760 research outputs found

    Quantum-classical generative models for machine learning

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    The combination of quantum and classical computational resources towards more effective algorithms is one of the most promising research directions in computer science. In such a hybrid framework, existing quantum computers can be used to their fullest extent and for practical applications. Generative modeling is one of the applications that could benefit the most, either by speeding up the underlying sampling methods or by unlocking more general models. In this work, we design a number of hybrid generative models and validate them on real hardware and datasets. The quantum-assisted Boltzmann machine is trained to generate realistic artificial images on quantum annealers. Several challenges in state-of-the-art annealers shall be overcome before one can assess their actual performance. We attack some of the most pressing challenges such as the sparse qubit-to-qubit connectivity, the unknown effective-temperature, and the noise on the control parameters. In order to handle datasets of realistic size and complexity, we include latent variables and obtain a more general model called the quantum-assisted Helmholtz machine. In the context of gate-based computers, the quantum circuit Born machine is trained to encode a target probability distribution in the wavefunction of a set of qubits. We implement this model on a trapped ion computer using low-depth circuits and native gates. We use the generative modeling performance on the canonical Bars-and-Stripes dataset to design a benchmark for hybrid systems. It is reasonable to expect that quantum data, i.e., datasets of wavefunctions, will become available in the future. We derive a quantum generative adversarial network that works with quantum data. Here, two circuits are optimized in tandem: one tries to generate suitable quantum states, the other tries to distinguish between target and generated states

    On the Sample Complexity of Quantum Boltzmann Machine Learning

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    Quantum Boltzmann machines (QBMs) are machine-learning models for both classical and quantum data. We give an operational definition of QBM learning in terms of the difference in expectation values between the model and target, taking into account the polynomial size of the data set. By using the relative entropy as a loss function this problem can be solved without encountering barren plateaus. We prove that a solution can be obtained with stochastic gradient descent using at most a polynomial number of Gibbs states. We also prove that pre-training on a subset of the QBM parameters can only lower the sample complexity bounds. In particular, we give pre-training strategies based on mean-field, Gaussian Fermionic, and geometrically local Hamiltonians. We verify these models and our theoretical findings numerically on a quantum and a classical data set. Our results establish that QBMs are promising machine learning models trainable on future quantum devices.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures (appendix 14 pages, 1 figure

    Quantum-Assisted Learning of Hardware-Embedded Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    Mainstream machine-learning techniques such as deep learning and probabilistic programming rely heavily on sampling from generally intractable probability distributions. There is increasing interest in the potential advantages of using quantum computing technologies as sampling engines to speed up these tasks or to make them more effective. However, some pressing challenges in state-of-the-art quantum annealers have to be overcome before we can assess their actual performance. The sparse connectivity, resulting from the local interaction between quantum bits in physical hardware implementations, is considered the most severe limitation to the quality of constructing powerful generative unsupervised machine-learning models. Here we use embedding techniques to add redundancy to data sets, allowing us to increase the modeling capacity of quantum annealers. We illustrate our findings by training hardware-embedded graphical models on a binarized data set of handwritten digits and two synthetic data sets in experiments with up to 940 quantum bits. Our model can be trained in quantum hardware without full knowledge of the effective parameters specifying the corresponding quantum Gibbs-like distribution; therefore, this approach avoids the need to infer the effective temperature at each iteration, speeding up learning; it also mitigates the effect of noise in the control parameters, making it robust to deviations from the reference Gibbs distribution. Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of using quantum annealers for implementing generative models, and it provides a suitable framework for benchmarking these quantum technologies on machine-learning-related tasks.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. Minor further revisions. As published in Phys. Rev.

    A generative modeling approach for benchmarking and training shallow quantum circuits

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    Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms provide ways to use noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers for practical applications. Expanding the portfolio of such techniques, we propose a quantum circuit learning algorithm that can be used to assist the characterization of quantum devices and to train shallow circuits for generative tasks. The procedure leverages quantum hardware capabilities to its fullest extent by using native gates and their qubit connectivity. We demonstrate that our approach can learn an optimal preparation of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, also known as "cat states". We further demonstrate that our approach can efficiently prepare approximate representations of coherent thermal states, wave functions that encode Boltzmann probabilities in their amplitudes. Finally, complementing proposals to characterize the power or usefulness of near-term quantum devices, such as IBM's quantum volume, we provide a new hardware-independent metric called the qBAS score. It is based on the performance yield in a specific sampling task on one of the canonical machine learning data sets known as Bars and Stripes. We show how entanglement is a key ingredient in encoding the patterns of this data set; an ideal benchmark for testing hardware starting at four qubits and up. We provide experimental results and evaluation of this metric to probe the trade off between several architectural circuit designs and circuit depths on an ion-trap quantum computer.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Minor revisions. As published in npj Quantum Informatio

    Adversarial quantum circuit learning for pure state approximation

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    Adversarial learning is one of the most successful approaches to modelling high-dimensional probability distributions from data. The quantum computing community has recently begun to generalize this idea and to look for potential applications. In this work, we derive an adversarial algorithm for the problem of approximating an unknown quantum pure state. Although this could be done on universal quantum computers, the adversarial formulation enables us to execute the algorithm on near-term quantum computers. Two parametrized circuits are optimized in tandem: One tries to approximate the target state, the other tries to distinguish between target and approximated state. Supported by numerical simulations, we show that resilient backpropagation algorithms perform remarkably well in optimizing the two circuits. We use the bipartite entanglement entropy to design an efficient heuristic for the stopping criterion. Our approach may find application in quantum state tomography.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Minor revisions. As published in New J. Phy

    Hierarchical quantum classifiers

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    Quantum circuits with hierarchical structure have been used to perform binary classification of classical data encoded in a quantum state. We demonstrate that more expressive circuits in the same family achieve better accuracy and can be used to classify highly entangled quantum states, for which there is no known efficient classical method. We compare performance for several different parameterizations on two classical machine learning datasets, Iris and MNIST, and on a synthetic dataset of quantum states. Finally, we demonstrate that performance is robust to noise and deploy an Iris dataset classifier on the ibmqx4 quantum computer
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