23 research outputs found
Réprimer par le droit : L’intervention de la Brigade nationale de police judicaire dans les procès du Hirak El-Rif
Cet article s’intéresse à l’intervention de la Brigade nationale de police judiciaire (BNPJ) dans la gestion judicaire du mouvement social marocain « Hirak ». Il s’agit d’un mouvement de contestation qui s’est développé dans le Rif, au Maroc, à la suite de la mort d’un poissonnier écrasé par une benne à ordure alors qu’il tentait de récupérer sa marchandise confisquée par les autorités. Le mouvement naissant dénonce la marginalité socio-économique et politique dont souffre la région et revendique des réformes profondes pour le développement du Rif. Accusés de « porter atteinte à la sûreté d’État », les militants arrêtés considérés comme les cadres du mouvement, ont été condamnés à des peines allant de 5 ans à 20 ans de prison ferme. En s’appuyant sur des entretiens réalisés avec des ex-détenus graciés, des avocats, l’analyse des documents judiciaires, les rapports de l’Instance équité et réconciliation (IER), ainsi qu’une revue de presse qui retrace toutes les apparitions médiatiques des directeurs de la BNPJ, cet article étudie les modalités de répression de la dissidence politique par cette brigade. Il s’interroge également sur sa stratégie pour remplir sa mission principale : la préservation de la sécurité intérieure, donc du maintien d’un ordre politique, mission qu’elle accomplie depuis sa création. Le changement politique initié au Maroc par l’alternance consensuelle et la mise en place de l’IER a obligé cette brigade à se réinventer. Le suivi de l’évolution historique de cette brigade depuis la fin des années 1990 jusqu’à aujourd’hui montre comment elle a élargi son champ d’intervention, passant d’une brigade traitant seulement des affaires liées à la sûreté d’État, qui s’occupe principalement du dossier des opposants politiques de gauche, à une brigade incluant les affaires d’ampleur nationale et relevant de la lutte contre le crime organisé (terrorisme, trafic de drogue, etc.). Ce remaniement dans sa structure et son fonctionnement a permis à cette brigade de se professionnaliser dans sa gestion des dossiers politiques en orientant sa stratégie de répression vers la collecte des preuves conduisant à la criminalisation du mouvement contestataire. En décrivant les pratiques d’arrestation et d’interrogatoire des militants du Hirak, cet article montre comment la BNPJ a abandonné les anciennes méthodes de disparition forcée, de torture et de détention arbitraire, pour faire du droit son arme de répression. L’argument que je défends consiste à montrer comment la BNPJ a changé ses modalités et sa stratégie de répression, passant d’une brigade qui avait pour mission le démantèlement des organisations politiques de gauche clandestines à travers la torture et la détention secrète dont le seul objectif est de collecter des informations conduisant à localiser et traquer les militants politiques pour les faire disparaitre, vers une brigade dont la stratégie de répression passe par l’action judicaire, en conduisant des interrogatoires et en dressant des procès-verbaux qui visent à collecter des preuves judiciaires exploitables pendant les procès. Mon propos s’organise en quatre parties. La première montre comment la BNPJ a évolué, d’une police spécialisée seulement dans les affaires relevant de la sûreté d’État à une brigade avec un champ d’intervention beaucoup plus élargi. La deuxième entreprend de décrire comment les pratiques d’arrestation de cette brigade correspondent à un style d’intervention « confrontationnel », caractérisé par la mise en avant de l’autorité policière et l’usage de la force (Maillard et Zagrodzi ; 2017). La troisième partie s’attache à décrire les types de pratiques déployées par cette brigade à l’occasion d’un interrogatoire visant à obtenir des aveux. La dernière partie entend montrer, à travers la constitution des PV, comment la BNPJ procède à une collecte orientée des faits incriminants lui permettant de produire une histoire judicaire cohérente.This article looks at the involvement of the Brigade nationale de police judiciaire (BNPJ) in the judicial