11 research outputs found

    Comparison of chemical characteristics and technological parameters in durum wheat based breads enriched with hemp seed flour

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    Society is getting increasingly food-conscious these days. It can be observed that, in addition to basic cereals such as wheat, rye or maize, the grains of other cereals, pseudocereals and other types of plants that had not been on the market in significant amount have also been appearing. The nutritional values of these plants contribute greatly to the improvement of flour quality. By making various flour blends, we can help produce complete bakery products that are more valuable than the usual ones.Bread is a food whose production uses simple ingredients such as wheat flour, salt, yeast and water. This is why, in many countries, it is the most commonly consumed cereal product that serves as the basis for the diet of many people. Due to its simplicity and widespread consumption, bread is suitable for enrichment with ingredients that provide additional health benefits to consumers. In order to prevent diseases [1], laypeople, as well as professionals consume increasing amounts of foods considered to be healthier than average these days, with the intention, inter alia, of preventing or at least reducing the use of medicinal products obtained in order to maintain or improve their health. Foods with a higher polyphenol content, which may contribute to the prevention of harmful oxidation processes in the human body, may be suitable for this purpose [2]. In the spirit of the above, for the breads prepared by us, flour blends of various compositions were made using durum flour (Triticum durum L.) and hemp seed flour (Cannabis sativa L.). Certain chemical parameters were analyzed in the course of the measurements during the preparation of the breads

    FT-NIR origin identification of coffee samples

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    Two basic variants of the coffee plant are known: arabica (Coffea arabica) and robusta (Coffea canephora). Arabica, with a higher sensitivity to its growing environment, tastes better, while the caffeine content of robusta is about 1.5 times higher than that of arabica. Robusta is less sensitive to its growing conditions, so it can be produced at a lower cost, yet arabica varieties account for two thirds of the world’s coffee production. Commercially available cheaper coffees are primarily made from low quality robusta, the cheaper they are, the lower the quality of the coffee is. In the case of the ground versions, we cannot even be sure what else there is in the blend besides coffee. For our measurements, Coffea arabica raw coffee was used as the starting material. Samples from different growing areas, roasted using different methods, and ground under identical conditions were analyzed by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR), and spectral results were evaluated using chemometric methods. Our results demonstrate that a rapid analytical method, requiring no sample preparation and not polluting the environment with chemicals, was successfully used to identify ground coffees by roasting method and growing area

    Nutritional analysis of coffee dregs for utilization purposes using classical, ICP-OES and FT-NIR techniques

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    Coffee dregs are a byproduct left behind in significant amounts after brewing coffee. Several researches have dealt with its utilization possibilities and have proven, in certain cases, its positive effect. In our study, the applicability of coffee dregs as a soil improver was investigated. The pH, dry matter and water-soluble total salt content of coffee dregs, produced as the byproduct of coffee beverages prepared by the espresso method were determined. The mineral content of the samples was measured using the ICP-OES technique. The FT-NIR spectra of the samples were recorded and pattern recognition was carried out according to growing site and preparation method (French Press and Espresso) by the chemometric evaluation of the spectral data

    Eltérő mennyiségű kendermagliszttel dúsított durum kenyerek kémiai jellemzőinek összevetése a technológiai paraméterek függvényében

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    A fogyasztók körében a tudatos táplálkozás és az egészséges életmódra való törekvés egyre fontosabb szerepet tölt be. A sütőipari termékek a mindennapi élelmiszerfogyasztás részét képezik, ezért a fogyasztók széles köréhez eljuttathatók. Munkánk során szem előtt tartva mindezt kendermagliszttel dúsított durumbúza kenyereket készítettünk (különböző keverési arányokat alkalmazva). Vizsgáltuk a keverékkészítés hatását a késztermék térfogatára, alaki hányadosára és savfokára. Ezen kívül meghatároztuk a késztermékek vízben oldható összes polifenol-tartalmát (TPC) és antioxidáns-kapacitását, amelyek változását a tésztakészítés különböző szakaszaiban (dagasztás, kelesztés) is mértük. A termék esetében ezen vizsgálati paraméterek alapján állapítottuk meg a maximálisan hozzáadható kendermagliszt mennyiségét

    A kávézacc beltartalmi jellemzőinek vizsgálata klasszikus mérési, ICP-OES és FT-NIR technika alkalmazásával

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    Akávézaccakávéitalkészítéseutánjelentősmennyiségben visszamaradó melléktermék. Hasznosítási lehetőségeivel számos kutatás foglalkozott és bizonyította adott esetben pozitív hatását. Tanulmányunkban a kávézacc talajjavító anyagként történő felhasználhatóságához valamint a zacc alapján történő eredetazonosításhoz végeztünk méréseket. Meghatároztuk a presszó eljárással készült kávéitalok melléktermékeként keletkező zacc pH-értékét, szárazanyag- és vízben oldódó összes sótartalmát. ICPOES technika alkalmazásával mértük a minták ásványi anyag tartalmát. Felvettük a minták FT-NIR spektrumát és a spektrumadatok kemometriai kiértékelésével mintázatfelismerest végeztünk termőhely es szerint

