5 research outputs found

    Sequence Matching Analysis for Curriculum Development

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    Many organizations apply information technologies to support their business processes. Using the information technologies, the actual events are recorded and utilized to conform with predefined model. Conformance checking is an approach to measure the fitness and appropriateness between process model and actual events. However, when there are multiple events with the same timestamp, the traditional approach unfit to result such measures. This study attempts to develop a sequence matching analysis. Considering conformance checking as the basis of this approach, this proposed approach utilizes the current control flow technique in process mining domain. A case study in the field of educational process has been conducted. This study also proposes a curriculum analysis framework to test the proposed approach. By considering the learning sequence of students, it results some measurements for curriculum development. Finally, the result of the proposed approach has been verified by relevant instructors for further development

    Perhitungan Carbon Footprint pada Perusahaan Peleburan Logam di Surabaya

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    Abstract: Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases generated from production activities. PT. X is a company which engaged in the melting industry and it aims to export. This research aims to determine carbon footprint of Bronze and PB products that divide into 3 scopes. The 3 scopes are materials, energy, and transportation. The results of this research show the carbon footprint of Bronze products are 13.898,16 kgsCO2e, while the carbon footprints of PB products are 113.393,322 kgsCO2e. Average emissions from Bronze and PB products are higher than average emissions of several countries so it can be said that currently the company needs to reduce the emissions before exporting the product. Some improvements can be made to improve the emmisions by replacing the energy from electricity to gas and changing the delivery system

    Decision Analysis on Choosing the Right Site Location of Learning Facility Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    This paper will be discussing on the decision analysis using Analytic Hierarchy Process. Making a decision can be challenging especially when it involves the whole organization. The complexity of the problem, the uncertainty of the outcome of the alternative will make a decision maker having a hard time to finalize his decision. Therefore, Analytical Hierarchy Process is one of the answers to help a decision maker in decision-making. AHP has been used in many areas by simplifying the complex situation through its hierarchy and putting the weight on each criterion (level 1, level 2, and so on) in that hierarchy. The pairwise comparison between criterions and also between criterions and the alternatives will present the prioritization. The global weight can be obtained by adding up the local weight. This AHP method is applied through the following case study. The BPPTD Bali (Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Transportasi Darat / Civic Education and Training of Transportation) would like to improve their human resources by increasing the learning facilities through transportation school construction facility. The right location is very crucial before making a decision. However, there are 6 factors to be considered for location selection which are legal aspect, social, economy, cultural, technical and environment. Every location will be reviewed through these 6 aspects and analyzed using AHP method. The result of this research will be used by the decision maker to decide the location, which has the highest weight

    Analisa mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja tenaga kerja pada PT. X

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    Suatu perusahaan perlu memperhatikan dan memperbaiki kinerja dari tenaga kerja secara terus-menerus, termasuk perusahaan PT. X. Kinerja tenaga kerja dipengaruhi oleh bermacam-macam faktor. Faktor-faktor inilah yang harus dapat diketahui dan dianalisa sehingga perusahaan dapat mengambil langkah yang tepat dalam usaha meningkatkan kinerja tenaga kerja. Faktor-faktor tersebut disusun berdasarkan teori yang telah ada dan kondisi yang terjadi di lapangan perusahaan yang kemudian dituangkan ke dalam bentuk kuisioner. Faktor-faktor yang disusun dalam kuisioner adalah faktor gaji, reward, motivasi, aturan, komunikasi dan fasilitas. Hasil kuisioner tersebut akan diolah dengan menggunakan alat bantu statistik dan pemodelan dengan menggunakan fuzzy cognitive maps untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kinerja dari tenaga kerja. Pemodelan fuzzy cognitive maps diperoleh dari hasil analisa data secara statistik, studi literatur, wawancara dari perusahaan. Hasil analisa dengan analisa secara statistik membuktikan faktor yang berpengaruh adalah faktor kesesuaian antara posisi tubuh operator dengan mesin dalam melakukan proses produksi serta faktor umur (faktor dari segi fisik). Hasil analisa dengan pemodelan fuzzy cognitive maps membuktikan bahwa faktor reward dan faktor motivasi (faktor dari segi mental) yang berpengaruh pada kinerja operator. Hasil kedua analisa tersebut yang akan dijadikan kontribusi bagi perusahaan PT. X sehingga nantinya dapat meningkatkan kinerja tenaga kerja

    Sequence Matching Analysis for Curriculum Development

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    Many organizations apply information technologies to support their business processes. Using the information technologies, the actual events are recorded and utilized to conform with predefined model. Conformance checking is an approach to measure the fitness and appropriateness between process model and actual events. However, when there are multiple events with the same timestamp, the traditional approach unfit to result such measures. This study attempts to develop a sequence matching analysis. Considering conformance checking as the basis of this approach, this proposed approach utilizes the current control flow technique in process mining domain. A case study in the field of educational process has been conducted. This study also proposes a curriculum analysis framework to test the proposed approach. By considering the learning sequence of students, it results some measurements for curriculum development. Finally, the result of the proposed approach has been verified by relevant instructors for further development