management of the Moroccan "Hirak" social movement. This protest movement developed in Morocco's Rif region, following the death of a fishmonger crushed by garbage truck compactor while trying to recover his fish goods confiscated by the authorities. The nascent movement denounced the socio-economic and political marginalization of the region and called for far-reaching reforms for the Rif's development. Accused of "undermining state security", the arrested activists, considered to be the movement's leaders, were sentenced to between 5 and 20 years in prison. Based on interviews with pardoned ex-detainees and lawyers, analysis of court documents, reports by the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER), and a press review of all media appearances by BNPJ directors, this article examines how this brigade repressed political dissent. As well as its strategy for fulfilling its principal mission of preserving internal security and maintaining political order, a mission it has been fulfilling since its creation. The political change initiated in Morocco by the consensual alternation of power and the establishment of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) has forced this brigade to reinvent itself. A look at the historical development of this brigade from the late 1990s to the present day shows how it has broadened its scope of intervention, moving from a brigade dealing only with cases linked to state security, mainly dealing with the files of left-wing political opponents, to a brigade including cases of national scope and falling within the scope of the fight against organized crime (terrorism, drug trafficking, etc.). This rearrangement in its structure and operation has enabled the brigade to professionalize its treatment of political cases, orienting its repressive strategy towards the collection of evidence leading to the criminalization of the protest movement. By describing the arrest and interrogation practices of Hirak activists, this article shows how the BNPJ has abandoned the old methods of enforced disappearance, torture and arbitrary detention, to make the law its weapon of repression. The argument I defend consists in showing how the BNPJ has changed its methods and strategy of repression, from a brigade whose mission was to dismantle clandestine left-wing political organizations through torture and secret detention, with the sole aim of gathering information leading to the location and tracking down of political activists in order to make them disappear, to a Brigade whose strategy of repression involved judicial action, conducting interrogations and drawing up reports aimed at collecting legal evidence that could be used during trials. My presentation is divided into four parts. The first shows how the BNPJ has evolved from a police force specializing solely in state security matters to a brigade with a much broader scope of intervention. The second undertakes to describe how the arrest practices of this brigade correspond to a "confrontational" style of intervention, characterized by the foregrounding of police authority and the use of force ( Maillard and Zagrodzi; 2017). The third part describes the types of practices deployed by this brigade during an interrogation aimed at obtaining a confession. The final section shows how the BNPJ collects incriminating facts in a targeted way, through the creation of PVs, to produce a coherent judicial history.يُركِّز هذا المقالُ على تَدَخُّـل الفرقة الوطنية للشرطة القضائية (BNPJ) في الإدارة القضائية للحركة الاجتماعية المغربية «الحِراك». ويدور الموضوع حول حركة احتجاجية تطوَّرَت في منطقة الريف بالمغرب عَقِبَ وفاةِ بائعِ سمكٍ دَعسَتْه شاحنةُ قُمامة أثناءَ محاولتِه استعادةَ بِضاعتِه الَّتي صادرَتْها السلطاتُ. تَدين الحركةُ الناشئة التهميشَ الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والسياسي الذي تعاني منه المنطقةُ وتُطالِب بإصلاحات عميقة لتنمية منطقة الريف. وإثرَ اتِّهامِ النشطاء المعتقلين، والذين يُعتبَرون من قادة الحركة، بتهمة «الإساءة لأمن الدولة»، حُكِمَ عليهم بأحكام تتراوح بين 5 سنوات و20 سنة في السجن. بناءً على مقابلات أُجرِيَت مع معتقلين سابقين أُعفِيَ عنهم ومع محامين، وبناءً على تحليلِ وثائقَ قضائيةٍ وتقاريرِ هيئة الإنصاف والمصالحة (IER) بالإضافة إلى عَرض صَحَفي يُبَيِّن جميعَ الظهورات الإعلامية لمديري الفرقة الوطنية للشرطة القضائية (BNPJ) فإن هذا المقال يَدرُس أساليبَ قمعِ هذه الفرقةِ للمعارَضة السياسية. كما أنه يَطرَح تساؤلاتٍ عن استراتيجيتها للقيام بمهمتها الرئيسية : وهي الحفاظ على الأمن الداخلي، وبالتالي الحفاظ على نظام سياسي، وهي المهمة التي تقوم بها منذ إنشائها. إن التغيير السياسي الذي بدأ في المغرب مِن خِلالِ التناوبِ التوافقي وإنشاءِ هيئةِ الإنصاف والمصالحة أجبَرَ هذه الفرقةَ على إعادة تجديد نفسها. إن متابعة التطور التاريخي لهذه الفرقة منذ نهاية التسعينيات وحتى اليوم يُظهِر كيف وسَّعَت نطاقَ تدخُّلِها، منتقلةً من فرقة تتعامل فقط مع القضايا المرتبطة بأمن الدولة، وتهتمّ بشكل أساسي بملف المعارضين السياسيين اليساريين إلى فرقة تشمل القضايا ذات البعد القومي والمتعلقة بمكافحة الجريمة المنظمة (الإرهاب وتجارة المخدرات وما إلى ذلك). وهذا التعديل في بُنيتها وعمَلِها أتاح لهذه الفرقة الاحترافَ في إدارتها للملفات السياسية من خلال توجيه استراتيجيتها القمعية نحو جَمع الأدلة التي تؤدي إلى تجريم الحركة الاحتجاجية. فمِن خِلالِ وصف ممارساتِ اعتقال نشطاء الحراك واستجوابِهم، يوضح هذا المقالُ كيف تخلَّت الفرقةُ الوطنية للشرطة القضائية (BNPJ) عن الأساليب القديمة المتمثلة في الاختفاء القسري والتعذيب والاحتجاز التعسفي، لكي تَجعَلَ مِن القانون سِلاحَها القمعي. إنَّ الدليل الذي أدافِع عنه يتمثَّل في إظهار كيفية تغيير الفرقة الوطنية للشرطة القضائية (BNPJ) لطرائقها واستراتيجيتها القمعية، منتقلةً من فرقة كانت مهمتُها تفكيكَ التنظيماتِ السياسيةِ اليسارية السِّرِّيَّةِ من خلال التعذيب والاعتقال السّرّيّ الذي كان هدفُه الوحيدُ هو جَمْعَ المعلومات المؤدِّيةِ إلى تحديد مكان الناشطين السياسيين وتعَقُّبِهم من أجل إخفائهم، نَحوَ فِرقةٍ تقوم استراتيجيتُها القمعيةُ على العمل القضائي من خلال إجراء استجوابات وإعدادِ تقاريرَ تَهدفُ إلى جمع معلومات وأدلة قضائية يمكن استخدامها أثناء المحاكمات. إنَّ مقالي مرتَّبٌ في أربعة أجزاء. الجُزءُ الأول يوضح كيف تطوَّرَتْ الفرقةُ الوطنية للشرطة القضائية (BNPJ) من شُرطة متخصِّصة فقط في القضايا المتعلِّقة بأمن الدولة إلى فرقةٍ ذاتِ نِطاقِ تَدَخُّلٍ أوسعَ بِكثيرٍ. ويقوم الجزءُ الثاني بوصفِ كيفيةِ توافُقِ ممارَساتِ الاعتقال التي تقوم بها هذه الفرقةُ مع أسلوب التدخل «بالمواجهة» الذي يتميز بالتركيز على سلطة الشرطة واستخدام القوة (مايار زَغرودزي [Maillard et Zagrodzi] : 2017). أمَّا الجُزءُ الثالث فيركِّز على وصف أنواع الممارسات التي تقوم بها هذه الفرقةُ أثناء الاستجواب الذي يهدف إلى الحصول على اعترافات. ويهدف الجزء الأخير إلى أنْ يُظهِرَ مِن خِلالِ وضعِ تقاريرَ كيف تقوم الفرقةُ الوطنية للشرطة القضائية (BNPJ) بعمليةِ جَمعٍ مُوَجَّهٍ للوقائعِ الـتجريمية التي تتيح لها إنتاج تاريخ قضائي متماسك
Réprimer par le droit : L’intervention de la Brigade nationale de police judicaire dans les procès du Hirak El-Rif
This article looks at the involvement of the Brigade nationale de police judiciaire (BNPJ) in the judicial management of the Moroccan "Hirak" social movement. This protest movement developed in Morocco's Rif region, following the death of a fishmonger crushed by garbage truck compactor while trying to recover his fish goods confiscated by the authorities. The nascent movement denounced the socio-economic and political marginalization of the region and called for far-reaching reforms for the Rif's development. Accused of "undermining state security", the arrested activists, considered to be the movement's leaders, were sentenced to between 5 and 20 years in prison. Based on interviews with pardoned ex-detainees and lawyers, analysis of court documents, reports by the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER), and a press review of all media appearances by BNPJ directors, this article examines how this brigade repressed political dissent. As well as its strategy for fulfilling its principal mission of preserving internal security and maintaining political order, a mission it has been fulfilling since its creation. The political change initiated in Morocco by the consensual alternation of power and the establishment of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) has forced this brigade to reinvent itself. A look at the historical development of this brigade from the late 1990s to the present day shows how it has broadened its scope of intervention, moving from a brigade dealing only with cases linked to