25 research outputs found

    Common Dermatoses in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a chronic, debilitating syndrome, consisting of intrusive thoughts- which are experienced as inappropriate by the patient and are producing anxiety- and compulsions, defined as repetitive behaviours produced to reduce anxiety. While patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder typically have xerosis, eczema or lichen simplex chronicus, as a result of frequent washing or rubbing their skin, several other disorders which are included in the group of factitious disorders have also been associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. A close collaboration between the dermatologist and the psychiatrist is therefore mandatory in order to achieve favourable outcomes for these patients. The aim of the article is to present the most frequent dermatological disorders associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder and to look over some of the rare ones

    Pathological Skin Picking: Case Presentation and Review of the Literature

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    Pathological skin picking is a condition in which patients induce skin lesions through repetitive, compulsive excoriations of normal skin or skin with minor surface irregularities and they admit their role in the production of the lesions, but are unable to stop their behavior. Psychiatric comorbidities most often associated with skin picking include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, mood disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, trichotillomania and compulsive-buying disorder. We report the case of a 17 year old female patient who addressed the dermatology department of our hospital with an eruption consisting of erythematous papules and plaques. The local examination revealed several clues of paramount importance in drawing the final conclusion and the psychiatric examination helped establish the diagnosis of pathological skin picking in a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Genital Male Piercings

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    Body piercing has been practiced for thousands of years all over the world for beautification, religion, initiation rites or status reasons. Genital piercings also have a significant background and have been practiced for enhancing sexual pleasure, chastity, shocking or as a protest against a conservative society. As the popularity of genital piercings increased in the last years, the number of complications is also on the rise. It is therefore important for the medical professionals to have at least basic knowledge regarding this practice, as it might be required in the management of unpredictable complications

    Diagnostic challenges and treatment difficulties in a patient with excoriated acne conglobata

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    Acne conglobata is a rare and severe form of acne vulgaris, characterized by the presence of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and sometimes hematic or meliceric crusts. Acne excoriée is a form of self-inflicted skin condition in which the patient picks on imaginary or real acne lesions. We report the case of a 16 year old Caucasian female patient from the urban area who addressed our dermatology department for erythematous, edematous plaques covered by pustules and crusts, located on the face. The anamnesis revealed that during the last weeks she had had a depressive mood after ending a relationship with her boyfriend and started scratching and picking on the lesions. The patient\u27s depressive mood prior to the worsening of the disease was probably aggravated by the condition. This might have determined the picking of the skin which could have impeded the response to standard treatment. The self-excoriative behavior could also be regarded as an appeal for help

    The current treatment of erectile dysfunction

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    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. It is the most frequent sexual dysfunction in elderly men and its prevalence increases with age. Ever since ED was recognized as a real health problem, several treatment options became available and some of them proved to be very efficient. PDE5 inhibitors are the mainstay treatment of ED. However, other treatment options such as intracorporal injections, surgery, vacuum devices and prosthesis are also available for patients who are unresponsive to PDE5 inhibitors. Since none of the treatment options available so far has proven ideal, research in the field of sexual medicine continues. The aim of this paper is to review the most advances in the treatment of ED

    Therapeutic challenges in a case of psoriasis with nail onset

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    Nail psoriasis affects a large number of patients with psoriasis and has a major psychosocial impact. Furthermore, it may be regarded as a predictor of more severe forms of psoriasis and early sign of psoriatic arthritis. The clinical presentations vary depending on the structure affected (nail matrix or nail bed), the nail lesions may range from minor to severe, but they are not specific. Treatment is a challenge, in most cases the lesions being resistant to therapy. We present a rare case of psoriasis with nail onset in a 59-year-old woman. The nail involvement confined to the fingernails was severe, with significant impairment of the patient’s quality of life. Conventional therapies failed to improve the nail lesions, but a marked improvement was achieved under etanercept therapy

