6,268 research outputs found

    Properties of nuclei in the nobelium region studied within the covariant, Skyrme, and Gogny energy density functionals

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    We calculate properties of the ground and excited states of nuclei in the nobelium region for proton and neutron numbers of 92 <= Z <= 104 and 144 <= N <= 156, respectively. We use three different energy-density-functional (EDF) approaches, based on covariant, Skyrme, and Gogny functionals, each within two different parameter sets. A comparative analysis of the results obtained for odd-even mass staggerings, quasiparticle spectra, and moments of inertia allows us to identify single-particle and shell effects that are characteristic to these different models and to illustrate possible systematic uncertainties related to using the EDF modellingComment: 43 LaTeX pages, 14 figures, accepted in Nuclear Physics A, Special Issue on Superheavy Element

    The Stokes Phenomenon and Schwinger Vacuum Pair Production in Time-Dependent Laser Pulses

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    Particle production due to external fields (electric, chromo-electric or gravitational) requires evolving an initial state through an interaction with a time-dependent background, with the rate being computed from a Bogoliubov transformation between the in and out vacua. When the background fields have temporal profiles with sub-structure, a semiclassical analysis of this problem confronts the full subtlety of the Stokes phenomenon: WKB solutions are only local, while the production rate requires global information. Incorporating the Stokes phenomenon, we give a simple quantitative explanation of the recently computed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 150404 (2009)] oscillatory momentum spectrum of e+e- pairs produced from vacuum subjected to a time-dependent electric field with sub-cycle laser pulse structure. This approach also explains naturally why for spinor and scalar QED these oscillations are out of phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs.; v2 sign typo corrected, version to appear in PR

    Deconfined quantum criticality and generalised exclusion statistics in a non-hermitian BCS model

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    We present a pairing Hamiltonian of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer form which exhibits two quantum critical lines of deconfined excitations. This conclusion is drawn using the exact Bethe ansatz equations of the model which admit a class of simple, analytic solutions. The deconfined excitations obey generalised exclusion statistics. A notable property of the Hamiltonian is that it is non-hermitian. Although it does not have a real spectrum for all choices of coupling parameters, we provide a rigorous argument to establish that real spectra occur on the critical lines. The critical lines are found to be invariant under a renormalisation group map.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Stylistic changes, results unchange

    Chaotic systems in complex phase space

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    This paper examines numerically the complex classical trajectories of the kicked rotor and the double pendulum. Both of these systems exhibit a transition to chaos, and this feature is studied in complex phase space. Additionally, it is shown that the short-time and long-time behaviors of these two PT-symmetric dynamical models in complex phase space exhibit strong qualitative similarities.Comment: 22 page, 16 figure

    Harmonic oscillator well with a screened Coulombic core is quasi-exactly solvable

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    In the quantization scheme which weakens the hermiticity of a Hamiltonian to its mere PT invariance the superposition V(x) = x^2+ Ze^2/x of the harmonic and Coulomb potentials is defined at the purely imaginary effective charges (Ze^2=if) and regularized by a purely imaginary shift of x. This model is quasi-exactly solvable: We show that at each excited, (N+1)-st harmonic-oscillator energy E=2N+3 there exists not only the well known harmonic oscillator bound state (at the vanishing charge f=0) but also a normalizable (N+1)-plet of the further elementary Sturmian eigenstates \psi_n(x) at eigencharges f=f_n > 0, n = 0, 1, ..., N. Beyond the first few smallest multiplicities N we recommend their perturbative construction.Comment: 13 pages, Latex file, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Does the complex deformation of the Riemann equation exhibit shocks?

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    The Riemann equation ut+uux=0u_t+uu_x=0, which describes a one-dimensional accelerationless perfect fluid, possesses solutions that typically develop shocks in a finite time. This equation is \cP\cT symmetric. A one-parameter \cP\cT-invariant complex deformation of this equation, utiu(iux)ϵ=0u_t-iu(iu_x)^\epsilon= 0 (ϵ\epsilon real), is solved exactly using the method of characteristic strips, and it is shown that for real initial conditions, shocks cannot develop unless ϵ\epsilon is an odd integer.Comment: latex, 8 page

    An alternative to the conventional micro-canonical ensemble

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    Usual approach to the foundations of quantum statistical physics is based on conventional micro-canonical ensemble as a starting point for deriving Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) equilibrium. It leaves, however, a number of conceptual and practical questions unanswered. Here we discuss these questions, thereby motivating the study of a natural alternative known as Quantum Micro-Canonical (QMC) ensemble. We present a detailed numerical study of the properties of the QMC ensemble for finite quantum systems revealing a good agreement with the existing analytical results for large quantum systems. We also propose the way to introduce analytical corrections accounting for finite-size effects. With the above corrections, the agreement between the analytical and the numerical results becomes very accurate. The QMC ensemble leads to an unconventional kind of equilibrium, which may be realizable after strong perturbations in small isolated quantum systems having large number of levels. We demonstrate that the variance of energy fluctuations can be used to discriminate the QMC equilibrium from the BG equilibrium. We further suggest that the reason, why BG equilibrium commonly occurs in nature rather than the QMC-type equilibrium, has something to do with the notion of quantum collapse.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Asymptotics of Expansion of the Evolution Operator Kernel in Powers of Time Interval Δt\Delta t

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    The upper bound for asymptotic behavior of the coefficients of expansion of the evolution operator kernel in powers of the time interval \Dt was obtained. It is found that for the nonpolynomial potentials the coefficients may increase as n!n!. But increasing may be more slow if the contributions with opposite signs cancel each other. Particularly, it is not excluded that for number of the potentials the expansion is convergent. For the polynomial potentials \Dt-expansion is certainly asymptotic one. The coefficients increase in this case as Γ(nL2L+2)\Gamma(n \frac{L-2}{L+2}), where LL is the order of the polynom. It means that the point \Dt=0 is singular point of the kernel.Comment: 12 pp., LaTe

    Quantum toboggans: models exhibiting a multisheeted PT symmetry

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    A generalization of the concept of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians H=p^2+V(x) is described. It uses analytic potentials V(x) (with singularities) and a generalized concept of PT-symmetric asymptotic boundary conditions. Nontrivial toboggans are defined as integrated along topologically nontrivial paths of coordinates running over several Riemann sheets of wave functions.Comment: 16 pp, 5 figs. Written version of the talk given during 5th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, University of Valladolid, Spain, July 22 - 28 2007, webpage http://tristan.fam.uva.es/~qts

    2*2 random matrix ensembles with reduced symmetry: From Hermitian to PT-symmetric matrices

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    A possibly fruitful extension of conventional random matrix ensembles is proposed by imposing symmetry constraints on conventional Hermitian matrices or parity-time- (PT-) symmetric matrices. To illustrate the main idea, we first study 2*2 complex Hermitian matrix ensembles with O(2) invariant constraints, yielding novel level-spacing statistics such as singular distributions, half-Gaussian distribution, distributions interpolating between GOE (Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble) distribution and half Gaussian distributions, as well as gapped-GOE distribution. Such a symmetry-reduction strategy is then used to explore 2*2 PT-symmetric matrix ensembles with real eigenvalues. In particular, PT-symmetric random matrix ensembles with U(2) invariance can be constructed, with the conventional complex Hermitian random matrix ensemble being a special case. In two examples of PT-symmetric random matrix ensembles, the level-spacing distributions are found to be the standard GUE (Gaussian Unitary Ensemble) statistics or "truncated-GUE" statistics