37 research outputs found

    Blind Image Deblurring Using Weighted Sum of Gaussian Kernels for Point Spread Function Estimation

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    Tensorial Kernel Based on Spatial Structure Information for Neuroimaging Classification

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    Spatial and Anatomical Regularization Based on Multiple Kernel Learning for Neuroimaging Classification

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    Information Sharing in an Online Game Supply Chain

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    We study an online game supply chain that is composed of a game developer and a distributor. We investigate the impact of the distributor sharing demand information on the game quality investment during the game development stage and the marketing investment. Our analyses show that information sharing does not always improve marketing investment. When the online game market demand is relatively insensitive to the game price, sharing information motivates the distributor to invest more in marketing. In addition, information sharing always affects the developer\u27s decision in product quality. The developer will be less conservative in product quality when it is more certain about the market demand and commit a higher investment after having demand information shared with it. For the distributor, we find that information sharing only results in a higher markup decision when the market demand is not very sensitive to the game price. There exists a Pareto improvement region so that the distributor will voluntarily share the demand information, which benefits both supply chain members

    Dynamic Assessment of Spatiotemporal Population Distribution Based on Mobile Phone Data: A Case Study in Xining City, China

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    Abstract High-resolution, dynamic assessments of the spatiotemporal distributions of populations are critical for urban planning and disaster management. Mobile phone big data have real-time collection, wide coverage, and high resolution advantages and can thus be used to characterize human activities and population distributions at fine spatiotemporal scales. Based on six days of mobile phone user-location signal (MPLS) data, we assessed the dynamic spatiotemporal distribution of the population of Xining City, Qinghai Province, China. The results show that strong temporal regularity exists in the daily activities of local residents. The spatiotemporal distribution of the local population showed a significant downtown-suburban attenuation pattern. Factors such as land use types, holidays, and seasons significantly affect the spatiotemporal patterns of the local population. By combining other spatiotemporal trajectory data, high-resolution and dynamic real-time population distribution evaluations based on mobile phone location signals could be better developed and improved for use in urban management and disaster assessment research

    Technology Research on Traffic Organization of Wuhan Municipal Engineering Projects Under Construction

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    Present Chinese big cities are facing one common problem that road resources have being occupied by the construction of traffic projects. In order to solve the problems of traffic organization during construction properly, this paper put forward the research content and technical principle of municipal engineering projects traffic organization firstly, then suggest a method of traffic organization for viaduct according to the characteristics of the construction period that is divided into three stages (pipelines reconstruction renovation, substructure construction and superstructure construction), which was applied to Traffic organization scheme for construction period of Wuhan Road in Hankou, and it has achieved desired effect. Refer to traffic organization of Wuhan municipal projects under construction, other types of construction projects can be elevated to organize traffic reasonably and keep city traffic common operation, with the consideration of the project characteristics and the actual situation of traffic during construction. Keywords-municipal engineering projects ; under construction ; traffic organization ; traffic impact analysis ; Wuhan city

    Analysis of damage failure in uniaxial compressive of cemented paste backfill by ultrasonic pulse velocity test

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    Cemented paste backfill (CPB) is prepared by mixing cementitious materials, tailings and water. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is one of the most commonly used indicators for evaluating the mechanical performance of CPB. Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) testing which is a non-destructive measurement, can also be applied to determine the mechanical properties of cement-based materials such as CPB. In order to study the failure mechanism of CPB,144 CPB samples prepared at different mass fraction and cement-tailing ratios were subjected to the UCS and UPV tests at 7,14 and 28 days of curing age. The effect of cement-tailing ratio and mass fraction on the UCS and UPV of CPB samples were obtained, the UCS values were correlated with the corresponding UPV data. Microstructural analysis was also performed on CPB samples to understand the effect of microstructure on the UCS data. The results show that the UCS and UPV values of CPB increased with cement-tailing ratio, mass fraction and curing time. Based on the experimental results, the damage constitutive equations and the damage evolution equations of different backfills were proposed on the basis of damage mechanics. Moreover, comparative analysis of constitutive model and experimental results were made to verify the reliability of the damage model. The results acquired by this paper provide a scientific basis for the rational strength design of backfill mine.&nbsp

    Seismic vulnerability assessment at urban scale using data mining and GIScience technology: application to Urumqi (China)

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    Seismic vulnerability assessments play a significant role in comprehensive risk mitigation efforts and seismic emergency planning, especially for urban areas with a high population density and a complex construction environment. Traditional approaches such as in situ fieldwork are accurate for conducting seismic vulnerability assessments of buildings; however, they are too much time and cost-consuming, especially in moderate to low seismic hazard regions. To address this issue, an integrated approach for a macroseismic vulnerability assessment composed of data mining methods and GIScience technology was presented and applied to Urumqi, China. First, vulnerability proxies were established via in situ data of buildings in the Tianshan District with an EMS-98 vulnerability classification scheme and two data mining methods, namely, support vector machine and association rule learning methods. Then, vulnerability proxies were applied to the Urumqi database, and the accuracy was validated. Finally, seismic risk maps were constructed through data consisting of direct damage to buildings and human casualties. The results indicated that the two data mining methods could achieve desirable accuracies and stabilities when estimating the seismic vulnerability. The seismic risk of Urumqi was estimated as Slight with a predicted number of 61,380 homeless people for a seismic intensity scenario of VIII