state security, mainly dealing with the files of left-wing political opponents, to a brigade including cases of national scope and falling within the scope of the fight against organized crime (terrorism, drug trafficking, etc.). This rearrangement in its structure and operation has enabled the brigade to professionalize its treatment of political cases, orienting its repressive strategy towards the collection of evidence leading to the criminalization of the protest movement. By describing the arrest and interrogation practices of Hirak activists, this article shows how the BNPJ has abandoned the old methods of enforced disappearance, torture and arbitrary detention, to make the law its weapon of repression. The argument I defend consists in showing how the BNPJ has changed its methods and strategy of repression, from a brigade whose mission was to dismantle clandestine left-wing political organizations through torture and secret detention, with the sole aim of gathering information leading to the location and tracking down of political activists in order to make them disappear, to a Brigade whose strategy of repression involved judicial action, conducting interrogations and drawing up reports aimed at collecting legal evidence that could be used during trials. My presentation is divided into four parts. The first shows how the BNPJ has evolved from a police force specializing solely in state security matters to a brigade with a much broader scope of intervention. The second undertakes to describe how the arrest practices of this brigade correspond to a "confrontational" style of intervention, characterized by the foregrounding of police authority and the use of force ( Maillard and Zagrodzi; 2017). The third part describes the types of practices deployed by this brigade during an interrogation aimed at obtaining a confession. The final section shows how the BNPJ collects incriminating facts in a targeted way, through the creation of PVs, to produce a coherent judicial history
Influence du pH de la température sur la valeur de la conductivité électrique. Application aux pates fines de charcuterie
The goal of this study is a) to determine the importance of pH variations during the scraping process and the consequences of structure modifications, thus induced, on the value of the obtained conductivity; and b) to complete determination results of the thermal coefficient in order to correct the temperature on a scraping time bracket large enough to constitute a good frame of the optimum yield zone. / L'étude consiste à déterminer d'une part, l'importance des variations du pH au cours du procédé de curetage et les conséquences des modifications structurales, ainsi induites, au niveau de la valeur de la conductivité obtenue; d'autre part, il s'agit de compléter des résultats de détermination du coefficient thermique, en vue d'effectuer une correction de température sur un intervalle de temps de curetage suffisamment large pour constituer un bon encadrement de la zone de rendement optimal
Anthropologie et justice
International audienceDans les travaux d’anthropologie portant sur la justice, les questions de la domination, des inégalités et des discriminations de genre ont focalisé l’attention. Privilégiant une approche critique plutôt que descriptive, cette focalisation a entraîné la marginalisation de l’étude du fonctionnement ordinaire et concret de la justice. L’engouement pour la méthode ethnographique, voire praxéologique, permet d'entrevoir une inflexion de cette tendance
New Bi2O3-ZnO composite deposited on glass wool. Effect of the synthesis method on photocatalytic efficiency under visible light
Highlights• A comparative synthesis method of composite with/without glass wool GW is described.• Solvothermal and hydrothermal synthesis methods are chosen in this study.• The obtained photocatalyst Bi2O3-ZnO-GW by solvothermal method is red-shifted.• The efficiency of this photocatalyst is much higher than that of the benchmark P25.• This photocatalyst exhibits a high stability after five uses.International audienceIn this study, a comparison between two methods of synthesis of Bi2O3-ZnO composite deposited on glass wool (GW) was conducted via the layered double hydroxide (LDH) synthesis route followed by treatment at 450 °C. The obtained materials were characterized by TGA, XDR, SEM, BET, XPS and UV–visible DRS. Characterization results showed two structures identified as LDH and (BiO)2CO3 with and without GW before heat treatment. Bi2O3-ZnO composite was obtained after treatment at 450 °C; however, solvothermal synthesis with GW would appear to be better than that of hydrothermal. Indeed, the material prepared by solvothermal with GW then treated at 450 °C has good crystallinity, high specific surface and lowest band gap energy compared to materials synthesized by hydrothermal. Furthermore, this material showed photocatalytic efficiency of 20 min for a total discoloration of the indigo carmine (IC), this was the best time of discoloration obtained compared to other materials and others from the literature. Identification of the responsible species for the photo-discoloration was conducted and the result showed that the species responsible for the dye discoloration was the radical superoxide anion with a small contribution of the e−/h+ pair. It appears that the hydroxyl radical didn't contribute in this discoloration mechanism
Combined effect between PVP and glass wool for improvement of the photocatalytic activity under visible light of bismuth (III) oxyhalide and access to α-Bi2O3-BiOI-BiOBr
International audienceImprovement of the photocatalytic efficiency of BiOI/BiOBr composite have been obtained by a combined effect between a structuring agent like polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and glass wool (GW) introduced during their synthesis by solvothermal (STP) or hydrothermal (HTP) process. The photocatalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM, XPS, UV-Visible DRS, BET and EDX and their activity tested in the photo-degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light. Photocatalyst prepared by STP have higher photocatalytic efficiency than those prepared by HTP, moreover, the presence of PVP and GW greatly improve this efficiency, a total discoloration of RhB solution (20 mg L −1) being obtained after 18 min. The photodegradation mechanism has been proposed by the identification of the radical species responsible for the degradation. Indeed, two radical species have been identified for the catalyst prepared without GW, most of them the hole (h +) and moderately super oxide anion (). Differently, for the catalyst prepared with GW, three species have been identified, h + being the main species with a moderate contribution of the hydroxyl radical (HO) and
Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Factors Associated with Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in Representative Adult Population in Casablanca City, Morocco: A Cross-Sectional Study
Several studies had revealed that following the Mediterranean diet (MD) contributes to beneficial health status and a decreased risk of many chronic diseases. The aim of our study was to assess adherence to MD in Casablanca City and to identify the relationship between MD adherence and sociodemographic and lifestyle parameters. This cross-sectional study concerned 719 subjects with complete dietary data. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire including sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. The dietary intake was assessed with the use of a food-frequency questionnaire. The compliance with MD was evaluated with a simplified MD score. Our study showed that high adherence to the MD was characterized by high intakes of vegetables, fruits, pulses, fish, cereals, olive oil, and low meat and dairy consumption according to the Simplified MD score. As regard to the multivariate logistic, being a man, being married, persons with a level of education >6 years, luxurious housing, and consumption of alcohol were associated with a higher adherence to MD, while, the overweight was negatively associated with a higher adherence to MD. Maintaining the traditional MD pattern is crucial for public health; in this way, more research is needed in this area in order to precisely measure these associations