7 research outputs found

    Does Innovation Promote Performance? Evidence from Developed Economies During Crises

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    This study examines the relationship between firm performance and innovation levels of Information Technology and Communication (ICT), covering 886 firms from five developed countries during the period 2000-2020. The results indicate a positive association between the accessibility and/or the use of ICTs and firms’ innovation performance. More precisely, the positive relationship between ICTs and firm performance is highly pronounced in small-sized firms and strongly related to R&D decisions in large firms. However, during the recession period, the relationship between performance and innovation level is affected differently by the financial crisis, leading to contradictory results. Interestingly, the pandemic crisis has had a positive impact on the firm’s performance-innovation relationship. Despite high rates of ICT diffusion, the results of performance and innovation cannot be considered universal due to the significant differences between countries. Our findings may contribute to the literature by highlighting how variations in ICT impact firms’ innovation performance across countries, particularly during crises. Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Performance, Innovation, Financial Crisis, Pandemic Crisis. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/14-19-03 Publication date: November 30th 202


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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of domestic investment, innovation and R&D on economic growth in the case of MENA Countries over the period 2002 – 2021. By using gravity model statistic, found that domestic investment has a positive impact on economic growth. However, innovation and R&D have not any impact on economic growth. It is true that our results indicate that domestic investments are a source of economic growth, but the lack of R&D investments, the lack of collaboration between universities and businesses, the low quality of education and regulatory obstacles are the causes that make innovation and investment in R&D have an adverse impact on economic growth. MENA countries need to invest more in R&D, promote cooperation, improve the quality of education and ease regulatory barriers

    Impact of Final Consumption, Domestic Investment, Exports, and Imports on Economic Growth in Albania

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of final consumption, domestic investment, exports and imports on economic growth in the case of Albania during the period 1996 – 2021. By using cointegration analysis, VECM model and WALD test, empirical analysis indicated that there is no causality relationship between final consumption, exports, domestic investment, imports and economic growth in the long run and in the short run. These findings present the critical economic situation of Albania, which stands in need of an entry of urgent economic reforms and strong strategies to boost economic growth

    The Cointegration Relationship between Patent, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in United States of America

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    This empirical paper searched the three way-linkage between patent, domestic investment, and economic growth in the case of USA during the period 1980 – 2020. By using cointegration analysis and VECM Model, we found that there is no causal relationship between the three variables in the long run. However, we found that domestic investment and economic growth cause patent in the short run. which explains why patents are not a source of economic growth and domestic investment in America and that there are other determinants that have stimulated American economic activity

    The nexus between domestic investment and economic growth in MENA countries; Do Patents matter?

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    In this paper, we try to search the effect of patents on the relationship between domestic investment and economic growth. Data for MENA countries over the period 1998 – 2022 are applied for panel data analysis. Empirical analysis validates that domestic investment impact positively on economic growth. However, patents don’t have any incidence on economic growth. Also, the outcome of domestic investment on economic growth attests to be not influenced by Patent

    Boosting Economic Growth in Angola: Unveiling the Dynamics of Domestic Investments and Exports

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    This paper extensively explores the intricate interplay between domestic investments, exports, and the long-term economic growth of Angola. By leveraging a robust dataset spanning from 2002 to 2022, we apply rigorous econometric methods, including cointegration analysis and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, to unveil the subtle dynamics among these crucial economic indicators. Contrary to conventional expectations, our analysis uncovers a surprising result: there is no apparent impact of domestic investments and exports on the sustained economic growth of Angola. These findings challenge established economic paradigms and emphasized the imperative need for a thorough reassessment of existing economic policies within the country

    The Impact of Domestic Investment and Trade on Economic Growth in North Africa Countries: New Evidence from Panel CS-ARDL Model

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    The aim of this work is to examine the impact of domestic investment and trade on economic growth in the case of North Africa countries during the period 1990 – 2021 by using Panel CS-ARDL Model. Empirical results indicate that domestic investment and exports don’t have any impact on economic growth in the long run. However, we found that the impact of imports is positive in the long run. These results show that exports and national investments are not considered as a source of economic growth in the country of North Africa over this extended period and suffer from a miserable economic organization and many problems in terms of political and economic instabilities