (AT 2020blt), a fast-fading (Δr = 2.3 mag in Δt = 1.3 days) red (g − r ≈ 0.6 mag) and luminous (M_(1626 Å) = −25.9 mag) optical transient at z = 2.9 discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). AT 2020blt shares several features in common with afterglows to long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs): (1) an optical light curve well-described by a broken power law with a break at t_j = 1 d (observer frame); (2) a luminous (L_(0.3–10 KeV) = 10⁴⁶ erg s⁻¹) X-ray counterpart; and (3) luminous (L_(10 GHz) = 4 × 10³¹ erg s⁻¹ Hz⁻¹) radio emission. However, no GRB was detected in the 0.74 days between the last ZTF nondetection (r > 21.36 mag) and the first ZTF detection (r = 19.60 mag), with an upper limit on the isotropic-equivalent gamma-ray energy release of E_(γ,iso) < 7 × 10⁵² erg. AT 2020blt is thus the third afterglow-like transient discovered without a detected GRB counterpart (after PTF11agg and ZTF19abvizsw) and the second (after ZTF19abvizsw) with a redshift measurement. We conclude that the properties of AT 2020blt are consistent with a classical (initial Lorentz factor Γ₀ ≳ 100) on-axis GRB that was missed by high-energy satellites. Furthermore, by estimating the rate of transients with light curves similar to that of AT 2020blt in ZTF high-cadence data, we agree with previous results that there is no evidence for an afterglow-like phenomenon that is significantly more common than classical GRBs, such as dirty fireballs. We conclude by discussing the status and future of fast-transient searches in wide-field high-cadence optical surveys

    A structured jet explains the extreme GRB 221009A

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    Long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are powerful cosmic explosions, signaling the death of massive stars. Among them, GRB 221009A is by far the brightest burst ever observed. Due to its enormous energy (Eiso ⁣E_\textrm{iso}\!\approx1055^{55} erg) and proximity (z ⁣z\!\approx0.15), GRB 221009A is an exceptionally rare event that pushes the limits of our theories. We present multi-wavelength observations covering the first three months of its afterglow evolution. The X-ray brightness decays as a power-law with slope  ⁣t1.66\approx\!t^{-1.66}, which is not consistent with standard predictions for jetted emission. We attribute this behavior to a shallow energy profile of the relativistic jet. A similar trend is observed in other energetic GRBs, suggesting that the most extreme explosions may be powered by structured jets launched by a common central engine.Comment: Submitted version. 53 pages, 9 figures, 6 table