    Cutaneous Manifestations in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases have a high frequency in Europe. They are chronic disorders that evolve with relapses and remissions. Clinical features include the signs of underlying inflammatory bowel disease and also signs of extraintestinal manifestations. Cutaneous disorders are the most common extraintestinal manifestations associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, which can be dependent on or independent of gastrointestinal disease activity. The main cutaneous disorders are erythema nodosum and pyodermagangrenosum. The pathogenic mechanisms are not fully understood but it seems that related mechanisms are involved in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases and extraintestinal manifestations. Treatment should be aimed at both the cutaneous manifestations and the bowel inflammation

    Pain in photodynamic therapy

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    Photodynamic therapy is a modern treatment with applications in several medical specialties, which has been intensely studied in the last years. The main indications in dermatology are actinic keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinoma and Bowen\u27s disease- common skin disorders in which photodynamic therapy proved its efficacy. At present, the use of photodynamic therapy for the treatment of other skin disorders is profoundly researched. Pain is the most common and redoubtable adverse effect of photodynamic therapy and it is the most important factor affecting the patient\u27s adherence to treatment. The aim of this article is to look over the most recent medical studies regarding pain in PDT, with emphasis on the factors affecting the occurrence of pain and the most recent strategies for controlling photodynamic therapy- related pain

    Cutis verticis gyrata in a patient with multiple basal cell carcinomas; case presentation and review of the literature

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    Cutis verticis gyrata is a rare disease characterized by convoluted folds and deep furrows of the scalp, resembling the gyri and sulci of the cerebral cortex. Basal cell carcinoma is the most frequent cancer in Caucasians, patients frequently presenting multiple tumors. We report the case of a 62 year old male, Caucasian patient, from the urban area, who addressed the dermatology department of our hospital for multiple tumors located on the face and upper trunk. A careful examination revealed cerebriform folding of the skin of the scalp. Neurological, psychological, ophthalmological and endocrine disorders were disproven. The patient was diagnosed with cutis verticis gyrata based on the clinical picture and anamnesis, and basal cell carcinoma based on the histopathological examination. Since cutis verticis gyrata predated the BCCs by four decades, and no other conditions were associated, the patient was diagnosed with primary essential cutis verticis gyrata

    Infecţia retrovirală acută

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    Se apreciază că între 40 şi 90% din infecţiile retrovirale acute (primo-infecţia HIV) sunt simptomatice. Identificarea pacienţilor în stadiile iniţiale ale infecţiei HIV are o importanţă deosebită, atât din punct de vedere medical (iniţierea precoce a terapiei antiretrovirale), cât şi din punct de vedere epidemiologic (întreruperea lanţului epidemiologic). Manifestările clinice ale infecţiei retrovirale acute (sindromul retroviral acut) apar la 3-6 săptămâni de la infectare. Acestea includ febră (80-90%), astenie (70-90%), erupţii morbiliforme (40-80%), cefalee (30-70%), limfadenopatie (40-70%), faringită (50-70%), mialgii şi artralgii, meningită aseptică (24%), dureri retro-orbitare, ulceraţii orale şi/sau genitale (5-20%), manifestări gastro-intestinale etc. Deoarece multe dintre aceste simptome sunt nespecifice, diagnosticul poate fi omis, chiar şi atunci când există un grad mare de suspiciune. Severitatea şi durata infecţiei retrovirale acute au valoare prognostică, manifestările severe şi prelungite corelându-se cu o progresie rapidă a bolii. Diagnosticul este sugerat de apariţia unor manifestări clinice compatibile la un pacient cu comportament sexual riscant sau cu o infecţie transmisibilă sexual recentă şi este confirmat de un test virusologic pozitiv (şi anticorpi negativi) sau prin documentarea seroconversiei. S-a demonstrat că iniţierea tratamentului antiretroviral reduce morbiditatea şi mortalitatea legate de boală; însă, o condiţie esenţială pentru realizarea acestui obiectiv o reprezintă stricta aderenţă la regimul terapeutic. De asemenea, prin scăderea încărcăturii virale, reduce considerabil şi contagiozitatea