5 research outputs found

    Analizando el sesgo implícito de género en Óptica y Fotónica en la etapa predoctoral en España

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    Gender biases play a very significant role in areas related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The association of gender with certain attributes, behaviors or professions leads to a lower proportion of women in STEM. In the field of Optics and Photonics, we can identify a gender disparity between technical or bio-clinical approaches within the same area when examining the authorship of the defended thesis. In this work, we quantify the impact of implicit gender bias in the Ph.D. programs related to Optics and Photonics in Spain. Here we present an exhaustive study about the UNESCO descriptors of the theses defended within 2015-2020 through the open-access repository TESEO, where all the doctoral theses of Spanish universities are compiled. The doctorate program of each thesis is considered and classified into a technical or bio-clinical category. With this classification, we quantify the number of male and female authors within each category, and the results show up a clear unbalance in most of the evaluated descriptors: men are more likely to choose technical doctorate programs, while women are mostly present in clinical or biological programs. This difference is seen even in descriptors where both genders are equally represented. On one side, women’s underrepresentation is higher in “Physics”, “Astronomy and Astrophysics”, “Earth and Space Sciences”, and “Technological Sciences”. Oppositely, the areas of “Chemistry”, “Life Sciences”, and “Medical Sciences” show a greater gender-balanced distribution for most of the descriptors.Los prejuicios de género desempeñan un papel muy importante en áreas relacionadas con la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM). La asociación del género con determinados atributos, comportamientos o profesiones conduce a una menor proporción de mujeres en STEM. En el campo de la Óptica y la Fotónica, podemos identificar una disparidad de género entre enfoques técnicos o bioclínicos dentro de la misma área al examinar la autoría de la tesis defendida. En este trabajo, cuantificamos el impacto del sesgo implícito de género en los programas de doctorado relacionados con la Óptica y Fotónica en España. Aquí presentamos un estudio exhaustivo sobre los descriptores UNESCO de las tesis defendidas en el periodo 2015-2020 a través del repositorio de acceso abierto TESEO, donde se recopilan todas las tesis doctorales de las universidades españolas. Se considera el programa de doctorado de cada tesis y se clasifica en una categoría técnica o bioclínica. Con esta clasificación, cuantificamos el número de autores y autoras dentro de cada categoría, y los resultados muestran un claro desequilibrio en la mayoría de los descriptores evaluados: los hombres son más propensos a elegir programas de doctorado técnicos, mientras que las mujeres están mayoritariamente presentes en programas clínicos o biológicos. Esta diferencia se observa incluso en los descriptores en los que ambos sexos están representados por igual. Por un lado, la infrarrepresentación femenina es mayor en "Física", "Astronomía y Astrofísica", "Ciencias de la Tierra y del Espacio" y "Ciencias Tecnológicas". Por el contrario, las áreas de "Química", "Ciencias de la Vida" y "Ciencias Médicas" muestran una distribución más equilibrada entre hombres y mujeres en la mayoría de los descriptores

    Vision is protected against blue defocus

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    Abstract Due to chromatic aberration, blue images are defocused when the eye is focused to the middle of the visible spectrum, yet we normally are not aware of chromatic blur. The eye suffers from monochromatic aberrations which degrade the optical quality of all images projected on the retina. The combination of monochromatic and chromatic aberrations is not additive and these aberrations may interact to improve image quality. Using Adaptive Optics, we investigated the optical and visual effects of correcting monochromatic aberrations when viewing polychromatic grayscale, green, and blue images. Correcting the eye’s monochromatic aberrations improved optical quality of the focused green images and degraded the optical quality of defocused blue images, particularly in eyes with higher amounts of monochromatic aberrations. Perceptual judgments of image quality tracked the optical findings, but the perceptual impact of the monochromatic aberrations correction was smaller than the optical predictions. The visual system appears to be adapted to the blur produced by the native monochromatic aberrations, and possibly to defocus in blue