    Kávéminták eredetazonosítása FT-NIR-eljárással

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    A kávécserjének két alapvető változata ismert, az arabika (Coffea arabica) és a robuszta (Coffea canephora). A termesztési környezetére érzékenyebb arabika íze jobb, ugyanakkor a robuszta koffeintartalma körülbelül másfélszerese az arabikáénak. A robuszta kevésbé érzékeny a termesztésének körülményeire, így olcsóbban állítható elő, ennek ellenére a világ kávétermésének kétharmadát az arabikafajták adják. A kereskedelemben kapható olcsóbb kávék elsősorban gyenge minőségű robusztából készülnek, minél olcsóbbak, annál gyengébb minőségű kávéból. A darált változatoknál még azt sem tudhatjuk, hogy kávén kívül mi van a keverékben. Méréseinkhez Coffea arabica nyerskávé-alapanyagot használtunk fel. A különböző termőterületről származó, többféle pörkölési móddal előkészített, azonos körülmények között őrölt mintákat Fourier-transzformációs közeli infravörös spektroszkópiai módszerrel (FT-NIR) vizsgáltuk, a spektrális eredményeket kemometriai módszerekkel értékeltük ki. Eredményeink azt bizonyítják, hogy sikeresen alkalmaztunk egy minta-előkészítést nem igénylő, környezetet vegyszerrel nem terhelő, gyors analitikai módszert, kávéőrlemények pörkölési mód és termőhely szerinti azonosítására

    Analysis of wheat flour-insect powder mixtures based on their near infrared spectra

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    Insects are gaining more and more space in food and feed sectors, creating an intense scientific interest towards insects as food ingredients. Several papers deal with cereal-based products complemented by insect powder in the past few years. However, adulteration and quality control of such products present some hot topics for researchers, e.g., how can we justify the amounts and/or species of the insects used in the given products? Our paper aims to answer such questions by analysing seven edible insect powders of different species independently. The mixtures with wheat flour were analysed using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric methods. Not only powders of different species were clearly differentiated, but also mixtures created by different amounts of wheat flour. Prediction of insect content showed 0.65% cross-validated error. The proposed methodology gives an excellent tool for quality control of insect-based cereal food products

    Application of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and Yield Stability Index to Evaluate Near Infrared Spectra of Green and Roasted Coffee Samples

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    Coffee quality, and therefore its price, is determined by coffee species and varieties, geographic location, the method used to process green coffee beans, and particularly the care taken during coffee production. Determination of coffee quality is often done by the nondestructive and fast near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which provides a huge amount of data about the samples. NIRS data require sophisticated, multivariate data analysis methods, such as principal component analysis, or linear discriminant analysis. Since the obtained data are a set of spectra, they can also be analyzed by signal processing methods. In the present study, the applications of two novel methods, detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and yield stability index (YSI), is introduced on NIR spectra of different roasting levels of coffee samples. Fourteen green coffee samples from all over the world have been roasted on three different levels and their NIR spectra were analyzed. DFA successfully differentiated the green samples from the roasted ones, however, the joint analysis of all samples was not able to differentiate the roasting levels. On the other hand, DFA successfully differentiated the roasting levels on samples level, which was strengthened by a 100% accurate agglomerative hierarchical clustering. YSI was first used in NIR signal processing and was able to detect that a light roast is the most stable among all roasting levels. Future research should focus on the application of DFA in terms of the analysis of the effects of other transformation methods of the spectra

    Agricultural Potentials of Molecular Spectroscopy and Advances for Food Authentication: An Overview

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    Meat, fish, coffee, tea, mushroom, and spices are foods that have been acknowledged for their nutritional benefits but are also reportedly targets of fraud and tampering due to their economic value. Conventional methods often take precedence for monitoring these foods, but rapid advanced instruments employing molecular spectroscopic techniques are gradually claiming dominance due to their numerous advantages such as low cost, little to no sample preparation, and, above all, their ability to fingerprint and detect a deviation from quality. This review aims to provide a detailed overview of common molecular spectroscopic techniques and their use for agricultural and food quality management. Using multiple databases including ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, 171 research publications including research articles, review papers, and book chapters were thoroughly reviewed and discussed to highlight new trends, accomplishments, challenges, and benefits of using molecular spectroscopic methods for studying food matrices. It was observed that Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Infrared spectroscopy (IR), Hyperspectral imaging (his), and Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) stand out in particular for the identification of geographical origin, compositional analysis, authentication, and the detection of adulteration of meat, fish, coffee, tea, mushroom, and spices; however, the potential of UV/Vis, 1H-NMR, and Raman spectroscopy (RS) for similar purposes is not negligible. The methods rely heavily on preprocessing and chemometric methods, but their reliance on conventional reference data which can sometimes be unreliable, for quantitative analysis, is perhaps one of their dominant challenges. Nonetheless, the emergence of handheld versions of these techniques is an area that is continuously being explored for digitalized remote analysis