    Early Detection of Refractive Errors by Photorefraction at School Age

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    Early detection and treatment of refractive defects during school age are essential to avoid irreversible future vision loss and potential school problems. Previously, vision screening of preschool children used methods based on subjective visual acuity; however, technologies such as photorefraction have promoted the detection of refractive errors quickly and easily. In this study, 1347 children from 10 schools in Madrid aged 4 to 12 years participated in a program of early detection of visual problems, which consisted of visual screening composed of anamnesis and photorefraction with a PlusOptix A12R. The prevalence of refractive errors was analyzed in terms of spherical equivalent, cylinder and its orientation, and potential cases of development of high myopia or amblyopia. Hyperopia predominates in the early years, but the number of myopic subjects is higher than that of hyperopic subjects from the age of ten onwards. At all ages, the predominant orientation of astigmatism was with-the-rule. On average, 80% of the myopic subjects were uncorrected. Potential high myopia increased with age, from 4 to 21% of the measured population. Potential amblyopia cases decreased across age groups, from 19 to 13.7%. There is a need to raise awareness of the importance of vision screening at school age to address vision problems

    Pre-operative simulation of post-operative multifocal vision

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    While multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOLs) are increasingly implanted to correct for presbyopia, how one sees with a multifocal correction is hard to explain and imagine. The current study evaluates the quality of various visual simulating technologies by comparing vision with simulated MIOLs pre-operatively and the implanted MIOLs post-operatively in the same patients. Two simulation platforms were used: (1) a custom-developed adaptive optics (AO) system, with two visual simulator devices: a spatial light modulator (SLM) and an optotunable lens operating under temporal multiplexing (SimVis); and (2) a wearable, binocular, large field of view SimVis2Eyes clinical simulator (SimVis Gekko, 2Eyes Vision, Madrid, Spain). All devices were programmed to simulate a trifocal diffractive MIOL (POD F, FineVision, PhysIOL). Eight patients were measured pre-operatively simulating the trifocal lens and post-operatively with implantation of the same MIOL. Through-focus decimal visual acuity (TF VA) was measured (1) monocularly in monochromatic light using a four-alternative-forced-choice procedure in the AO system, and (2) binocularly using a clinical optotype in white light. Visual simulations pre-operatively predict well the TF VA performance found post-operatively in patients implanted with the real IOL. The average RMS difference between TF curves with the different visual simulators was 0.05 ± 0.01. The average RMS difference between the TF VA curves with the SimVis pre-operatively and the real MIOL post-operatively was 0.06 ± 0.01 in both platforms, and it was higher in cataract eyes (0.08 ± 0.01, on average across simulators) than in eyes with clear lens. In either group, the shape of the TF curves is similar across simulators and pre-and post-operatively. TF curves cross-correlated significantly between simulators (lag k = 0, rho = 0.889), as well as with results with the real MIOL implanted (lag k = 0, rho = 0.853). Visual simulations are useful programmable tools to predict visual performance with MIOLs, both in an AO environment and in a clinical simulator. Pre-operative visual simulations and post-operative data are in good agreement.European Research CouncilH2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ActionsGobierno de EspañaPhysIOL Group (Bélgica)Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Analizando el sesgo implícito de género en Óptica y Fotónica en la etapa predoctoral en España

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    Gender biases play a very significant role in areas related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The association of gender with certain attributes, behaviors or professions leads to a lower proportion of women in STEM. In the field of Optics and Photonics, we can identify a gender disparity between technical or bio-clinical approaches within the same area when examining the authorship of the defended thesis. In this work, we quantify the impact of implicit gender bias in the Ph.D. programs related to Optics and Photonics in Spain. Here we present an exhaustive study about the UNESCO descriptors of the theses defended within 2015-2020 through the open-access repository TESEO, where all the doctoral theses of Spanish universities are compiled. The doctorate program of each thesis is considered and classified into a technical or bio-clinical category. With this classification, we quantify the number of male and female authors within each category, and the results show up a clear unbalance in most of the evaluated descriptors: men are more likely to choose technical doctorate programs, while women are mostly present in clinical or biological programs. This difference is seen even in descriptors where both genders are equally represented. On one side, women’s underrepresentation is higher in “Physics”, “Astronomy and Astrophysics”, “Earth and Space Sciences”, and “Technological Sciences”. Oppositely, the areas of “Chemistry”, “Life Sciences”, and “Medical Sciences” show a greater gender-balanced distribution for most of the descriptors. © Sociedad Española de ÓpticaDepto. de ÓpticaFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu